
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 02:15:39


  • If you want to be a shoplifter, go to J.C. Penney.
  Turn around and call for back-up.
  That's how you put out campfires
  Used to do it in boy scouts
  • We usually used logs.
  Knock off the singin' and read him his story book
  • : What's the name of the fairy tale with the egg on the wall?
  This ain't no nursury school battle of wits anymore
  If you can
  Mary lost her job ——《小鬼当街》
  Betrayed agent: Ho's signal just popped back up. We got him.
  Poldark: Let's roll.
  Ian: Bob! Bob!
  Bob: Ian?
  Ian: You left your watch.
  Bob: What are you doing here? Let's go.
  Ian: What do you mean? We just got here.
  Poldark: Bob Ho. What a coincidence. Tie them up.
  Bob: What are you doing here, Ian?
  Ian: I'm coming with you. I want to be a spy, too. Is this the bad guy? I thought he'd be better dressed.
  Bob: How did you find me?
  Ian: I found one of your tracking devices and put it in your pocket when I hugged you goodbye.
  Bob: I'm impressed.
  Ian: Thanks.
  Poldark: Can we go back to business?
  Bob: Would it help to mention I'm retired?
  Poldark: Retired men don't download secrets.
  Bob: I never downloaded anything.
  Betrayed agent: He's lying.
  Bob: Who are you going to believe? Me or the traitor?
  Tatiana: Someone has been a very naughty boy. He's got cameras and microphones mounted all over the place.
  Tatiana: Good plan, filming us together.
  Bob: How could you turn against your country?
  Betrayed agent: It's simple. I'm gonna be a billionaire. That file that you didn't download? It's a formula for a Growth Bacteria Hybrid. This stuff literally eats oil. Can you imagine? Overnight, all the world's oil supplies go poof. All except for Russia's. It'll be priceless, right, comrade?
  Bob: How did you get Colt to go along with you?
  Betrayed agent: Colt? That hillbilly's not part of this. He doesn't know what goes on in the real world. He still thinks wrestling is real.
  Bob: Let the boy go. He has nothing to do with this.
  Poldark: Mr. Chit-Chat just laid out our whole plan. We cannot let him go. He will tell.
  Bob: Trust me, no one would believe him.
  Ian: He's right about that.
  Larry: Hey, boss. Look at what I found sneaking around outside.
  Bob: Farren?
  Farren: Hi, everybody.
  Poldark: Please, have a seat.
  Bob: This can't be happening. Poldark, let the children go and I will find this GBH file for you.
  Ian: GBH? Like, Stockholm GBH?
  Poldark: How do you know that?
  Farren: No freaking way. You're telling me all of this is because he downloaded a bootleg concert?
  Bob: You did what?
  Poldark: You downloaded it?
  Farren: Wow, these companies take piracy way too seriously.
  Bob: You were messing with my computer? That's private.
  Ian: I just wanted to seem cool.
  Bob: You don't need to. You are cool. You're one of the coolest kids I know.
  Ian: Really? Thanks.
  Poldark: Hey, over here. Man with a gun.
  Ian: Wait a minute. I am one of the only kids you know.
  Poldark: Where is the file?
  Ian: It's on my iPod, on my desk at home.
  Bob: Now, see, you want to be a spy. Never tell the truth to the bad guy.
  Ian: Sorry, I'm new at this.
  Poldark: Tatiana, take some men to the kid's house and find the iPod.
  Tatiana: What if the family is home?
  Poldark: Ever since you dyed your hair blonde... Kill them.
  Farren: No, don't!
  Poldark: Go, bring me that iPod.Come on, go. Go. Now, as for you...
  Ian: Awesome!
  Bob: Farren, let's go.
  Ian: I call dibs on the front. Then I pick the radio station.
  妙语佳句 活学活用
  1. pop up: 突然出现,signal pops back up是指“信号又回来了”.
  例如:He seems to pop up in the most unlikely place. (他往往在似乎绝不可能到的地方出现.)
  2. Let's roll: 我们出发吧,我们走吧.
  3. hug someone goodbye: 和某人拥抱告别.
  4. go back to business: 回到正题.如果有人对你说stay out of my business,那就是让你少管闲事.
  5. traitor: 叛国者,卖国贼.
  6. go poof:耗尽.Poof原意是指吹灭蜡烛的声音,用来描述事物的突然消失,可以译为“嗖的一声,刺溜一下”.
  7. hillbilly: 山区乡巴佬.乡土音乐、乡村民歌就可以称为hillbilly music.
  8. Mr. Chit-Chat: 多嘴先生.
  Chitchat意思是“闲谈、聊天”,例如:She angled her column of chitchat toward teenagers.(她的漫谈栏侧重于十几岁的青少年.)
  9. no freaking way: 搞错没,开什么玩笑?
  10.mess with: 乱弄,玩弄.也可以指“干预、介入”.例如:
  He told his son not to mess with the radio.(他叫儿子不要胡乱摆弄收音机.)
  Don't mess with her: she's got a violent temper.(别干预她的事,她脾气很暴.)
  11.call/have/put dibs on: 有权要求做某事.例如:I have dibs on the magazine.(这杂志归我先读.)

《邻家特工》《小鬼当街》《楼上的外星人》的日常用语,要英语的!急!每部电影十句! 1.欣赏电影《小鬼当街)》,《邻家特工》《楼上的外星人 》,摘抄其中有用的日常句子,每部电影10句. 《小鬼当街》,《邻家特工》《楼上的外星人》要电影中的日常用语,要接近初一水平的!附上中文! 《小鬼当街Baby's Day Out(1994)》、《邻家特工The Spy Next Door(2010)》和《楼上的外星人 Aliens in t常用的20句, 小鬼当街 临家特工 和楼上的外星人 中日常用语各10句 《小鬼当街》、《邻居特工》、《楼上的外星人》各20句日常英语句子. 急《小鬼当街》《邻居特工》《楼上的外星人》各10句经典英语台词!我已经将小鬼当街搞定了, 《小鬼当街Baby's Day Out(1994)》、《邻家特工The Spy Next Door(2010)》和《楼上的外星人 Aliens in the记住是日常用语,要有价值的,要有中英文翻译, 小鬼当家.邻家特工.楼上的外星人.摘抄其中有用的日常句子,每部电影十句.是每部啊,每部10句啊在线等.打错了,是小鬼当街啊. 收集电影上和生活上的日常英语句子 说明如下 1..欣赏电影《小鬼当街Baby's Day Out(1994)》,《邻家特工The Spy Next Door(2010)》《楼上的外星人 Aliens in the Attic (2009)》,摘抄其中有用的日常句子,每部 经典语句求《小鬼当街》中的电影经典语句,要有中文,共十五句.(还有《邻居特工》和《楼上的外星人》,也是十五句)谢谢,急!中英文都要!急! 求小鬼当家,邻家特工和楼上的外星人里的常用英语语句各20句! 急《小鬼当街》里的一些日常用的英文句子!最好把《楼上的外星人》也写出来,要有10句!绝不亏待! 小鬼当街里面的宝宝主演是谁现在多大了有他现在的消息吗? 《小鬼当街Baby's Day Out(1994)》中的10句有用的日常句子 急需要小鬼当街的英文影评啊100-200个单词就好啊! 麻烦你给我小鬼当街的英文翻译好吗?谢谢100-200个单词就好了谢谢 《邻家小鬼》、《圣诞夜惊魂》、《飞屋环游记》、《博物馆奇妙夜》的英文名