1.Does Ben never watches TV on saturday evening?2.Let‘s play the volleyball.3.I always play the piano from Monday to Friday,so I()watch TV on Saturday.A.(never) B.(always) C.(sometimes)1、2题修改病句,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/14 07:27:05

1.Does Ben never watches TV on saturday evening?2.Let‘s play the volleyball.3.I always play the piano from Monday to Friday,so I()watch TV on Saturday.A.(never) B.(always) C.(sometimes)1、2题修改病句,
1.Does Ben never watches TV on saturday evening?2.Let‘s play the volleyball.
3.I always play the piano from Monday to Friday,so I()watch TV on Saturday.
A.(never) B.(always) C.(sometimes)

1.Does Ben never watches TV on saturday evening?2.Let‘s play the volleyball.3.I always play the piano from Monday to Friday,so I()watch TV on Saturday.A.(never) B.(always) C.(sometimes)1、2题修改病句,

1.Does Ben never watche TV on saturday evening?

2.Let‘s play  volleyball.


1 去掉 watches 的es dose 已经是第三人称单数 2去掉the play 加 运动项目不加the
3 B 不过我认为你第三题好像抄错了

1、watch 2、play volleyball 3、C

1.Does Ben ever watches TV on Saturday evening?
2.Let's play volleyball.