
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 02:33:28


Day 1
It was a very sunny day today,full of sunshine and not a single piece of cloud is seen.I decided to go out and meet my best friends to have a fullfil lunch.We went to the nearest chinese restaurant after meeting at the train station.It was so tasty that i wanted to take it to home to enjoy it with my family.Unfortunately,i had soup noodles so i couldnt take it away.Anyway,i enjoyed it.
Day 2
Today really is the opposite of yesterday.It was a dark day,grey clouds are seen everywhere!I predict that it will rain so i am going to stay home for today.There isnt much to do at home though,but since its sunday,theres lots of tv on which i like.i was forced to turn the TV off when i heard thunder and felt lightning striking across the sky like a scar.Unlucky.It was a boring day...
Day 3
It continued to rain today,but not really heavily so i decided to get outside.Another one of my friends invited me to a shopping centre to do some shopping.We havent contacted each other for so long so we talked for 3 hours nonstop about nonsense.We were really close friends in primary school,but since we went to different high schools,we arent that close anymore.Anyway,it was nice meeting her today.
Day 4
Finall,i feel the heat of the sun.I havent felt it for 2 days!Pretty lonng for me.I didnt want to go shopping again,it gives me a headache.I decided to go and play some sports.My cousin said he will go with me to play tennis,how nice.Hes really good at tennis,hes my coach.Im still a beginner but i love tennis so i think ill become a pro someday.However,i wouldnt make playing tennis as my career,its too tiring.I was fully sweating when we came back,it was so hot!Guess what?Grey clouds begun to gather again,i bet itll rain tomorrow.
Day 5
I guess ill have to stay home today,the weather is unpredictable.First it was sunny and the next second its RAINING!Im scared to go out and so is everyone else.Its a good thing theres no thunder though,or else there will be no tv again.Holidays are so good,even though i miss m classmates,i dont want to go back to school...