明天交.来个高手来帮翻一个论文摘要 翻译好了加分.如今 “统筹城乡发展,推进社会主义新农村建设”已成为我国当代舆论的热点话题,在“三农”政策的倡导下,农村报业的发展也备受关注.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 22:05:28

明天交.来个高手来帮翻一个论文摘要 翻译好了加分.如今 “统筹城乡发展,推进社会主义新农村建设”已成为我国当代舆论的热点话题,在“三农”政策的倡导下,农村报业的发展也备受关注.
如今 “统筹城乡发展,推进社会主义新农村建设”已成为我国当代舆论的热点话题,在“三农”政策的倡导下,农村报业的发展也备受关注.然而,与我国城市报纸如火如荼的竞争相比,农村地区却由于种种原因发行量寥寥无几.如何拓展农村报业市场,更好的服务新农村建设是我们面临的重大问题.因此本文首先从总体上把握当前农村“报荒”现状及成因.然后,具体分析出发展农村报业的可行性条件及重要意义.最后,总结出五点如何拓展农村报业市场,促进经济发展,加快新农村建设的看法和建议.
Today,the "urban and rural development,promote the building of new socialist countryside" has become a hot topic in contemporary public opinion.
In the "three rural" policy measures,the development of the newspaper media to pay more attention.
However,in my country City newspapers competition is a raging fire,for various reasons in rural areas the circulation is very small .
How to expand the newspaper market in rural areas,better services to new rural construction is a major issue we face.
Therefore,this article will first grasp the rural areas in general,"reported shortage" situation and the causes of,and then Specific analysis of the development of the rural press and the feasibility condition and Significance.Finally,a five-point summary on how to expand market in rural newspapers,promoting economic development,accelerate the construction of new countryside views and suggestions
这是自己在线翻译的 感觉太垃圾了.

明天交.来个高手来帮翻一个论文摘要 翻译好了加分.如今 “统筹城乡发展,推进社会主义新农村建设”已成为我国当代舆论的热点话题,在“三农”政策的倡导下,农村报业的发展也备受关注.
Today,the "urban and rural development,promote the building of new socialist countryside" has become a hot topic in contemporary public opinion,in the "three rural" policy initiative,the rural development of the newspaper industry concern.However,with competition in full swing in China than the city newspaper,the rural areas but very few circulation due to various reasons.How to expand the newspaper market in rural areas,better services to new rural construction is a major issue we face.This article first grasp the rural areas in general,"reported shortage" situation and causes.Then,specific analysis of the feasibility of the development of rural press conditions and significance.Finally,sum up the five points and how to expand the newspaper market in rural areas and promote economic development,accelerate the construction of new countryside views and suggestions.

Today, the "urban and rural development, promote the building of new socialist countryside" has become a hot topic in contemporary public opinion, in the "three rural" policy initiative, the rural dev...


Today, the "urban and rural development, promote the building of new socialist countryside" has become a hot topic in contemporary public opinion, in the "three rural" policy initiative, the rural development of the newspaper industry concern. However, with competition in full swing in China than the city newspaper, the rural areas but very few circulation due to various reasons. How to expand the newspaper market in rural areas, better services to new rural construction is a major issue we face. This article first grasp the rural areas in general, "reported shortage" situation and causes. Then, specific analysis of the feasibility of the development of rural press conditions and significance. Finally, sum up the five points and how to expand the newspaper market in rural areas and promote economic development, accelerate the construction of new countryside views and suggestions.


明天交.来个高手来帮翻一个论文摘要 翻译好了加分.如今 “统筹城乡发展,推进社会主义新农村建设”已成为我国当代舆论的热点话题,在“三农”政策的倡导下,农村报业的发展也备受关注. 哪位英语高手可以帮一下忙翻译个论文摘要啊?明天就要交论文啦,跪求!摘要:随着中国加入WTO,经济迅速发展,人民币从2005年7月汇改以来持续升值,引起了广泛关注.人民币升值对我国有利有弊, 求英语高手来帮忙翻译,不要谷歌的,有朋友来帮忙嘛?论文摘要,十万火急明天就要交了啊! !5种粤北灵芝菌株的生物学特性研究摘要:本文根据不同的试验方案:碳源试验、氮源试验、光照试 求英语高手,论文摘要翻译.拒绝翻译软件! 英语翻译明天就要交论文了 ,但我现在摘要翻译还没弄好,小弟英语水平实在有限,自己翻译不来,翻译下面的摘要,摘要在当今竞争日益激烈的知识经济时代,科学技术飞速发展,技术成为决定一 英语翻译明天要交论文,有哪位英语高手能帮我翻译一下我的论文摘要不摘要:新词语是社会的一面镜子,它能直观迅速地反映社会的发展和变动。新词语的产生在中国有三次高潮,其中改革 英语翻译没分值可以悬赏,但很希望各位大侠别介意,救救急,明天就要交论文的初稿了,现在英文的摘要还没翻译。 英语翻译链接论文摘要翻译 高手帮忙翻译个英文摘要,谢谢了 求英语神人翻译一下论文摘要~~~~~~ 英语翻译因为本人英文水平欠佳,而且论文马上就要交了,所以急求各位英文高手帮我翻译一下摘要和关键字.我向您保证一定会再加分的!P.S.希望各位英文高手能帮个忙,感激不尽!摘要(如果想 请英语高手帮我翻译一下论文摘要 尽量不要用翻译器 摘要:随着我国经济的发展以及高等教育事业的不断的改 求翻译啊,各路英文高手来吧.论文摘要翻译成英文的.麻烦各位啦~摘要如下: 目前,中国的经济正处于市场经济的积极阶段,迫切需要独立、客观、公正的注册会计师审计来保障.而独立审计 摘要翻译,求高手翻译成英文? 英语翻译麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译一下论文摘要,请不要直接进行在线翻译,那样的文字太生涩.摘要如下:中文摘要当今世界,企业间的竞争战略日益同质化,随着竞争的日益加剧,雇主品牌作为企 求个英语高手翻译论文(借助有道和google的别麻烦了)请帮忙翻译下以下论文摘要:(不必逐字翻译) 注:若是借助有道和google的朋友就不用麻烦你了,本人为英语四级水平能看出来是否专 论文英文摘要急找高手解答,明天就要交了,电子商务的兴起和发展为企业带来了新的契机.它是新经济时代的重要标志,也是企业现代化的核心.电子商务的发展对企业的营销模式产生了重要的 50分求英语高手翻译法学论文摘要,拜托了!摘要:目前,我国的立法权限划分体系中还存在诸多问题,如:地方性法规与部门规章之间的冲突问题,是我国社会主义法制建设中还需改善的一个环节