新概念二 第50课课文

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新概念二 第50课课文
新概念二 第50课课文

新概念二 第50课课文
Lesson 50 Taken for a ride 乘车兜风
I love travelling in the country, but I don't like losing my way.
I went on an excursion recently, but my trip took me longer than I expected.
'I'm going to Woodford Green,' I said to the conductor as I got on the bus, 'but I don't know where it is.'
'I'll tell you where to get off.' answered the conductor.
I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside. After some time, the bus stopped. Looking round, I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus.
'You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.'
'Is this Woodford Green?' I asked.
'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly. 'I forgot to put you off.'
'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.'
'We're going back now,' said the conductor.
'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered.
【New words and expressions】 生词和短语
★ride n. 旅行
tour 游玩
sightseeing 观光游
ride v. 骑(车),骑(马)
★excursion n. 远足
excursion n.游玩,郊游(近距离的)
weekend's excursion
★conductor n. 售票员
★view n. 景色
sight n.景色,视线,视野
in one's view = in one's opinion 就某人看来
view n. 景色(主观性较强)
sight n.景色;视线,视野(强调客观)
love doing/like doing 强调一种习惯,喜欢做某事
I love my brother,but I don't like his girlfriend.
I love having dinner with you,but I don't like paying for dinner.
go on an excursion = have an excursion
take 花费
take sb.some time
Eg.: My trip took me a long time.
it 形式主语
it takes sb.some time to do sth.
it takes sb.some time that...
Eg.: It took me a month to learn book 2.
sb.spend some time doing sth.
Eg.:I spent a month learning English.
sb.spend some time on sth.
金钱上的花费 cost,pay for sth.
than I expected [口语化]比我所预料的
The quesion is easier than I expected.
You are greater than I expected.
You are more beaufiful than I expected.
You are better than I expected.
than I thought 比我原以为的
The holiday took you longer than I expected.
The English class took me longer than I thought.
where it is/注意单纯连读
get on the bus 上车
get off the bus 下车
I will tell you where you can(should)get off.
I will tell you where to get off
语法结构: 特殊疑问词 + to + 动词原型 可用来取代宾语从句
How can I get there?
Can you tell me how I can get there?
Can you tell me how to get there?
Can you tell me how I should do?
Can you tell me what to do?
I don't know which to choose.
I wonder when to have a meeting.
1. Did you find out____the pie out of oven?
A.to take B.have taken
C.when to take D.pile up
find out发现
pie 馅饼
oven 火炉
take sth.out of 取出来
Answer : C
Did you find out when we could (can) take the pie out of oven?
in the front of/in front of
the 特指,范围
in the front of 前者属于后者的范围
in front of 前者不属于后者的范围
The teacher stands in the front of the classroom.
The teacher stands in front of the students.
to 表目的
get a good view of...欣赏……的美景
I stood at the window to get a good view of the city.
after some time = after a time
looking round
-ing 与主句主语构成主动关系
-ed 与主句主语构成被动关系
to do 与主句主语构成目的关系
passing plain 路过的飞机
ploughed field 耕过的地
3. 如果 -ing/-ed 做宾补,与宾语有关
I find the door locked.
I realized with a shock that...
I do sth.with an excitement.
with+n. 表示状语
that 引导宾语从句
left 放在被修饰词之后
as far as we go 我们能够走的一样远
This is as far as I can do.
as far as + 从句: 最大程度的,最大限度的
as far as we go = we couldn't go any more.
I can't bear (it any more.)
It was more than I oculd bear.
This is as far as I bear.
This is as far as I can understand.
This is as far as I can afford.
oh dear 欧,天呐
forget to do 忘记去做某事
forget doing 忘记已经做了什么事
I forget to shut the door.
I forget shutting the door.
put sb.off
put off the meeting/put off the appointment 表示推迟,延期
put sb.off off adv. = remind sb.to do 表示提醒
put sb.off 推脱,敷衍
My son always asks me to take him up,I always put him off.
We're going back now.我们马上就要回去
in that case 如果那样的话
in this case 如果这样的话
prefer do do sth. 宁可做某事
prefer to do...rather than...宁可.也不...
love doing/like doing 喜欢做某事
sth.take sb.some time 花费时间做某事
It takes sb.some time to do sth./It take sb.some time that...
than I expected 比预料的……
as far as + 句子:表示最大限度的,最大程度的
1. 非谓语动词做状语,这个动作必然与主句主语有关;
-ed 与主句主语构成被动关系
to do 与主句主语构成目的关系
2. 如果非谓语动词做宾语,只与被修饰词相关,与主语无关;
passing plane 路过的飞机
ploughed field 耕过的地
3. 如果-ing/-ed做宾补,与宾语有关
语法结构:特殊疑问词 + to + 动词原型 可用来取代宾语从句
How can I get there?
Can you tell me how I can get there?
Can you tell me how to get there?
Can you tell me how to begin a letter?
in that case 如果那样的话
in this case 如果这样的话