of mice and men小说,英文读后感急,希望在星期二早上之前有答案.大概在4至5段.

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of mice and men小说,英文读后感急,希望在星期二早上之前有答案.大概在4至5段.
of mice and men小说,英文读后感

of mice and men小说,英文读后感急,希望在星期二早上之前有答案.大概在4至5段.
《《人鼠之间》这本小说的作者是诺贝尔文学奖得主,美国30年代的著名作家John·Steinbeck.小说的题目:Of Mice and Man 来自一首名叫‘To a Mouse’的诗:‘The best laid scheme o' mice an' men, gang aft agley.'这首诗是讲人们在耕作的时候破坏了老鼠们的家的故事.其实《人鼠之间》讲述的故事中的老鼠并不仅仅代表着轻度智障的主人公Lennie无意捏死的一只只老鼠,而是那些为了梦想而在社会底层挣扎的人们.
故事发生在二十世纪三十年代大萧条时期的加利福尼亚州Soledad的一家农场里.看到这个名字,不禁让我联想到了“sole dad(孤独之父)”和“soul dead(灵魂的死亡)”,还有在西班牙语中soledad是冷漠和悲凉的意思.这似乎预示着小说的悲剧色彩.主人公、表兄弟George和Lennie就在这里为了梦想中的自己的农场、兔子和苜蓿地而努力工作.整篇小说就围绕着这个梦想发展,因为宁静自由的乡村生活就是在社会底层的兄弟俩生活之路上唯一的希望.
Lennie是一个身材高大但是心灵却如同儿童般幼稚的人.他很喜欢抚摸柔软的东西,这个嗜好也为他招惹了不少的麻烦.一开始被赶出Weed城,后来在路上无意地捏死一只只老鼠,在抚摸狗毛时将狗拍死.尽管George经常说:“He ain't mean that”,但最终惨剧还是发生了,当Lennie误杀了农场主儿媳后,George为了让他免受折磨而不得不对他扣动扳机时,那飞出的子弹不仅将Lennie带离人世,也击碎了一直支撑着他们努力生活的心中自由的梦想.他们的梦想破灭了,这也暗示着大萧条时期人们生活的黯淡与希望的渺茫.
仔细想来,那时的社会处处都是等级的划分——身体上的、精神上的、社会地位上的以及肤色人种上的.Lennie有着很高的Physical status,而身体上的弱者——老鼠和小狗为了生存不得不服从他.但是由于他的轻微智障,Lennie的Mental status很低,必须和George相依为命才能在残酷的社会上生存下去.这两个农民工处于社会底层,为自己小小的梦想奋斗着,但等待他们的是无法抗拒的残酷现实,那美丽的梦想轻如肥皂泡瞬间破灭.Steinbeck在书中刻画了许多这样拥有梦想的“特殊的普通人”,但精神上的孤独最终使他们跌入了社会的深井之中.小说看后让人感到压抑,悲伤和同情.作者Steinbeck是悲观主义者?也许不是,只能是那时的社会状况容不得一丝乐观存在.

" Of mice and men" the author of the novel is the Nobel Literature Prize winner, 30 time of American famous writer John Steinbeck. The title of the novel: the Of Mice and Man comes from a song named ' To a Mouse ' The best laid ' poems: scheme o' mice an ' men, gang aft agley.' this poem is telling people in the farming when damaged mice home story. In fact," of mice and men" tells the story of a mouse and not only represents the mildly retarded hero Lennie accidentally kill a mouse, but those for the dream at the bottom of society people struggling in the.
The story takes place in the nineteen thirties during the Depression era California Soledad at a farm. See the name, so that I can not help but think of the" sole Dad ( lonely father )" and" soul dead ( the souls of the dead )", and in Spanish Soledad is cold and dreary. This seems to indicate that the tragedy. The protagonist, cousin George and Lennie is here to dream their own farm, rabbits and alfalfa and hard work. The novel revolves around this dream, because the peace of rural life is in the bottom of society life of two brothers on the only hope.
Lennie was a tall but the mind is as childish naive person. He likes to touch the soft things, this hobby to provoke a lot of trouble. To be out of Weed City, later on the road unintentionally kill a mouse, dog dog in touch will be shot dead. Although George often said:" He ain t mean that", but the final tragedy happened, when Lennie killed farmers daughter, George to keep him from torture to him when the trigger was pulled, the flying bullets will not only Lennie away from the world, also break has supported their efforts the heart of life for the dream of freedom. Their dreams are shattered, this also implies that the Great Depression living bleak and hopeless.
Think carefully, then society everywhere is grade -- physical, spiritual, social status and race on the skin. Lennie has a very high Physical status, and physically weak -- mice and dogs in order to survive has to obey him. But because of his slight mental retardation, Lennie Mental status was low, and must be George in the cruel society depend on each other to survive. The two migrant workers in the bottom of society, for their own little dream to struggle, but they cannot resist the cruel reality, that beautiful dream light as a soap bubble vanished in a moment. Steinbeck in the book depicts a number of such a dream of" special person", but the spiritual loneliness eventually make them fell into deep into society. The novel after depressing, sadness and sympathy. The Steinbeck is a pessimist? Maybe not, only then social status allows of no optimism exists.

Story is simple, cover for no more than three days, place is an American California pasture. Describes two supportive Cousins-a is shrewd George (George), a mild retarded son lenny (Lennie). Rennie be...


Story is simple, cover for no more than three days, place is an American California pasture. Describes two supportive Cousins-a is shrewd George (George), a mild retarded son lenny (Lennie). Rennie because social adaptation is bad, always wrong, make of the two people everywhere but to change jobs. In the rich o 'shea (Tyler Ranch) in the field of, they work hard dream weave, George promised rennie if he obedient don't get into trouble, the future will be able to take care of a nest of rabbit and see a dream will come true. Once rennie miss o 'shea strangled Mrs Of the son mei, a mistake, in order to avoid the farm the lads beat, rennie fled. When guys beating after rennie, George in order not to let rennie is farm guys killed and insulted, the first to find rennie. He raised his gun, and put the gun muzzle near the back of the Leonid scoops, will he shot dead. The novel irony for the weak to social discrimination, but not for the mice, lenny cherish, "people between mouse" once because of the "language, aggressive, and profane with ethnic tendency" is seen as JinShu. 1962 because of the novel a baker won the Nobel Prize for literature



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