he looked surprised and s___ nothing about it

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 01:35:59

he looked surprised and s___ nothing about it
he looked surprised and s___ nothing about it

he looked surprised and s___ nothing about it
he looked surprised and 【 said 】 nothing about it

he looked surprised and s___ nothing about it looked surprised = Tom looked surprised when he heard the strange voice.用同义词组把“looked surprised” 换成另一种说法,但句意不变. He looked at them_(surprised).填什么,为什么,什么意思?答案是surprise,why? so he looked at her in _______ A.surprise B.surprised C.surprising D.surprises wondering if the looked as surprised as he felt?是不是倒装句啊? surprise/to our surprise/in surprise/surprising/surprised/be surprised at./be surprised to(1)He looked up____and asked me.(2)What a great____it is!(3)The news was_____yesterday.(4)We were _____that he didn't come. He looked at me in surprised as if he knew nothing about thatWhen and where these photo were taken两个改错When and where these photos were taken He looked so 急用. he looked consumptive翻译 John turned round and looked at him in__(surprised) They looked at each other in ________(surprised) All he said surprised me. 1.The girl looked very surprised at the news ,she looked at me with her mouth open wide.2.her face showed surprise at the news.3.what surprised us was that the farmers were not really farmers.4..he gave me a surprise by arriving early.请把以上 she looked ( ) when she heard the ( ) newsshe looked ( ) when she heard the ( ) newsA surprised surprising B surprising surprisedC surprising surprising D surprised surprised选什么 What he said surprised me.为什么用surprised? what he did surprised us中surprised是什么词性 一个小小的英语题目He looked ___________at me.A.surprising B.surprised C.in a pleasure D.surprising不好意思!我把D选项打错了!是surprisingly, He looked up at Joan with a ____look and said ,What brought you here?三星笔试P59页A funny B fun C surprised D surprising为什么选择C ,