
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 19:39:07


住房.以前没有 商品房,都是 福利分房,大学教授可以住筒子楼,现在呢普通百姓也可以贷款买楼.对比一下每个人现在的住房和以前的住房吧
医疗,以前公费医疗,但是普通百姓呢?农民呢 医疗落后,我们建国时候是实行过赤脚医生,可是结果如何?我们说医疗把百姓钱淘空.是你口袋里还有一些钱,以前 口袋里没有钱,你怎么掏.
社会安全来讲,我说下自己的经历,文革我没有赶上.那时候全国动荡,何来 安全.80年代 初期,我们上学,学校门口经常聚集一帮流氓,实行打群架,动辄百人以上,拦女同学高对象,反关现在呢?.虽然盗匪抢劫不断,但是这个问题在国外比我们还要多危险性更大,但是我说的这样现象消失了 .
I'm from housing,health care,welfare,education consumption,social security.These people's livelihood must be considered.An answer we today is progress or regress
One answer to you before me
Housing.Haven't commodity house,are welfare time,college professors may dwell tube-shaped apartment,now ordinary people can also loan buyers.Compare everyone present housing and former housing it
Medical treatment,medical treatment before,but ordinary people?Farmers?Medical treatment is the founding behind,we have done barefoot doctors,but the results?We say the money tao empty medical people.Is there some money in your pocket,and no money in his pocket before,how do you drank.
The past age,illness,starve how many,why not go and see these,because the common backwardness,a flu can die of many people.We didn't go to pursue,because we lag behind,the country now has a population of more than 90 percent of all medical insurance,don't see progress,look down on disease,before more
Now why not objective to criticize,but now we put focus all point to the hospital conflict as a high fees education consumption and high.It was from negative people hand or than before that money,
Education consumption and high education system,except with our parents personal has great concern,I personally don't agree with,school tuition is when we were at school,but other less cost was greatly increased education system and for other,put other discussion topics
Social security speaking,I say own experiences,cultural revolution I missed.At that time the national unrest,no security.In the early 1980s,we go to school,the school gate often gather a bunch of hooligans,execute cluster,frequently over one hundred people,elam female classmate high object,the close now?.Although the bandits robbed constantly,but this question more than our abroad more at risk,but I said that the phenomenon disappeared.
The livelihood of the people,living standards for all
Comments:jianguo to 1980s,who dare say the government a word,at least we can now here can have debates,this is progress still lag behind