求解释一小段C语言代码的意思.#include#include#include#include/* This variable is a "global" variable that can be accessed by both a parent process and all of its child processes */int value = 0;/* Here is our "main" function,which is the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/25 05:22:52

求解释一小段C语言代码的意思.#include#include#include#include/* This variable is a "global" variable that can be accessed by both a parent process and all of its child processes */int value = 0;/* Here is our "main" function,which is the
#include#include#include#include/* This variable is a "global" variable that can be accessed by both a parent process and all of its child processes */int value = 0;/* Here is our "main" function,which is the entry point for the application in the C programming language:*/int main(int argc,const char * argv[]){ pid_t pid; // Here,we call the fork() function:what does this do?pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) /* child process */ { value = value + 1; printf ("CHILD:value = %d\n",value); /* LINE C */ } else if (pid > 0) /* parent process */ { wait(NULL); printf ("PARENT:value = %d\n",value); /* LINE P */ }}结果CHILD:1PARENT:0程序运行在linux环境下.求支援这段代码是干嘛的,是和进程线程有关.

求解释一小段C语言代码的意思.#include#include#include#include/* This variable is a "global" variable that can be accessed by both a parent process and all of its child processes */int value = 0;/* Here is our "main" function,which is the
在程序执行完"pid = fork();"代码后,系统启动一个当前进程的“克隆进程”作为当前进程的子进程,

求解释一小段C语言代码的意思.#include#include#include#include/* This variable is a global variable that can be accessed by both a parent process and all of its child processes */int value = 0;/* Here is our main function,which is the 一道C语言的题目求代码 求一小段c代码的意思int power(int x,int n){if(n==0)return 1;elsereturn x*power(x,n-1);}就是这段代码,上面是定义一些菜单选项,下面是每个选项的一些,处理,这段代码是个什么意思,还有一段程序,后缀改成c C++大神求解释这个函数的意思!大神们好,这个函数每一条说的是神马能不能解释一下,大榭了!这个是求最短路径的,思路都知道,就是代码看不懂……#includestdio.h#includestring.h#includestdlib.h#incl 求fleury算法的伪代码 或C语言实现 跑步机上的incl什么意思 三位数里一共有多少个,个位,十位,百位互不相同的偶数.求C语言的流程图和代码 帮忙解释下C语言中这两行代码的执行顺序 for(count=0;count C语言求解释 C语言求解释 解一元二次方程ax2+bx+c=0的解.c语言编程求代码 C语言菜鸟请教如何求a,b,c最大值的代码 求C语言关键字的字面解释 C语言中表示一个数是完全平方数的代码? 关于一道c语言的数学题求1+22+333+4444+55555求高手给出代码 求累加,阶乘等有规律的数列,用C语言,求代码, 求一个数值分析 龙贝格积分的C语言程序的代码. 利用日期、经纬度求日出日落时间 C语言程序代码急需单片机编程求任意一地日出日落时间,有写过这方面程序的求程序代码,给出代码后再给50分.寻求C语言程序代码