
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 13:50:20


Mongolian people from other ethnic brothers learned building technologies.They built houses,not only with chic modelling,beautiful and durable.In order to commemorate and celebrate in civil engineering and construction for the achievements,and they took the lunar April second quarter as lu class.
Lu festival,is the yunnan province TongHaiXian wl's area of the Mongolian people's traditional festival,the annual lunar held April second for a day.
Festival this day,out of the mud,built of wood,the masons.The village is to kill pig to kill sheep,DaTai act in an opera.People also put the sandalwood carving up like lu,on beating gongs and drums,swim straight each village,
Everyone on the collection,singing and dancing.Their favorite dance called "jump le".Jump,first by the young men as the guide,their arms leading four string harp,the side play the dances,formation and changeable,and song and dance,the scene is very active

Mongolia people from other ethnic groups learned construction technology. They build houses, not only unique style, beautiful, and durable. In order to commemorate and celebrate the civil engineering ...


Mongolia people from other ethnic groups learned construction technology. They build houses, not only unique style, beautiful, and durable. In order to commemorate and celebrate the civil engineering achievements, they put the lunar new year in April for the Luban festival.
Luban Festival, Yunnan province the area west Mongolia people's traditional festival, the annual Lunar New Year in April held two days, one day.
On this day, out of the construction of mud, wood, mason. The village must kill pigs and sheep, takes a stand. The sandalwood carving of Luban like picking up, beat gongs and sound drums, tour the village straight,
We market together, singing and dancing. Most of them like dance is called the" dance music". Jump, the young man as the guide, they embrace the leading four string guitar playing, dancing, formation and changeable, and song and dance, the scene is very active.


英语翻译蒙古族人民从其他兄弟民族那里学会了建筑技术.他们修建的房屋,不仅造型别致、美观,而且经久耐用.为了纪念和庆祝在土木建筑方面取得的成就,他们就把农历四月初二定为鲁班节. 英语翻译今天我要讲的民族是蒙古族,蒙古族有鲁班节和白节.鲁班节是云南蒙古族人民的传统节日,每年农历四月初二举行,为期一天.节日这天,各村寨都要杀猪宰羊,搭台唱戏.人们还把鲁班像 形容蒙古族人民的词语 蒙古族民族的风俗和习惯是什么? 形容草原中蒙古族人民的成语 中华民族和汉族、满族、蒙古族、藏族以及中国的其他民族到底是什么关系?我一直很疑惑,中华民族这个说法.一直认为中华民族包含中国的各个民族,但是民族包含民族,这样的说法有点不是 从下列词语中找出不同于其他的一类词蒙古族 回族 傣族 壮族 汉族 从什么的乌鸦那里,我学会了什么的品质 人类从哪些动物那里“学会了”制造某一物品? 黄道婆从海南岛的黎族人民那里学会了棉纺技术,这说明了什么?还有:大家为什么在她逝世后“感恩洒泣,而共葬之,又为立祠,岁时享之”? 为什么中国的其他阶级不能解决中国的民族独立和人民解放的问题 为什么蒙古族和藏族至今完整保留了本民族的一切,其他游牧民族就被汉人同化了比如契丹女真回鹘,其实他们和蒙古族,藏族至少是同时期的 我们从她那里学会了宽容,学会了理解 用英语怎么说 英语翻译赤峰市有浓郁的蒙古族风情.美丽神奇的昭乌达草原养育了热情豪爽的 “ 马背上的民族 ”—— 蒙古族,他们的传统生产生活方式、待人接物的礼仪、祭祀神灵与礼拜祖先的程序,蒙古 清朝时期的中国是每个民族都要留辫子吗?大家都知道清朝时期满清政府要求汉人和满人一样必须留辫子,那么其他民族——比如壮族、藏族、蒙古族、回族、维吾尔族、朝鲜族、苗族、傣族 傣族、回族、满族、朝鲜族、蒙古族、哈萨克族的民族风俗习惯 蒙古族是个怎样的民族字数50左右 蒙古族的民族特征 200字复制的也行