mathematica用FindRoot命令出现了一下错误,FindRoot::cvmit:Failed to converge to the requested accuracy or precision within 100 iterations.>>General::stop:Further output of Set::write will be suppressed during this calculation.>>还有以下

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/20 16:20:28

mathematica用FindRoot命令出现了一下错误,FindRoot::cvmit:Failed to converge to the requested accuracy or precision within 100 iterations.>>General::stop:Further output of Set::write will be suppressed during this calculation.>>还有以下
FindRoot::cvmit:Failed to converge to the requested accuracy or precision within 100 iterations.>>
General::stop:Further output of Set::write will be suppressed during this calculation.>>
还有以下几个出错提示:是啥意思啊?FindRoot::lstol:The line search decreased the step size to within tolerance specified by AccuracyGoal and PrecisionGoal but was unable to find a sufficient decrease in the merit function.You may need more than MachinePrecision digits of working precision to meet these tolerances.>>
General::stop:Further output of FindRoot::cvmit will be suppressed during this calculation.>>

mathematica用FindRoot命令出现了一下错误,FindRoot::cvmit:Failed to converge to the requested accuracy or precision within 100 iterations.>>General::stop:Further output of Set::write will be suppressed during this calculation.>>还有以下

mathematica用FindRoot命令出现了一下错误,FindRoot::cvmit:Failed to converge to the requested accuracy or precision within 100 iterations.>>General::stop:Further output of Set::write will be suppressed during this calculation.>>还有以下 mathematica 方程结果里面取【实部】?FindRoot[x^2 + 9 == I,{x,1}]Re[x]] Mathematica解方程,如何限定根的范围(定义域)?我在用Mathematica解方程的时候想设定自变量的定义域,但目前我所知道的函数FindRoot只能设定初始值,请问有没有办法限定方程的解在某个范围里面 求一个mathematica对复杂式子的解法对于一个很复杂的式子,NSolve,Solve等的都无法对其进行计算.只能限定一个范围,用Plot代入数值进去看图像变换,再根据图像用FindRoot来求近似解.可是这种方法对 mathematica,如果用方程结果画图?如何把h和a的关系的图做出了,listplot也可以,所以只能得到数值解Table[FindRoot[h*h == a,{h,1}],{a,0,10,1}],请给出具体表达式? 关于mathematica的findroot的疑问我大致知道解的范围,使用findroot时候有个奇怪的现象,比如我之前知道某个变量的解范围在2066左右,我输入2066,findroot的结果是2119.7,但是我输入2067就不收敛了,这什 Mathematica中,如何将FindRoot[]的结果转化成数值形式?如题,FindRoot[]的结果是{t -> **}的形式,如何将其中的数值**提出呢?此题背景为,想研究一个超越方程的某个参数变化时对根的影响.我最初的想法 用Mathematica 8.0 画图 用mathematica解决微分方程 用Mathematica求解 问个Mathematica求方程数值解的问题FindRoot[psi[r] == 12,{r,1},WorkingPrecision -> 10]Out[168] {r -> 17.58534817}解是解出来了,但怎么把解自动赋值给其他变量,以供后续运算 用Mathematica作图,求代码. 请教这个方程如何在mathematica中求解呢?其中我看到这个方程的解是exp = Integrate[b^a l^(a - 1) Exp[-b l]/Gamma[a] /.a -> 58 b,{l,0,95.7},Assumptions -> (Re[b] > 0)]FindRoot[exp == 0.9,{b,1}](* {b -> 0.000917585} *)a mathematica如何求解含有三角函数的方程?FindRoot[{3 x1^3 + 2 x2 - 5 + Sin[x1 - x2] Sin[x1 + x2] == 0,-x1*Exp[x1 - x2] + x2 (4 + 3 x2^2) + 2 x3 + Sin[x2 - x3] Sin[x2 + x3] - 8 == 0,-x2*Exp[x2 - x3] + 4 x3 - 3 ==0},{x1,Pi/2},{x2,2},{x3,0}] 用mathematica怎么求数列收敛 怎么用mathematica 求数列极限 用mathematica能画出什么图形? 用Mathematica怎么画这个周期函数?