读“the night of the horse”的感想

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 09:40:37

读“the night of the horse”的感想
读“the night of the horse”的感想

读“the night of the horse”的感想
The solider came down the stairs--two at a time.'Captain,they've gone,'he cried,'They've disappeared--all of them.The plain is...'But the captain of the guards was no longer listing.He was going up the stairs--three at a time. Seconds later,the captain stood on the high wall of thecity of Troy.He looked down at the empty plain and,beyound it,at the empty sea.'They've goneand we've won,'he said.'Thegreeks have tried for ten years to capture our city.Now they've sailed away.And they've taken everying with them.' 'Not everying sir,'the soldier said,'They've left their horse,'Outside the main gates of the city stood a huge horse made of wood. 'Ah,yes,'the captain said.'That wooden horse,It's so big that they couldn't take it with them.'Well it's ours now.Get some help and pull it into city.That won't be diffcult.It's on wheels.' 'But why is it on wheels?'the solider asked'I think maybe the Greeks want as to...' The captain interrupted him,'You're a solider,'he said'You don't have to think.You have to obey orders,and I'm giving you one now.Move that horse.'Ahd so the Trojans dragged it into the city with ropes. That night ,in the main squar of the city,all the citizens of Troy celebrated.They sang and danced around the horse,and make jokes about their enemies,the stupid Greeks.Then the Trojan made sure all the gates of the city were sucurely locked,and they all went to sleep,including the gates guards. By midnight,the square was empty,except for the gaint horse.The six Greeks soliders waited for another hour,to be sure.Then,very quietly,they opened the secret door in the side of the horse and climbed out. No guards stopped them as they opened the main gates.Outside stood the Greek army.It had returned in the darknees when the citizens celebrated inside. Now the army entered the city.The Greeks seized the captian and dragged him away.For ten years,they could not capture the city by fighting.In one night,they succeeded in capturing iy by a trick. 如果有不足的地方还请多多指正 一个士兵跑下楼梯--一次下两登“上尉,他们走了,”他大叫到“他们消失了,所有的人.平原...”但是上尉没有继续听.他跑上楼,一次上三登. 几秒后,上尉站在特洛伊城市的最高墙上.它俯视着空旷的平原,然后,越过它,看着空旷的大海.“他们走了,我们赢了,“他说“希腊人用了十年去尝试着占领我们的城市.现在,他们走了.他们也带了所有的东西.” “不是所有的东西,长官,”士兵说“他们扔下了他们的马,”在城市的大门站着一个巨大的木制的马“噢,是的”上尉说“那个木制的马,它大了以至于他们带不走它了.好了,他现在是我们的了.把它拉进我的城市.那将不是很难,它轮子上.” “但是为什么它在轮子上?士兵说“我想或许是希腊人想让我们去...” 上尉打断了他“你是一个士兵,”他说“你不用思考.你只需要听从命令,我现在给你一个.移动那匹马.”然后特洛伊人用绳子把马拽进了城市. 那天晚上,城市的主广场上,所有的特洛伊的市民都在庆祝.他们围着马唱歌,跳舞,卡他们的敌人的玩笑,愚蠢的希腊人.然后特洛伊人确信城市的所有的门都安全的锁好,他们全都去睡觉了,包括门卫. 午夜,广场上空荡荡的,除了那个巨大的木马.六个希腊士兵又等了一个小时,以确保安全.然后,非常安静的,他们打开了在木马上的秘密的门,爬了出来. 当他们打来大门的时候,没有士兵阻止他们,在外面站着希腊的军队.当市民们在里面庆祝的时候,他们在黑暗中返回了. 现在军队进入了城市.希腊人抓住了上尉把它拖走了.十年了,他们有强攻的方式占领不了这个城市.在一个晚上,他们成功地占领它通过一个计谋.