来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/28 03:50:58
此刻我才察觉到早已不是六月.每一月,每一周 ,基至每一天都有它自己独特的色调.我以为一切都没有主,其实只不过是一种幻觉!草莓的香味形象使我想起,几个月前跟眼下是多么不一般.那时,树木是另一种模样,我们的欢笑是另一番滋味,太阳和天空也不同于今天.就连空气也不一样,因为那时送来的是六月的芬芳.而今已是九月,这一点无论如何也不能隐瞒.树木是绿的,但只须吹第一阵寒风,顷刻之间就会枯黄;天空是蔚蓝的,但不久就会变得灰惨惨;鸟儿尚没有飞走,只不过是由于天气异常的温暖.空气中已弥漫着一股秋的气息,这是翻耕了的土地、马铃薯和向日葵散了出的芳香.还有一会儿,还有一天,刀许两天…
我们常 以为自己还是妙龄十八的青年 ,还像那时一样戴着桃色眼镜观察世界,还有着同那时一样的爱好,一样的思想,一样的情感.一切都没有了生任何的突变.简而言之,一切都如花似锦,韶华灿烂.大凡已成为我们的禀赋东西都经得起各种变化和时间的考验.
本文作者着意描绘了两幅图画,一幅是( ),另一幅是( ),这样写的用意是( ).
作者写6月草莓抒发的情怀是( ),作者写9月草莓抒发的情怀是成年时期(用文中的话回答)( )
读了草莓一文,有何启示?(用名言或警句加以回答)( )
第一幅是夏末乡村图另一幅是初秋乡村图用意对抒发作者的情怀作铺垫 写6月的草莓抒发 韶华易逝指时间人生易老我们应该热爱生活珍惜时光写9月的草莓抒发 以经得起各种变化和时间考验 名言一寸光阴一寸金寸金难买寸光阴
Value in September, but Italy is concentrated summer. Abnormal weather warmer, the trees also do not see a yellow leaf.枝柯lush verdant between the individual areas may see a little spa...
Value in September, but Italy is concentrated summer. Abnormal weather warmer, the trees also do not see a yellow leaf.枝柯lush verdant between the individual areas may see a little sparse, maybe here or there is a slightly pale color of the leaves; but it does not attract much attention, careful not to find it difficult to find. Sapphire crystal clear as the sky as bright, the oak tree挺拨business □ □, full of faith in the future. Laughing singing in rural areas everywhere. Harvest has been successfully concluded, dug potatoes are finding Sunny season. Lane A New Rose Red dirt, like a pile of dark-colored beads, and as beautiful fruits in general. Many of us go for a walk together, interest □ □. Ever since we came to the country since May, everything is basically there has been no change, □ □ is so green trees, blue sky, cheerful heart.
We walk through the field. The grass in the forest, I accidentally discovered a huge strawberries of late. I see it with in the mouth, it is as fragrant as sweet, it's a rare Jiapin! Its fresh scent, lips in my mouth for a long time of not fade away. This sweet into my thoughts of June, it is strawberry time height.
I was aware of at the moment is not in June. Each month, every week, every day to the base has its own unique hue. I do not think that all the main, in fact, is only an illusion! Strawberry flavor reminds me of the image, a few months ago at the moment with how unusual. At that time, the tree is another pattern, our laughter is another is a different feeling, the sun and the sky is also different from today. Even the air is not the same as when it is sent by the fragrance in June. Exercises had been in September and is, in any case this point can not be concealed. Green trees, but only the first burst of cold wind blowing, instant will be yellow; the sky is blue, but will soon become gray惨惨; birds do not fly away, but is due to abnormal weather warm. The air has been filled with a autumn atmosphere, this is the tillage of the land, potatoes and sunflowers bulk of the aromatic. There is a moment, there is a day for two days ... knife Xu
We often think that their youth or young 18, but also the same as when wearing glasses peach the world, as well as the same time, love, the same thought, the same feelings. Everything there is no mutation in any of Health. In short, everything is bright flowery, Shaohua brilliant. Generally, the endowment has become something we are able to withstand a variety of changes and the test of time.
However, the only youth to re-read the letter, we will believe that this idea is too absurd. Released into the atmosphere between the lines from the letter of the young age of the air we breathe, we breathe today has been quite general. Until then we will be monitoring the party, we spent time every day, have given us a different color and shape. Zhaoxia changes daily more and more profoundly changed our mind and appearance, complete Homecoming recycling of our thoughts and feelings. Be deprived of, but also have to add. Of course, we are still very young - but only a "very young"! There are many things waiting for us in front of the top down. Emotional disturbed youth若明若暗years after the arrival of mature adult thinking is true, there is a leisurely-paced life, is an increasingly rich experience, is a sense of faith and reason of the completion of the building.
However, in June of the atmosphere has gone. Although it has to make people worry, but a soak irreplaceable flavor, the real strawberries in June 18 that the scent Ling.
The author of this article describes the effort the two pictures, one is (), and the other is a (), so the intention is to write ().
Author strawberries in June to write to express the feelings is (), the author wrote in September to express the feelings of strawberry adult period (using the words in the answer) ()
Strawberry read a text, what is enlightenment? (Used to be famous or epigram answer) ()