
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/08 18:50:24


To the Chinese counter-dumping present situation,the reason and the countermeasure study the dumping are refer to the exporter to be lower than the normal value the price the export commodity and to import the side industry to create the substantive harm the behavior,not only will harm the importing country with it competition manufacturer or the industry to the importer,will harass the normal market order seriously.Counter-dumping as GATT and the World Trade Organization recognized that with the permission trade protective measures,is the international general protection home industry method,is also uses for to cope with the fair competition the essential tool.It has the form legitimately,easy to implement,can protect the home industry effectively,and is not easy to incur the retaliation the characteristic.In recent years,our country product revolted repeatedly in the international mountain farm plot the dumping suit,clearly recognized that overseas to our country product counter-dumping indictment reason,and took the corresponding countermeasure,has become Our country Enterprise to further expand the international market the urgent matter,also became the theorists an attention focal point.This article through analysis overseas to Chinese counter-dumping present situation and characteristic,is clear about its reason,then gives certain countermeasure.

英语翻译对华反倾销现状、原因及对策研究倾销是指出口商以低于正常价值的价格向进口商出口商品并对进口方产业造成实质损害的行为,不仅会损害进口国与之竞争的厂商或产业,而且会严 英语翻译论文题目为:“国外对华反倾销措施对中国对外贸易的影响及对策”翻译成英文,小弟定当感激涕零! 空气污染现状,原因及对策 英语翻译宜昌国贸大厦服务营销现状及对策研究,翻译成英语. 英语翻译长三角出口导向型产业发展现状及对策研究 ---翻译成英文 我国纺织业遭遇反倾销的原因及对策分析英语怎么说英语怎么翻译 英语翻译应该是 天津高新技术产业开发区发展现状及对策 英语翻译中美贸易摩擦现状、原因及对策 请问这句翻译成论文格式的英文标题怎么翻 英语翻译我国对外贸易中的反倾销问题研究随着国际市场竞争的日益激烈和不断升级,反倾销逐渐演变成为许多国家进行贸易保护的手段.近年来,我国产品在国际市场上屡造反倾销投诉,对华产 如何将 “我国碳金融市场发展现状及对策研究” 翻译成英文 希望高手指点 英语翻译广东省鞋企频遭欧盟反倾销调查的原因及对策摘要:随着中国经济的不断发展和国际贸易保护主义的日益加强,中国企业在对外贸易中也面临着各种反倾销案件,我国出口产品在海外 英语翻译某医疗器械公司营销渠道现状分析与对策研究 英语翻译我国风险投资中存在的问题及对策研究 我国物种受威胁的现状,生物多样性的丧失的原因及保护对策~ 英语翻译中国纺织品服装出口遭遇反倾销的现状及应对策略郑重谢绝翻译器所提供的答案! 我国农业现状,成因及对策思考? 校园社会公德现状及对策论文 浅析我国绿色会计发展现状及对策怎么用英语翻译?