
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/28 03:16:08


The paper boxes of products ‘A’ in this order had been deformed a bit,this was due to over-exertion of the film wrapping machine during packing; however,the paper boxes will return to their original shapes when the wrapping film is unpacked.
Since the whole batch of the products had been completed,can you allow us to deliver the products as such?

Please translate the following english, thanks.

The orders, product packaging when the A models, including transparent film machine excessive force, resulting in a little carton variant. As long as open and transparent film, paper will change back to its original shape.
Since we have been doing the whole shipment, this time, but from time to ship it this way?

This order, because when A product packaging, transparent film machine greatly too forcibly, leading to A little box. If open transparent membrane, cartons will be changed back to its original shape.
Because we are already well the whole consignment, this time can not but this shipment?

The deformation of box of A product is caused by overexertion of film packing machine, as long as dismantle the transparent film, the box...


The deformation of box of A product is caused by overexertion of film packing machine, as long as dismantle the transparent film, the box will be reformed to the normal shape.
We’ve already completed the production of all ordered products, shall we ship them out with above-mentioned packing condition?


In this product order, the packaging box of product A has a little deformation due to the overexertion of the film packaging machine.Once the transparent film is removed,the box will reform to the nor...


In this product order, the packaging box of product A has a little deformation due to the overexertion of the film packaging machine.Once the transparent film is removed,the box will reform to the normal shape.
Since we've already completed the production of the whole product order, shall we make the shipment under the above-mentioned packaging condition?


以下的内容呢? ⊙﹏⊙b汗

英语翻译这次的订单,产品A款由于包装时,包透明膜的机器用力过大,导致纸盒有一点变型。只要拆开透明膜,纸盒就会变回原来的形状。由于我们整批货都已经做好的,这次可不可是就这 英语翻译有件事情想跟你确认下,型号01/02/03,这3款产品以后有没有可能下订单.我们现在在安排你这次订单的包装,为节约成本考虑,有计划把这3款型号,各做1000只的库存,您是否同意? 英语翻译1、请告知这个标签的使用方法,是贴在产品的底部吗?2、这些产品的包装是24件装入箱子,但现在订单数量并不能装满所有的箱子,例如:请增加每款产品的订单数量,使它可以装满所有 英语翻译关于这款订单,我们目前还是用库存的原材料,外壳是没开孔的,请帮忙确认这次订单可否使用没有带孔的材料, 英语翻译客户这次要出两个型号的货,这次有个新的订单里面就有这两个型号,问客户这次出货是算这个订单的,还是不算. 英语翻译一些问题我想跟你再次确认,对于澳洲的订单,我们将会采用跟美国市场相同的包装方式.你还会有更多额外的要求吗?例如增加标签等.产品的图稿需要更改吗? 英语翻译经包装确认,我司包装过程中确实有用充气包装,因为正常的包装是80000pcs/box,而这个产品是40000pcs/box.可能会由于长途的运输,袋子中充的空气会漏掉.产品出现在外面,我还无法确认原因 英语翻译1.我们产品的这种新包装深受顾客喜爱.2.由于没有收到有关的信用证,我方无法在所规定的时间内装运.3 坚固的包装可以确保货物在运输中不受损坏. 英语翻译我10月13日支付的两笔货物相同的订单,分别要求邮寄到洛杉矶和旧金山地址,订单编号分别为a和b,其中b号订单缺少了4件衣服,请您协助查询并补发货物.因为这两笔订单订购的产品完全 英语翻译另一方面,由于圣诞节和元旦的来临,工厂将会放假5天,会带来工期的延误,同时为了保证产品的质量,您的订单需要到1月初才能交付,希望您能给给予理解. 英语翻译而且由于人民币在不断升值,所以我们在考虑可能从下一次订单开始,此产品的单价也要在5元的基础上再上升了. 英语翻译当一个项目包含多个采购订单时,附件要按照各个订单单独包装发货.----------------翻译成英语 ,附件--C.Accessories 英语翻译由于原材料出现问题,我刚得知预计今天提货的订单10560中的黄墨还差4袋无法完成,请知会以上情况.4袋黄墨我们会随同今后的订单一起发货,请尽快回复我们这次你们想调换成黑墨还 英语翻译由于这个订单的总金额比较小,是否同意一次性付款? 英语翻译大意如下:由于您这次订单中的号码搭配比例均比原来偏大,且大尺码的订单数量较多,所以所耗原料平均比原来多半米,故成本高$XX元.但是我们已经签订合同,本着诚信原则,我们并没 语句比较复杂,请看怎么用英文表达比较清晰,在这个订单里面的这款产品,因为在这之前已经抽取200pcs改变包装为彩盒给PO 453,那么,现在剩余200pcs在PO675,目前没有更多的订单可以合并.你可以增 英语翻译由于最近公司订单太多,产品生产非常紧张,所以如果你们有订单的话请尽快下单以保证我方对你方市场的正常供应.Because there are many orders recently in our company,the demands for our products excee 英语翻译等产品上市后再下订单.英语怎么说