
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 07:03:31


Toyota is alway dedicated to the R&D and marketing of multi-indursty products,and its current coverage ranges from car part and telecommunication to refrigeration equipment.Toyota is determined to become a world-level financial giant dominating many industries like Mitsubishi.Although continuous exploration in new industries is reducing its dependance on car industry and increasingly satisfying customer's diversified requirements,it also brings enormous challenges to Toyota with its technical R&D.To ensure its competitiveness in its product scope,it is essential for Toyota to put a large amount of capital and manpower to strengthen the product performance.

Toyota has been committed to the industrial product development and sales, existing auto parts production, under the electronic communications, refrigeration equipment industry. Determined to become a...


Toyota has been committed to the industrial product development and sales, existing auto parts production, under the electronic communications, refrigeration equipment industry. Determined to become a world-class giants like Mitsubishi consortium as industrial production and sales. However, continue to develop new industries in the lower Toyota dependence on automobile industry, to meet the diverse needs of customers at the same time, in the product technology R & D to Toyota has brought enormous challenge, in order to ensure the Toyota diversified industrial product competitiveness, Toyota had to invest a lot of money the human to maintain and enhance product performance


Toyota has been committed to more industry product development and sales, there are auto parts production, electronic communications, refrigeration equipment and other industries. Aspire to be like mi...


Toyota has been committed to more industry product development and sales, there are auto parts production, electronic communications, refrigeration equipment and other industries. Aspire to be like mitsubishi and many industry production and sales of world-class giant consortium. However, continue to develop new industry to reduce the dependence of the Toyota in automobile industry, meet the demand of customer diversified, at the same time on product technology research and development for Toyota has brought the huge challenge, in order to ensure that Toyota product diversification industry competitiveness, Toyota has to invest large sums of money to maintain and enhance product performance.我上网翻译的,不会粘贴,一字一字得打的,求采纳。


Toyota has been committed to more industry product development and sales, there are auto parts production, electronic communications, refrigeration equipment and other industries. Aspire to be like mi...


Toyota has been committed to more industry product development and sales, there are auto parts production, electronic communications, refrigeration equipment and other industries. Aspire to be like mitsubishi and many industry production and sales of world-class giant consortium. However, continue to develop new industry to reduce the dependence of the Toyota in automobile industry, meet the demand of customer diversified, at the same time on product technology research and development for Toyota has brought the huge challenge, in order to ensure that Toyota product diversification industry competitiveness, Toyota has to invest large sums of money to maintain and enhance product performance.


Toyota has been committed...


Toyota has been committed to the industrial product development and sales, existing auto parts production, under the electronic communications, refrigeration equipment industry. Determined to become a world-class giants like Mitsubishi consortium as industrial production and sales. However, continue to develop new industries in the lower Toyota dependence on automobile industry, to meet the diverse needs of customers at the same time, in the product technology R & D to Toyota has brought enormous challenge, in order to ensure the Toyota diversified industrial product competitiveness, Toyota had to invest a lot of money the human to maintain and enhance product performance.


Toyotahas been committed toamulti-industryproduct developmentand sales,itsalreadyauto parts manufacturing,electronic communications,refrigeration equipmentand other industries.Determined to becomeawor...


Toyotahas been committed toamulti-industryproduct developmentand sales,itsalreadyauto parts manufacturing,electronic communications,refrigeration equipmentand other industries.Determined to becomeaworld-classconsortiumgiantslikeMitsubishitoguidethemulti-industryproduction and sales., However,continuedto developnewindustriesin reducingToyotadependenceontheautomotiveindustry,tomeetthediverse needs of customersat the same time,Toyotahas brought greatchallengesinproduct research and development,in order to ensurethecompetitivenessofToyotadiversifiedindustrialproducts, Toyotamaynotdo not puta lot of moneytomaintain and enhancehumanperformance.


英语翻译丰田一直致力于多产业产品的研发和销售,旗下已有汽车零部件生产,电子通讯,制冷设备等产业。立志于成为像三菱一样统领多产业生产销售的世界级财团巨头。但是,持续开拓 公司简介急需英语翻译XX公司是一家国际性的XX供应商,XX公司总部设在香港,在深圳设立办事处,公司一直致力于XX整机、配件、外设等相关产品的服务提供及研发工作.其主要供应产品有:各品 求解《区域经济学》的一些名词解释 弹性专业化 丰田主义 绝对优势假说 区位商 产业集群 产品内分工 高一政治(经济生活)面对近年来原材料劳动力等价格上涨的压力,我国沿海某服装出口企业,把生产环节转移到劳动力、土地等生出要素具有优势的内陆地区,并致力于产品研发、品牌设计和 致力于最好的平面设计 英语翻译~ 致力于最好的平面设计 英语翻译 英语翻译【摘 要】本文致力于从现行的国家税收优惠政策出发,利用所学经济学相关概念和原理,针对高新技术产业发展中已存在的种种税收弊端,深入浅出地分析其要害,并提出相应改善措施. 英语翻译生技研发中心您好 :我方有一项创新产品方案想和生技研发中心一起共同开发,这是不同於传统研发方向的创新产品方案,具有市场独占性强、产品天然对人体无副作用、治愈效果良好 英语翻译关于我们广州市xx家居用品有限公司位于有“中国南大门”之称的广州市,自诞生以来,我们一直致力于研究室内环境的清洁、健康、舒适、美观,专注于智能化、人性化产品的开发与 高新技术产业以什么和什么类产业为龙头的产品,产品的什么很高? 英语翻译嘉和科技人将一直奉行“始终提供满足客户期望的高品质和服务”的质量方针,本着“诚信、敬业、创新、发展”为经营理念.在决策上高瞻远瞩;在产品研发上,以科技为先导,招招领 英语翻译建设融研发、培训、创作、孵化、制作、交易、展示与体验和配套服务等文化创意产业“政、产、学、研、用”一体化的公共服务示范平台 成品区 产品展示区 研发产品 待检区的英文翻译 英语翻译我公司主要是做软件制作和销售,是中国内最早从事CG产业技术研发的高新技术企业之一,从事虚拟现实技术的研发.隶属于北京神州视景信息技术有限公司,我主要负责南京分公司的人 英语翻译丰田汽车发展史1丰田汽车公司,简称“丰田”(TOYOTA),创始人为丰田喜一郎,是一家总部设在日本爱知县丰田市和东京都的汽车工业制造公司.丰田是世界十大汽车工业公司之一.1930年 如何缩短产品生命周期和成本的增加研发全球化力量 英语翻译致力于可持续发展,秉承“质量第一,信誉第一”宗旨.以科技求发展,依托科学的管理手段、雄厚的技术力量、精良的生产装备和过硬的人才队伍,不断为客户提供满意的产品和服务.公 英语翻译:XX公司“研发”了XX产品怎么说