The bike is 360划线提问——the——of the bike
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 15:34:58
The bike is 360划线提问——the——of the bike
The bike is 360划线提问
——the——of the bike
The bike is 360划线提问——the——of the bike
What's the price of the bike?
what is price
The bike is 360划线提问——the——of the bike
the man on the bike is their headteacher划线部分提问,划线—on the bike
The new bike on the playgroud is mine 划线部分提问mine——
The bike is his.就划线部分提问 __ is the bike?
The bike is on the floor 划线提问:_____ ___ the bike ____
the bike is his (就划线部分提问) ———写错了,是the bike is (his ) 就括号部分提问
There is a bike benind the the house.对a bike划线提问~
The girl on the red bike is Wang Fang.(对划线部分提问.划线部分是 on the red bike)
英语 对划线部分提问 怎样写the boy on the bike is Tom对on the bike提问
The bike under the tree is Liu Hai's.(under the tree划线提问)
The bike under the tree is nice and new.under the tree划线部分提问
My father is mending the bike.(对划线部分进行提问) 画线部分mending the bike
The bike is on the floor (对划线部分提问)_ _ the bike _ 划线部分我也不知道是哪,
划线部分提问 the boy on the bike was too careless.划线部分on the bike
L usually go home by bike.(划线部分提问,by bike划线)The bank is in front of the science museum(改一般问句)
英语中地点介词作主语定语时怎么提问,如:The boy on the bike is my brother.(on the bike划线部分提问
对划线部分提问 That is a bike in english 划线的是a bike
This bike is hers(划线部分提问,划线部分hers)( )( )this bike?