Put up 有哪几种意思?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 19:06:49

Put up 有哪几种意思?
Put up 有哪几种意思?

Put up 有哪几种意思?
put up
1.To erect; build.建立,建造
2.To preserve; can:put up six jars of jam.保存
3.To nominate:put up a candidate at a convention.任命
4.To provide (funds) in advance:put up money for the new musical.提供资金
5.To provide lodgings for:put a friend up for the night.向某人提供住宿,收留某人
6.Sports To startle (game animals) from cover:put up grouse.(打猎时)惊起(禽兽);把(猎物)赶出巢穴
7.To offer for sale:put up his antiques.出售
a.To make a display or the appearance of:put up a bluff.展现
b.To engage in; carry on:put up a good fight.从事,干

举起,抬起:Please put up your hand if you have any questions.谁要有问题, 就请举手。建立,竖起: want to put up a fence between our property and our neighbor's.我要在我们和邻居的地产之间修道篱笆。张贴:We'd better put up a notice here.我们最好在这儿贴...


举起,抬起:Please put up your hand if you have any questions.谁要有问题, 就请举手。建立,竖起: want to put up a fence between our property and our neighbor's.我要在我们和邻居的地产之间修道篱笆。张贴:We'd better put up a notice here.我们最好在这儿贴一张通知。投诉;留宿:We put up for the night at a farmhouse.我们在一间农舍投宿了一夜。提高; 增加:The workers try to put up productivity.工人设法提高生产率。提供:The millionaire put up a lot of money for the church.这位百万富翁为教会捐了许多钱。进行:They put up stubborn resistance.他们进行了顽强的抵抗。提出:You have put up a good case, but I still have to decide against you.你提出了一个很好的例证, 但是我仍不得不提出异议。包装The farmers put up the apples in barrels.农夫们把苹果装入箱内。


vt.举起; 张贴; 建造; 提高
vi.提供食宿; 直接行动

vt.举起; 张贴; 建造; 提高
vi.提供食宿; 直接行动