英译汉,满意追加得分. 谢谢大家.请不要机器翻译.谢谢~Company’s culture is defined as “A pattern of shared basic assumptions invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of externa

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/18 21:12:59

英译汉,满意追加得分. 谢谢大家.请不要机器翻译.谢谢~Company’s culture is defined as “A pattern of shared basic assumptions invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of externa
英译汉,满意追加得分. 谢谢大家.请不要机器翻译.谢谢~
Company’s culture is defined as “A pattern of shared basic assumptions invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration" that have worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to those problems”. It has also been defined as "the specific collection of values and norms that are shared by people and groups in an organization and that control the way they interact with each other and with stakeholders outside the organization." It is a set of shared mental assumptions that guide interpretation and action in organizations by defining appropriate behavior for various situations.

英译汉,满意追加得分. 谢谢大家.请不要机器翻译.谢谢~Company’s culture is defined as “A pattern of shared basic assumptions invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of externa

英译汉,满意追加得分. 谢谢大家.请不要机器翻译.谢谢~Company’s culture is defined as “A pattern of shared basic assumptions invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of externa 请帮忙将英语翻译为汉语. 满意追加得分. 谢谢大家啦~The core competencies are the organization’s major value-creating skills, capabilities, and resources that determine its competitive weapons. As for Alibaba, the company’s cor 需要请大家帮忙翻译一篇英语文章,不要软件翻译的,要语法正确的,满意的追加30分.谢谢!Nearly five years have passed since China adopted a more flexible exchange rate regime in July 2005. Since then the yuan has appreciate 古诗原文翻译!满意追加分数!急!http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/224757033.html如上!请大家帮帮忙!谢谢!谢谢大家的答案!大家的答案我都挺满意的.放心我会及时采纳的.最迟也就明天可是希望大家再帮 英语翻译请不要用翻译的软件翻译,自己亲自翻译满意追加50分 几个英文名的含义.!下面几个英文名,请大家帮下忙.Carol IrisIvy ChrissySylvia ParisSky ZoeyKrista提供这些名字的 1.含义 2.音标谢谢大家.!满意的话,可追加!而且十万火急啊, 请给出柯西不等式在解题中的应用,越多越好!并给出相关实例!谢谢!奉献一百分,非常满意的追加一百!请不要答非所问,谢谢!可以只说一个,说的精彩、清楚、正确就行了! 日全食 日偏食 日环食根据日全食过程推测日偏食、日环食的过程(请用简单易懂的方式,给小孩子讲不要太难) 谢谢~(如果满意,我还会追加分哦)要快哦!最好是这周5之前!谢谢~ O、U 开头的英文单词有哪些?越多越好!急需!满意答案追加10分!至少各10个!!!!!!!请把单词中文写上!谢谢!大家注意:中文一定要翻译阿!!!!!!!!!!!! 由于时间关系,请各位帮帮忙,有会必弄满意答案!谢谢大家 由于时间关系,请各位帮帮忙,有会必弄满意答案!谢谢大家,3题 《陋室铭》、《爱莲说》、《大道之行也》的写作背景?跪求.急! 请大家耐心回答,感激不尽. 如有满意答案我定会追加悬赏. 水稻烤田是怎么回事?详细!无论你从哪里来的答案 希望详尽一点 不要几个字的答案 谢谢!如果满意在追加分! 急需读后感 谢谢您 我将给您追加20分 如果满意将在追加分数 中考作文各种类型作文的素材及优美句子 急悬赏50分,回答绝对满意追加100.请大家回答的有条理些,尽量多些 看好要求,一 :不要文章,只要段落 和 句子二:有下面几个方面的1.人间情感方面2. 有关钙的核外电子排布钙的核外电子排布为什么是2882而不是2891呢?请用通俗易懂的语言回答,谢谢.答案满意追加20分. (急)高分悬赏:关于国产人elsia试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验).国内哪家生物技术公司或研究所提供的国产人elsia试剂盒效果好?请举例说明谢谢大家 敬请详细 我有一万分 满意的我会追加 满意追加100分