Barron's 的sat题目,解释是要改写成as a result of,这两个结构有什么区别?By the time(A) the bank guard closed the doors,a riot had erupted(B) due to(C) the long lines and shortage of(D) tellers.No error(E)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 17:29:27

Barron's 的sat题目,解释是要改写成as a result of,这两个结构有什么区别?By the time(A) the bank guard closed the doors,a riot had erupted(B) due to(C) the long lines and shortage of(D) tellers.No error(E)
Barron's 的sat题目,解释是要改写成as a result of,这两个结构有什么区别?
By the time(A) the bank guard closed the doors,a riot had erupted(B) due to(C) the long lines and shortage of(D) tellers.No error(E)

Barron's 的sat题目,解释是要改写成as a result of,这两个结构有什么区别?By the time(A) the bank guard closed the doors,a riot had erupted(B) due to(C) the long lines and shortage of(D) tellers.No error(E)
due to 由……引起,归功于
而且due to 一般作表语

By the time(A) the bank guard closed the doors,as a result of a riot had being erupted(B),the long lines and shortage of(D) tellers. No error(E)
due to 由……引起,归功于,一般不用与句首,而as a result of 可用于句首,也可用于句中。

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