新托福阅读细节题-实例分析3.These Milankovitch insolation cycles were the dominant theory in ice-age research for much of the twentieth century despite the fact that the match between periods of peak insolation and most intense glaciation

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/05 21:48:17

新托福阅读细节题-实例分析3.These Milankovitch insolation cycles were the dominant theory in ice-age research for much of the twentieth century despite the fact that the match between periods of peak insolation and most intense glaciation
3.These Milankovitch insolation cycles were the dominant theory in ice-age research for much of the twentieth century despite the fact that the match between periods of peak insolation and most intense glaciation were not exact.For example,a cycle of 400,000 years predicted by the Milankovitch theory has never shown up in the climate records obtained through the study of microfossils deposited on the sea floor.Also,recent analysis has shown that the insolation theory predicts peaks of sunlight at intervals of 95,000 and 125,000 years.Climatological data do not support this predicted sunlight peaking.Other damaging evidence was the indication of a precisely measured sudden rise in temperature at a water-filled cave in Nevada,which preceded the increase in solar radiation that was supposed to cause it.
4.These and other problems with the Milankovitch cycles led some researchers to seek alternative explanations for the cyclic arrival of extended ice ages.In the 1990s,it was discovered that the orbital inclination of the Earth to the sun and planets could also be responsible for climate changes.If we imagine a flat plane with the sun in the center and the planets revolving around it,the Earth slowly moves in and out of the flat plane by a few degrees,repeating the cycle every 100,000 years.Two scientists,Muller and MacDonald,have proposed that it is this orbital inclination which is ultimately responsible for the periods of glaciation and warming.They argue that because of the oscillation,the Earth periodically travels through clouds of debris,in the form of dust and meteoroids.Such debris could reduce the amount of solar energy reaching the surface of our planet,thus plunging it into regular cold periods.
QUESTION:In paragraph 4,the author explains that
a) Milankovitch did not know about the orbital inclination of the Earth.
b) glaciation occurs when the orbital inclination has entered a new cycle.
c) the Earth always travels through clouds of debris after moving out of the plane by a few degrees.
d) the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth’s surface casues the changes of temperature.
QUESTION:What problems in the Milankovitch theory was mentioned as being explained by the Muller and MacDonald theory?
a) The climate records obtained by studying microfossil deposits not matching his predicted cycle.
b) The irregularities of the Earth’s movements through orbital inclinations not following any pattern.
c) The Earth’s spin wobbling in relation to the Earth’s oscillating inclination.
d) The peak in the ice ages occurring at intervals between 95,000 and 125000 years instead of 400,000.

新托福阅读细节题-实例分析3.These Milankovitch insolation cycles were the dominant theory in ice-age research for much of the twentieth century despite the fact that the match between periods of peak insolation and most intense glaciation
这种题只能放慢速度细心做了.先确定答题大区间然后找关键词确定小区间.第一题in paragraph4,所以答案从第四段找.然后在题干里找关键词.如果题干没法找关键词就从选项里找最明显的词(名词、数字、专有名词(包括人名)、长单词和奇怪的单词比如Milankovitch就挺奇怪的).选好关键词,回答题区间定位一一排除.人品好的话在A B之间就能选,人品不好的话只能都看完了.
