关于inspire your dream的英语演讲稿要演讲,主题是inspire your dream...急求 最好能讲3分钟的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 13:16:53

关于inspire your dream的英语演讲稿要演讲,主题是inspire your dream...急求 最好能讲3分钟的
关于inspire your dream的英语演讲稿
要演讲,主题是inspire your dream...急求 最好能讲3分钟的

关于inspire your dream的英语演讲稿要演讲,主题是inspire your dream...急求 最好能讲3分钟的
As the saying goes: "interest is the best teacher, a person have a strong interest in something, he would have a dream of their own, and then it is a the one and only for their own tailor-made, so he would have to work hard and perseveringly, have refuse to be cowed or submit frustrates the more war Yong courage the power and the direction, also had success doors of opportunity! The famous mathematician Chen Shengzhi and the famous painter Huang Yongyu are a good example to prove this point.我们每个人都渴望成功,渴望实现自己心里的一个小小的梦想.而梦想就像一颗种子,无论身处多么恶劣的环境,一旦破土发芽,就会势不可挡,茁长成长起来.Everyone is eager for success, eager to achieve a little dream in your heart. A dream is like a seed, no matter how bad the environment, once the sprouting, will be a trend which cannot be halted, growing up.有时,我们会以为,我们心里的梦想越大,实现的愿望就越大.一个人确立的志向越高梦想越大,那么他的才能发展的就越快.即使最终难以实现那远大的目标,但不懈努力的过程也使自我得到提升,虽然那只乌龟至今仍然无法跑赢兔子,但长期的坚持练习肯定能使他在不知不觉中超越所有的乌龟.所以,成功,往往需要梦想的鼓励.Sometimes, we think, our hearts dream bigger, the desire to achieve greater. The establishment of a personal ambition more the bigger the dream, then he can develop more quickly. Even if it is difficult to achieve the ambitious goals, but also make unremitting efforts of self promotion, although the tortoise is still unable to beat the hare, but long-term adherence to exercise can make him beyond all of the turtles imperceptibly. Therefore, successful, often need dreams encourage.

id like to dream,because i want to achieve.Everyone has a dream, but dream is not said but doing to be true. Do you still remember your childhood dream?An astronaut? Scientists? Or empty of ambition? ...


id like to dream,because i want to achieve.Everyone has a dream, but dream is not said but doing to be true. Do you still remember your childhood dream?An astronaut? Scientists? Or empty of ambition? How far is it from your dream now? What will you do? My dream is to become a man which has noble character, like Mr Confucius! I can't say I'm born perfectly, at least I reflect on myself every day: Do I loyalty? I keep promise? I reviewed the knowledge? It was a saying from Confucius , give it to you! Wish you to achieve your dream as soon as possible!
