请各位能不能看看我的IELTS作文能有5.There are social,medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones.What froms do they take?Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of the mobile phone?In modern socie

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请各位能不能看看我的IELTS作文能有5.There are social,medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones.What froms do they take?Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of the mobile phone?In modern socie
There are social,medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones.What froms do they take?Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of the mobile phone?
In modern society with the rapid development of science and technology.Mobile phones are more important than used to be.At the same time mant problems associated with the use of moblie phones so that people in growing numbers agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phone.In my opinion.I disagree with this this point of view for three reasons.
My first reason is that mobile phones bridge the information gap to each other.There is no doubt that mobile phones are far more convenient and efficient than the written letters or made telegarms.At this satge,nothing is more qualitative and quantitative than to use mobile phones.It costs methree days to wait a letter from the other city.But it costs me three seconds to receive a message from the other country.
My second reason is that we can put the mobile phones into pocket and bring it to everwhere.When we were in troubles the mobile phone is one of ten best waysto help ourselves.For instance when I in a strange place,my new type of mobile phone which with GPS will tell me the destination.It is one of my reliable friends.
My third reason is that mobile phones make our leisure colourfue and wonderful.Many people,if not most,use the camera of mobile phone to take photos.It also can plays music and videos.We shoule not carry camera MP3 and CD player any more when we travelling.
So pervasive are mobile phones that no one can avoid being influenced by them.We can not emphasize the importance of them too much.In conclusion.I think that mobile phones bring us more benefits than problems.

请各位能不能看看我的IELTS作文能有5.There are social,medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones.What froms do they take?Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of the mobile phone?In modern socie
我觉得差不多可以 可是有几点不足需要注意:
1 段落分析很明确 但是每段开头需要适当的变换句式 总用一个句形是不利于提分的
2 文章中有些许拼写错误 不知道是你 打的时候打错了 还是拼写不知道,这个在考试的时候尤其要注意 ,不会写的词就不要写了 换一个,不然会扣分 划不来的
3 缺少一些大词 ,所谓大词,就是那种让人看了 能觉得耳目一新的词 这个东西可以考前突击的 学几个用上会比较好`~
另外有一些网站你可以总去看看像3g雅思网啊之类的 上面有很多不错的作文模板 你可以拿来研究一下 ,学学句式阿 词汇阿 等等的

请各位能不能看看我的IELTS作文能有5.There are social,medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones.What froms do they take?Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of the mobile phone?In modern socie 能请各位大神看看我的这篇作文,然后给点意见和帮我起个题目.因为作文字数超了 所以截图了,希望大家可以看看这篇作文,并给我一些评语! 请各位英语学霸帮我看看这个作文,有没有错,急... 能不能帮我看看自己写的英语小作文有什么错误之处, 能不能帮我看看这篇作文的问题, 能不能帮我看看这篇作文的问题, 求IELTS的写作书谁有十天突破雅思写作的书啊 能不能发给我啊 拜托各位帮我看看四级能不能过!听力选择对20个,填词5个,句子算一个,快速阅读8个,仔细阅读8个,完形15个,选词6个,作文一般般,翻译算一个作文一般般能的一半的分数吗》? 英语翻译作文一般中等,各位大侠看看能不能过啊 帮我改改这篇作文,这是我参赛的作文,请各位老师来看看,规定800字读“历史的选择”有感鸟儿选择了天空,因为它有一双能够凌空飞翔的翅膀;鱼儿选择了海洋,因为它有一条能游水的尾巴; 请好心网友帮我看看六级能不能过听力选项对了11个,填词4个 ,快速阅读错一个,填词阅读对两个,仔细阅读对5个,完型对了12个 ,翻译写了4个,作文背了模板都用了 但是有单词拼写错误,我能过么 我有篇作文 能帮我看看语法么 英文作文高手进 帮我改一篇作文各位能不能帮我看看有没有跑题,是关于Leadership的,而且有没有语法错误,或者可以把词语改得更优美的地方.奖100分想帮我的 Baidu Hi 找我 或者给我发个消息奖20 各位请帮我看看这句话英文怎么说,能帮我看看这段话的英文怎么说吗?是在应聘简历上的.2006年6月至2007年5月:上海肯德基股份有限公司 优秀员工本人对待工作认真仔细负责有强烈的责任心. 请高手帮我看看我这个6级能过不?希望高手帮我看看我这样6级能不能过?听力选择18个,填词5个,句子3句都写了一些不知道给不给分.快速阅读8个,阅读理解2个,深度阅读5个.完型11个,翻译2个.作文 关于2011年英语六级百分制问题?究竟是60能过还是必须得62才能过?我是今年六月份参加的六级考试:麻烦各位高手看看我能不能过.实事求是的说,我能承受打击~作文算9分吧 用了些模板 自己又 初三英语作文,请帮我看看有没有毛病? 请大家帮我看看英语作文有没有错误