10句中翻英句子!1一般来说,对于哪些途中所花时间有限的人来说,乘飞机是第一选择(generally,have..time..to...)2在上下班高峰时刻,许多人仍然想挤上已装满乘客的地铁(be filled up)3因为她的花,我决

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 22:55:08

10句中翻英句子!1一般来说,对于哪些途中所花时间有限的人来说,乘飞机是第一选择(generally,have..time..to...)2在上下班高峰时刻,许多人仍然想挤上已装满乘客的地铁(be filled up)3因为她的花,我决
2在上下班高峰时刻,许多人仍然想挤上已装满乘客的地铁(be filled up)
4她的成功取决于自身努力和朋友们的帮助(depend on)
7消防车疾驶过街道,向着火的房子冲去(speed by)
8你学的越多,你就会觉得自己知道的越少(the more...the more...)
10当我们慢慢接近山顶时,整个城市的美景渐渐映入眼帘(come into view)

10句中翻英句子!1一般来说,对于哪些途中所花时间有限的人来说,乘飞机是第一选择(generally,have..time..to...)2在上下班高峰时刻,许多人仍然想挤上已装满乘客的地铁(be filled up)3因为她的花,我决
1.In general,to those who have limited time to travel,plane is the first choice.
2.During the peak time of traffic when people go to or return from work,many people still want to get on the subway which is already filled up.
3.Because of her words,I determined to improve my English in a short time.
4.Her success depended on her hard work and her friends' help.
5.Only for those who aren't afraid of sorrow,the achievements resulted from hard work are available.
6.Please be gentle when approaching the baby,because he's soundly asleep.
7.The fire fighters' truck speeded by the streets and toward the house on fire.
8.The more you learn,the more ignorant you feel you are.
9.The roads connected to Renmin Square extends to all directions.
10.When we eventually reached the top of the mountain,the beautiful scenery of the whole city comes into view.

你学的越多,你就会觉得自己知道的越少(the more...the more...)
the more you learn , the less you feel you know.

Generally speaking,it is their first choice for the people who have limited time during the travel.
2在上下班高峰时刻,许多人仍然想挤上已装满乘客的地铁(be ...


Generally speaking,it is their first choice for the people who have limited time during the travel.
2在上下班高峰时刻,许多人仍然想挤上已装满乘客的地铁(be filled up)
During the rush hour,lots of people sitll rush into the subway which is filled up with passenagers.
I determined to improve my English in short time owe to her flowers.

4她的成功取决于自身努力和朋友们的帮助(depend on)
Her success depends on her own effort and the help of her friends'.
Only the man who is not afraid of hard work can be available to all the fruits of their effort.
The baby is haing a sound sleep,tread lightly when you approach.
7消防车疾驶过街道,向着火的房子冲去(speed by)
The pumper sppeded by street and rushed to the fire.
8你学的越多,你就会觉得自己知道的越少(the more...the more...)
The more you learn,the more you feel that you know less.
The roads adjacent to People's Square extend to all directions.
10当我们慢慢接近山顶时,整个城市的美景渐渐映入眼帘(come into view)
When we approach the summit of the mountain,the whole city come into view little by little.


Generally speaking,taking airplanes is the first choice for those who have limited time to spend on their way.


Generally speaking,taking airplanes is the first choice for those who have limited time to spend on their way.
2在上下班高峰时刻,许多人仍然想挤上已装满乘客的地铁(be filled up)
During the rush hour,many people still want to crowd into the subways which are filled up with passengers.
Because of her flowers,I determine to improve my oral English at a short time.
4她的成功取决于自身努力和朋友们的帮助(depend on)
Her success depends on her own efforts and her friends' help.
It's available only for those people who spare no pains to achieve all the fruits through hard work.
The baby is sleeping soundly.You'd better walk quietly when you approach it.
7消防车疾驶过街道,向着火的房子冲去(speed by)
The fire engine was speeding by the street,rushing towards the house on fire.
8你学的越多,你就会觉得自己知道的越少(the more...the more...)
The more you have learnt,the less you will find what you have known about.
The road which is connected to the People's Square extends to all directions.
10当我们慢慢接近山顶时,整个城市的美景渐渐映入眼帘(come into view)
When we are getting close to the top of the mountain,the beautiful scenery of the whole city comes into view little by little.


10句中翻英句子!1一般来说,对于哪些途中所花时间有限的人来说,乘飞机是第一选择(generally,have..time..to...)2在上下班高峰时刻,许多人仍然想挤上已装满乘客的地铁(be filled up)3因为她的花,我决 一般来说,程序具有哪些特征? 一般来说,哪些物质比较适合做灭火剂 一般来说,物体的内力有哪些?除了重力还有什么? 1、关于通货膨胀的起因一般来说包括哪些内容.请举例加以说明.2、从公共产品理论的角度出发,简述地方地 项脊轩志 对于文中“多可喜亦多可悲”的理解,列举句子.哪些是喜,哪些是悲。 对于爱情天长地久的句子. 立邦漆好还是多乐士漆啊?各自有哪些优点缺点呢?一般来说,应该选哪种?给点意见 一般来说绿色开花植物有哪些器官?各个器官的作用如何? 香港中文大学的全英文面试一般来说考哪些内容?或者说侧重哪些方面. 历史上有哪些科学家是“左撇子”?一般来说数学家都对物理很感兴趣吗? 哪些句子是奉劝对于爱情不要一厢情愿的,例如:一厢情愿的爱情是不会幸福的, 1、这篇文章选文主要介绍了反式脂肪酸的________、性质及使用情况、辨别方法、_____________等知识.2、下面的句子中加点字的短语能否删去,为什么?(一般来说),厂家不会直接在食品标签中标注 哪些食物对于保肝降酶有作用? 化学[哪些离子会形成配位键]一般来说哪些离子会形成配位键,形成方式?&特殊的反应方程式&现象~ 《陈情表》 《项脊轩志》要背哪些一般来说重要的 请背过的给点经验要背哪些 对于动物哪些叫雌雄,哪些叫公母 对于-1