老师布置的英语作文,有木有高手帮修改一下,在线等About half month ago,a student of our school was dead nine were injured in WuYueZhai scenic spot. Facing the unexpected thing. Life is so fragile. While praying his soul. We have to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 02:01:37

老师布置的英语作文,有木有高手帮修改一下,在线等About half month ago,a student of our school was dead nine were injured in WuYueZhai scenic spot. Facing the unexpected thing. Life is so fragile. While praying his soul. We have to
About half month ago,a student of our school was dead nine were
injured in WuYueZhai scenic spot. Facing the unexpected thing. Life is
so fragile. While praying his soul. We have to scan the value of life
It is said that about 16,000 die in school every year in China.The
worst accidents come from food poisoning,traffic and outing security
issue may sound truism,but when it comes to the campus security,we
have to table it seriously.
There are more hot days in ShiJiaZhuang,the public swimming pool has
become a powered place,like Taiping River. A pool of blue and lovely
watar,but there is also potential danger,when we launched. It is
ncessary to strengthen self-protection.
Nearly every day. It is reports that stealing and mugging surround
us. In this case,we should strengthen our security awareness. Do not go
out done at night and don't go sightseeing without Wulijia's
permission. Finally,I hope everyone has a good summer. That's all.Thank

老师布置的英语作文,有木有高手帮修改一下,在线等About half month ago,a student of our school was dead nine were injured in WuYueZhai scenic spot. Facing the unexpected thing. Life is so fragile. While praying his soul. We have to
About half month ago,a student in our school was dead, and there were also nine students got hurt in WuYueZhai scenic spot. Life is so fragile when encountering some accidents. While praying for(pray for固定搭配 为.祈祷) his soul. We have to estimate(estimate估计评估,原来的scan感觉不太好,一般是扫描的意思) the value of life again.
I'm so sorry(我很遗憾) that there are about 16000 students died on the campus every year .The worst accidents coming from food poisoning,traffic accidents and safety problems on hiking(远足的安全问题). These may sound out of date(out of date 过时的),but when it happens on our campus(on our campus 固定搭配,在校园里), we have to talk about it seriously.
There are more hot days in ShiJiaZhuang so that the public swimming pool has become a popular place(原来用的powerd place我不知道什么意思,应该是表示受欢迎吧,所以是popular place) such as Taiping River. Although it seems peaceful on the surface of water, there are also some potential dangers inside. So, when we get ready for(get ready for 做好准备干.) swimming, to promote the awareness of self-pretection (awareness of self-pretection 安全意识)is necessary. Almost every day(几乎每一天). We can hear some reports about steal and murder(介词后接动词时加ing变动名词,但是steal和murder本身就可以作名词), In these case,we should strengthen our security awareness either. Do not go outside alone at night without parents' permission. Finally,I hope that everyone can have a good summer. That's all.Thank you.

老师布置的英语作文,有木有高手帮修改一下,在线等About half month ago,a student of our school was dead nine were injured in WuYueZhai scenic spot. Facing the unexpected thing. Life is so fragile. While praying his soul. We have to 高手帮我修改英语作文, 英语作文:请帮我修改一下, 找一个英语高手帮我修改一下resume 老师布置作业,一片作文我的读书故事,谁帮我写一下300字以下!kuai! 急求英语高手帮我修改一下一篇英语作文的句式和语法,在线等,不胜感激!五百多字的样子,好心人请留下邮箱,谢谢! 写了一篇作文,请各位老师和高手们指点一下这是我自己写的一篇作文,请各位老师和高手们指导一下,如果能帮我修改一下,则感激不尽,本人邮箱[email protected],可以把修改意见发到我的邮箱,谢谢 求英语高手修改英语作文帮我修改下语法方面的错误,不方便直接发这上面,有愿意修改的同学麻烦留邮箱交流, 想请位会英语的帮我修改一下这偏英语作文,特想提高写作能力 急求一位大学英语老师或英语高手,帮我改作文!文章就不写出来了,哪位能帮我修改一下作文,主要也是最重要的是语法,请留下email,我发过去.好人请尽快回复, 哪位老师帮忙修改一下作文 老师布置一篇作文【这也是课堂】 求高手帮写写,要切合实际 字数在600-700左右,写得好会加分的 最好不要有错别字! 帮我看看这篇英语作文有没有错,帮我修改一下 中国的经济特区特点和优势是什么老师布置的国贸作业,拜托帮一下忙啦. 关于开学第一天老师布置的作业没写完 但是老师原谅了我 作文350字第一天老师布置的作业没写完 但是老师原谅了我,关于这件事的作文 谁帮我找一篇 英语作文 过去与现在我们老师要求写一篇的英语作文 ,哥哥姐姐能否帮我一下 谁帮我写一下 500字老师布置的 也没办法啊 是 明白哈 求英语作文.my view in english老师布置的150个字