rated current 与nominal current 的区别是什么?千万别不懂装懂啊,区别是有的,如果都是额定电流,那我还会问吗?这么多天了,真没有人知道吗?咱们这每年都有无数个英语4.6级的,真遇到问题

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/06 14:34:42

rated current 与nominal current 的区别是什么?千万别不懂装懂啊,区别是有的,如果都是额定电流,那我还会问吗?这么多天了,真没有人知道吗?咱们这每年都有无数个英语4.6级的,真遇到问题
rated current 与nominal current 的区别是什么?

rated current 与nominal current 的区别是什么?千万别不懂装懂啊,区别是有的,如果都是额定电流,那我还会问吗?这么多天了,真没有人知道吗?咱们这每年都有无数个英语4.6级的,真遇到问题
In respect to Current Transformers,Nominal Current is the allowable current in amperes which can be transmitted by each contact continuously and simultaneously.
对电流变压器而言,Nominal Current 是可通过的电流(单位为安培),该电流可同时并连续地由每个接触点传送.
The rated current is the continuous,not interrupted current a connector can take when simultaneous power on all contacts is given,without exceeding the maximum temperature.
Rated current 是在不超过最高温度的情况下,当电力同时供给所有接触点时,连接器可承受的持续不间断电流.
Connector 连接器是一种供作电流连通及切断的一种插拨零件.本身含有多支镀金的插针,做为插焊在板子孔内生根的阳性外形部份.其背面另有阴性外形的插座部份,可供其他外来的插接.通常电路板欲与其他的排线(Cable)接头,或另与电路板的金手指区连通时,即可由此连接器执行.
综上所述,Nominal Current 是针对变压器而言的额定电流;而 rated current是针对连接器的额定电流.

Current-interrupting capability=rated short-circuit current 求翻译 请问operating和 operational 有什么区别.比如 Rated operating voltage Rated operational current rated current 与nominal current 的区别是什么?千万别不懂装懂啊,区别是有的,如果都是额定电流,那我还会问吗?这么多天了,真没有人知道吗?咱们这每年都有无数个英语4.6级的,真遇到问题 英语翻译1.Max.operation voltage2.rated dynamic stable current和 rated thermal stable current 是什么东东?3.a stationary installation in the switchboard 中a stationary installation 是个什么安装呀?4.external pulse internal pressure5.ra 直流熔断器英文名词解释I2t (A2Sec) 、Pre-arc 、Clearing at 500v 、Rated Current RMS-Amps 、Watts Loss 电源和插头相关的英语翻译,高分悬赏!Rated tension of device 230V.Rated frequency 20Hz.Rated electric current of 1N=10A.Fuse 2X10A/250V.Loss electric current 我希望较全面的翻译,只翻译部分我自己也会,谢谢 current current CURRENT: current current rated是什么意思 be rated rated sus The rated current of the breaker Ir can be set from 40% to 100% of the nominal value In,using the Long time Pickup switch.The breaker status will be “Normal” for current Ibr less than the rated value set Ir. 开关电源inrush current与哪些因素有关 STC是什么?关于太阳能电池的如:STC open-circuit voltage(include tolerance),(v)minimum STC rated power,(W)Stc short-circuit current(include tolerance),(A)上面的STC是什么意思? 英语翻译Charge device with 300% of rated voltage for Dielectric Strength No breakdown or visual defects 1-5 seconds,w/charge and discharge current limited to 50 mA (max) Note:Charge device with 150% of rated voltage for 500V devices.