这篇托福作文可以打几分?谢谢有考试经验的大虾指教和点评.这是我写的第一篇托福作文,When it comes to the question whether subjects such as art,music,and drama should be a part of every child’s basic education,opinio

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/12 20:20:32

这篇托福作文可以打几分?谢谢有考试经验的大虾指教和点评.这是我写的第一篇托福作文,When it comes to the question whether subjects such as art,music,and drama should be a part of every child’s basic education,opinio
When it comes to the question whether subjects such as art,music,and drama should be a part of every child’s basic education,opinion varies from person to person.Some may think such subjects related to arts are essential to children’s growth while the other think children are wasting time if they spare time on learning such subjects.As for me,I hold the opinion that subjects such as art,music,and drama should be a part of every child’s basic education and reasons are presented as follows.
First of all,art is a good way to inspire provoking-thought which would certainly benefit the study in other realm.Many scientists bear a deep interest in arts,and art in turn inspires their thought.For example,the famous physician Albert Einstein is also a violinist.He liked to play the violin for a short time during the process of a experiment.To some extent,violin made him relaxed for a while after a long time complex thinking and inspired him for further thinking in the physics.So subjects about arts can
Secondly,subjects about arts enrich children’s mind.As a comprehensive basic education system subjects related to arts should be listed on the course list.Art such as music and drama is one type of the human’s splendid creation and is an important media to pass the emotion from person to person,especially a master to a group of ordinary people.We look inside into the composers’ internal world through the composer’s work,with our own feeling about the music,from happiness to anxiety,from loneliness to appreciation.And I will never forget how touching I am when I hear the concert on Beethoven’s sonata and how inspired by the Shakespear’s classic drama,Hamlet.Arts express the other people’s thoughts and values while enriching my mind.
Finally,involving such subjects at least provides an opportunity to keep children informed of arts and develops an interest in arts no matter whether a child will eventually become a musician or a dramatist or just a typical office worker.Furthermore,studying abroad provides students with a good opportunity to experience a totally different culture.If subjects about art are eliminated from basic education children are less accessible to the world of art.That means a large amount of children have to learn about art in some day later in their life or even could never be exposed to the charm of art.
In word,subjects such as art,music and drama should be a part of every child’s basic education.For art may inspire us,enrich our mind and art is one necessary part of our life.

这篇托福作文可以打几分?谢谢有考试经验的大虾指教和点评.这是我写的第一篇托福作文,When it comes to the question whether subjects such as art,music,and drama should be a part of every child’s basic education,opinio

这篇托福作文可以打几分?谢谢有考试经验的大虾指教和点评.这是我写的第一篇托福作文,When it comes to the question whether subjects such as art,music,and drama should be a part of every child’s basic education,opinio 请问这篇作文能打几分 大家帮我评价一下这篇作文几分60分的作文可以得几分 第一次托福考的很差.阅读8 听力18口语18 写作11 .距离最后一次考试还有一个月多一点点的时间.希望可以打到95分左右,希望有经验的前辈们可以给我支招,帮我定一个详细的一个月复习计划,很 初二英语作文:我的考试经验 托福听力如何练习提高分数?有经验的可以交流下 【雅思作文高手进】帮我看看这篇作文,估下能得几分我是第一次考雅思,这是我摸索着写出来的作文,没什么经验,也肯定会有很多出错的地方,就不要客气指出来,顺便帮我估下能得几分,Today,env 托福.托福有经验的请进.我是个高中留学生 国外第3年 考过SAT,CR750,W780,M770.要去考托福.去年圣诞节我回国考了托福,考了70多分.我很怕托福...就快考了...还有2个多月,我该怎么办?去年的考试,考 有经验的请回答:gre和托福两天连着考,会有问题吗?已经报11月23日的托福,现在在报gre,有11月22日的,也就是托福前一天考试.别的日子也有考位.我就是想问下,头天考gre,第二天考托福,这样会不 关于托福考位小弟最近想考托福,但是看了下报名名额全满 汗啊.不知道有什么办法可以在近期定上考位呢.有经验的朋友帮忙分享下心得.来打广告的就算了吧奉献全部分值主要想要西南地区 考试时的作文要写记叙文,我写的没有具体事件,到考试最后10分钟的时候看到的,我只写了一点点事情,开头和结尾还算不错,作文总分42分,我可以扣几分? 要考SAT和托福,背哪个词汇书好?求考试经验~我有托福红宝书~GRE的红宝书~托福词以类记~SAT的词以类记 王玉梅托福词汇~SAT词汇必备 想从中挑选2~3本背,我高三水平,基础一般, 如何让考托福RT,如何考托福?需要阅读哪方面的书?用不用找一个辅导班?托福什么时候可以报名?本人小白,希望各位有经验的大大给详细解释下,感激不尽! 有《听了抗震救灾小英雄的故事后的感想》这篇作文吗?请大家帮我找或者写一篇,谢谢不是考试的!! 托福100的水平雅思大概几分 初三第一次月考难度如何望有经验者多多透露 谢谢与之前考试相比或与中考相比 我这心里没把握第二考场上升到第一考场的可能性有多大? 求北京101中学初升高分班考试经验希望回答者最好是12年参加过该考试的学哥学姐〜帮忙给个复习指导,具体到每科有什么知识可以复习.如:谢谢哈><〜〜〜 考托福,背完了四级词汇,老师说根据经验,接下来直接背六级词汇效果比背托福词汇好.我很困惑这不是两种考试吗?我看了看六级词汇书,的却有些单词是重合的,但托福那本红宝书有好多都是专