判断对错指出括号里哪个单词错了改正1 He (have)( to )(visit )(his )uncle this Sunday 2 My( favorite )(foods )(is )rice (and) fish 3 ( Would )you like (carry) (some )water (for )me?4 I (want )(open) (the )window.What

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/07 22:33:09

判断对错指出括号里哪个单词错了改正1 He (have)( to )(visit )(his )uncle this Sunday 2 My( favorite )(foods )(is )rice (and) fish 3 ( Would )you like (carry) (some )water (for )me?4 I (want )(open) (the )window.What
1 He (have)( to )(visit )(his )uncle this Sunday 2 My( favorite )(foods )(is )rice (and) fish 3 ( Would )you like (carry) (some )water (for )me?4 I (want )(open) (the )window.What about you?5 I will (ask) her to( call) you(back) (Is) she have your telephome number?

判断对错指出括号里哪个单词错了改正1 He (have)( to )(visit )(his )uncle this Sunday 2 My( favorite )(foods )(is )rice (and) fish 3 ( Would )you like (carry) (some )water (for )me?4 I (want )(open) (the )window.What
1.主语He 将have 改为has 2.rice and fish 复数 将is 改为are 3.Would you like to do sth 固定句式 将carry 改为 to carry 4.want to do sth 固定句式 将open 改为to open 5.根据句意后半部分应用一般现在时 将Is 改为Does.

has to; food; to bring some water for me; 4. want to open; 5. tell her to call you back; 6.Does she have...

  1. has to

  2. favorite food

  3. bring some water to me

  4. want to open

  5. Does she have your....

3Would you like to bring......
4want to
5Does she......

判断对错指出括号里哪个单词错了改正1 He (have)( to )(visit )(his )uncle this Sunday 2 My( favorite )(foods )(is )rice (and) fish 3 ( Would )you like (carry) (some )water (for )me?4 I (want )(open) (the )window.What 找出错误并改正!英语的!答得好+50分1.(This is) (a) (key) 括号里的哪个单词错误?改正过来2.-----(Is) this (a) ruler?------yes ,(this) is.括号里的哪个单词用错了!1 还是 2 还是3 并改正过来,改正完后的意思 1,2题.判断对错并改正 判断对错,并改正 陶治性情,哪个字错了?指出并改正 (His father) is (model)( him).看看哪个括号里的错了,找出并改正 百分数就是分母为100的分数,判断对错,错了请改正 哪个错了,改正, 这道题哪里错了请指出改正 看图,判断句子对错,并改正. This's a map and that's a ruler这句子里哪个单词是错误的请指出并改正 ( This book ) ( look ) ( interesting ).哪个括号里的是错的,找出并改正 What's the weather like today.It's().写出括号里正确的单词提示(cloud)那个提示里的单词好像错了如果错了请帮我改正过来 判断修辞手法对错,D哪里错了 哪个错了并改正 电学,判断此句话的对错,如错,请简单说明理由,并改正. 假如月球上发生了火山爆发,地球上的我们听不到声音,但月球上的宇航员可以听到声音.判断对错,错的要改正. 数学完全平方公式判断对错,如果错了请改正(x+9)(x-9)=x方-9