最后一次送分.高二英语翻译.中译英.有关键词.机译可是不给分的哦.不用关键词也是不给分哦.不要超出高二的水平哦.谢谢! thank you!1.他买了几件新家具来替换那些老式的家具.(furniture.replace.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 06:05:18

最后一次送分.高二英语翻译.中译英.有关键词.机译可是不给分的哦.不用关键词也是不给分哦.不要超出高二的水平哦.谢谢! thank you!1.他买了几件新家具来替换那些老式的家具.(furniture.replace.
谢谢! thank you!
3.我无法忍受那些与我的审美观相违背的看上去不自然的建筑(stand. go against)
4.以往历史上的每一种伟大的文化.都有其审美观念在艺术和建筑上之中的体现(have sth. done, express)
5.一些建筑师想用建筑来改变社会(change with)
6.那建筑给人留下深刻的印象是因为它装着镜面玻璃墙 (impress,be decorated with ,act as)
7.虽然高迪采用传统的建筑材料,他仍是一个现在建筑师(despite the fact that...)
8.设计了纽约艺术博物馆的耐特的灵感来子日本的海贝壳(find sb. inspired by)
9.从顶上看,仿佛体育场覆盖着灰色的钢网(seen,as if. be covered by)
10.哪些书是你的?(belong to)
11.鱼网对于渔夫就如猎枪对于猎手(A is to B what C is to D)
12.这价钱我接受,你希望怎么付款?(be fine with,would like sth. done)
13.很多大楼闲置不用数年后就会被拆毁 (stand empty,pull down)
14.你可以租大小不同的车间(rent of different sizes)
15.那些没有向公众开放的艺术品结果都被博物馆.公司和富人收藏了(art works ,end up, be open to )
16.许多大城市已做过这种试验,旧厂房边成了艺术中心(with sth done)
18.这些问题的答案, 和艺术在当今社会的作用有关(have to do with)

最后一次送分.高二英语翻译.中译英.有关键词.机译可是不给分的哦.不用关键词也是不给分哦.不要超出高二的水平哦.谢谢! thank you!1.他买了几件新家具来替换那些老式的家具.(furniture.replace.
1.He bought a few pieces of new furniture to replace those old-style ones.
2.It is convenient for us to live near the place where we work.
3.I can not stand those unnatural buidlings any longer which go against my aesthetics.
4.Every great culture in the history had their aesthetics expressed in arts and architectures.
5.Some architects intended to change the society with their buildings.
6.That buidling impressed us greatly because it is decorated with a glass wall which acts as a mirror.
7.Despite the fact that Gordy use traditional building materials,he is a modern architect.
8.Nett,who designed New York Art Museum,found himself inspired by the sea shells in Japan.
9.Seen from the top,the stadium looked as if covered by gray steel nets.
10.Which books belong to you?
11.A Fishnet is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter.
12.I am fine with the price,how would you like the money paid?
13.Many buildings stand empty before they were pulled down several years later.
14.You can rent workshops of different sizes.
15.Those art works that were not open to the public end up being collected by the museums,companies and wealthy people.
16.Many big cities have made such a kind of experiment,with the old factories made into an art center.
17.At the first glance,these paitings do not look nice.
18.The answers to these problems have something to do with the role art plays in the modern society.

1: He bought a few pieces of new furniture to replace those old-
fashioned furniture 2:To live away from the workplace is very close to the local convenience 3:I can not put up with th...


1: He bought a few pieces of new furniture to replace those old-
fashioned furniture 2:To live away from the workplace is very close to the local convenience 3:I can not put up with those of aesthetics and I do not run counter to the natural look of the building 4:In the past history of each of the great culture. Has its own aesthetic concepts in art and architecture are the embodiment of the 5:Some architects like to use the building to change the society 6:That building impressive as it is filled with glass wall mirror 7:Although Gaudi traditional building materials, he is now an architect 8:Design Museum of Art, New York, the Knight of inspiration to Japan's sea-shells 9:From the top, as if the stadium is covered with a gray steel net 10: What is your book? 11:Fisherman nets for hunting as the hunter 12:I accept this price, how do you want to pay? 13:Many buildings do not have to idle for a few years will be demolished 14:You can rent a different size of the workshop 15:Those who are not open to the public the results of works of art are museums. And the rich collection of 16:Many large cities have done such a test, while the old plant has become the Arts Center 17:At first glance these paintings are not good-looking 18:The answers to these questions, and the arts in today's society about the role of


1.He bought some new furnitures to replace the old-style furnitures in his house. (furniture.replace.old-style)
2.It is very convenient to live near the place where you work.(convenient)
3.I c...


1.He bought some new furnitures to replace the old-style furnitures in his house. (furniture.replace.old-style)
2.It is very convenient to live near the place where you work.(convenient)
3.I cannot stand those building structures that go against with my taste of aesthetics. (stand. go against)
4.Every great culture in the history had their aesthetics expressed in arts and architectures. (have sth. done, express)
5.Some architects wants to change the society with their buildings.(change with)
6. That building left people great impression because it is decorated with a glass wall which acts as a mirror .(impress,be decorated with ,act as)
7.Despite the fact that Gordy used traditional construction material, he is still a modern architect.(despite the fact that...)
8.(find sb. inspired by) The design of New York's museums was due to the inspiration of Japanese's seashells.
9.Seen from the top, it is as if the gymnasium is covered by gray steel nets. (seen,as if. be covered by)
10.which books belong to you? (belong to)
11.what fish net is to a fishermen is the same as what gun is to a hunter(A is to B what C is to D)
12.The price is fine with me, how would you like the payment method to be? (be fine with,would like sth. done)
13.Many buildings that are stand empty will be pull down in a few years time. (stand empty,pull down)
14.You can rent workshops that are of different sizes.(rent of different sizes)
15.Those art works that are not opened to public ended up been collected by museums, companies or rich people. (art works ,end up, be open to )
16.Many big cities have done these experiments,with the turning of houses near factories into arts center.(with sth done)
17.At first glance, the painting is not looking good(glance)
18.The answers to these questions have something to do with the arts in contemporary society. (have to do with)


1.He has brought some pieces of new furniture to replace those ole-style ones.
2.It is very convenient to live in the place where it is close to working station.
3.I can not stand the unnatura...


1.He has brought some pieces of new furniture to replace those ole-style ones.
2.It is very convenient to live in the place where it is close to working station.
3.I can not stand the unnatural architecture which goes against my appreciation of the beauty.
4.The previous every great change in history had something done in the art and architecture to express the ideas of appreciation of beauty.
5.Some architects hoped to change the architecture with the whole society.
6.Decorated with mirrors to act as its glass wall,the architecture impressed everyone.
7.Despite the fact that Goudi used some traditional architecture materials,he is now still an architect.
8.The New York Art Museum found Nite inspired by the shells in Japan.
9.Seen from above,the stadium looked as if it was covered with a steel net.
10.Which books belong to you?
11.The net is to fishermen what gun is to hunters.
12.The price is fine with me,and by which means woule you like the money paid?
13.The buldings which have stood empty for several years will be pulled dowm.
14.You could rent workshops of different sizes.
15.Those pieces of art works which were not open to public ended up being collected by some museums and rich men.
16.Many big cities have made the experiment with some old factories turned into art centers.
17.These picture don't look good at the first glance.
18.The answers to these questions have something to do with the influence made on the society by present art.
