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Beginning early next (sound ミ ク, Chinese border sound of early referred to as the "sound") is
in the FUTURE CRYPTON MEDIA Yamaha VOCALOID 2 speech synthesis engine based development for the virtual female singer sold software. August 31, 2007, the original release only for Microsoft Windows, March 19, 2008 CrossOver Mac 6.1 with published and can be used for Mac OS X.
The software USES Yamaha VOCALOID 2 speech synthesis engine, put the human voice recording and incorporated into resembles the real singing, Japan is the highest level of 3D and intelligence. Inputting words, tone may sound, also can adjust tremolos, such as "emotional parameters of dissipation," up to 16 people chorus, also
Support real-time performance, the corresponding ReWire. Production is completed with WAV format output,
The lyrics input can identify hiragana, katakana and the Roman character, but cannot identify へ as auxiliary words and は, う い as drawl, when え わ, respectively, to the え お, pronunciation, also cannot promote sound, Chinese characters, the corresponding modification is necessary. Software is not designed for beginners, early music making contact with electronic users will want a period of time to adapt, therefore also appear in the place such as many 2ch, as the object to such users of teaching discussion. Osaka electrical communication universities even on October 19, 2007 and held on October 25, with the lecture for beginners, object.
CRYPTON responsible for future planning staff early notes there are three, four people, the actual development, sasaki wade and another part-time employees. Image by illustrator KEI role in anime style design the characters and painting, choose CRYPTON KEI is because of a staff of sasaki wade like he is "very have transparency style",In 3 or 4 months in 2007, finally published began designing of three zhang illustration, originally published monthly plan behind new illustration, but big surprisingly creative upsurge and conclude without concrete result. Xiao provided by the voice actresses' actual recordings cane fields, the choice is the cause of the original CRYPTON think cane fields Xiao voice cooperated with the future of the idol." Enterprises CRYPTON is to draw early by quare provide voice, however, most singers sound future. Pick up early
Based on the singer to inquire after the voice is copying worry that USES and the future copyright related problems and refuse to, then turned to contact, voice actresses' actual recordings but initially progress not quite smoothly, voice actresses' actual recordings firm mostly don't quite understand software USES, then ARTSVISION promised to cooperation.
After considering nearly 500 voice actresses' actual recordings (including animation dubbing and narrator) voice samples Xiao after decided to play cane fields. Cane fields with "Xiao clearly and cute" impression when recording, recording the music is played with when sang some without special katakana, process points two days, total cost six hours, on April 27, 2007 completed before recording. From June 25 officially open the future shape at the beginning, when sound ミ ク "name" only in that same year, published on July 12, his surname "sound" (at the beginning of ね つ pseudonym: は).
"Sound" means "at the beginning of the first voice (め て の early sound)", "starting point", "first VOCALOID2"; "ミ ク" Chinese character writing "future", refers to "the future of VOCALOID symbolized by the possibility of music."
Clothes and mechanical parts in 1983 by Yamaha sold DX series for version. The left arm "01" the orginal setting is a QR code, the original design clothes is CRYPTON sailor suit, but feel good enough and to now clothes design. Character design of 2004 winners than MEIKO in only basic setting, "incomplete" characters of creators in design of the "original Settings" and demand at the beginning of no sense, and the sounds of the future and the Xiao cane fields voice, creation is no relevance impression too large to manacle, user so easily create initial sound "future" produced feeling, and produce large Numbers work.
初音未来(初音ミク,中文界部分人简称为“初音”)是CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA以Yamaha的VOCALOID 2语音合成引擎为基础开发贩售的虚拟女性歌手软件.2007年8月31日发售,原只可用于Microsoft Windows,2008年3月19日随CrossOver Mac 6.1发表而可用于Mac OS X.
软件使用了Yamaha的VOCALOID 2语音合成引擎,把人类的声音录音并合成为酷似真正的歌声,是日本3D和智能的最高水平.只需输入音调、歌词则可发出声音,亦可以调整震音、音速等的“感情参数”,最多能够16人合唱,亦支持即时演奏、对应ReWire.制作完成后会以WAV格式输出,但软件本身只可做出歌唱部分,伴奏音声需要使用其他音乐软件合成.歌词输入能辨认平假名、片假名和罗马字,但不能辨认は、へ作为助词和う、い作为长音时会分别转为わ、え、お、え的发音,亦不能对应促音、汉字,需要自行修改. 软件并非设计给初学者,初接触电子音乐制作的用户需要一段时间适应,因此在2ch等地方也出现不少以此类用户为对象的教学讨论串.大阪电气通信大学甚至于2007年10月19日和10月25日举行以初学者为对象的讲座.
CRYPTON中负责初音未来企划的职员有三、四人,实际开发的则为佐佐木涉和另一位兼职员工.形象角色由插画家KEI以动漫风格设计人物及绘画,选择KEI是因CRYPTON一位职员佐佐木涉喜欢他“十分有透明感的作风”,在2007年3或4月开始设计,最后发表了共三张插画,原本计划其后每月发表新插画,但大出意料的创作热潮而不了了之.由声优藤田咲提供原声,选择的原因是CRYPTON认为藤田咲的声音十分配合“未来的偶像”.企画初期CRYPTON是想由正职的歌手提供声音,然而大多数接 初音未来
到洽询的歌手基于担心声音被复制后的用途以及将来的版权相关问题而拒绝,其后才转向为接触声优,但最初进展不太顺利,声优事务所大多不太明白软件的用途,其后ARTSVISION答应合作.经过考虑近500位声优(包括动画配音和旁白)的声音样本之后决定起用藤田咲.藤田咲以“清楚而可爱”的印象录音,录音时是配合当时播放的音乐唱出一些无特别意义的片假名,过程分两天进行,共花费六小时,于2007年4月27日之前完成录音.于6月25日正式公开初音未来的造形,当时只有名字“ミク”,于同年7月12日发表其姓氏“初音”(假名:はつね).“初音”是指“第一次的声音(初めての音)”、“出发点”、“最初的VOCALOID2”;“ミク”汉字写作“未来”,指“VOCALOID所象征的将来音乐之可能性”.衣服和机械部分以Yamaha于1983年发售的DX系列为蓝本.左臂“01”的初期设定是一个QR码,衣服的原设计则是水手服,但CRYPTON觉得不够好而转为现在的衣服设计. 人物设计上比2004年的MEIKO优胜,在只有基本设定、“不完全”的人物设计下,对创作者而言强求“原设定”并没有意义,而且初音未来和原声音的藤田咲的关联印象不大,创作没有太大束缚,用户因此容易对“自己创造的初音未来”产生感情,而产生出大量作品