
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/23 07:05:35


Lu xunLu Xun was born in Shaoxing,in Zhejiang province,into an impoverished but educated gentry family.He received a traditional education before he attended Jiangnan Naval Academy (1898-99) and School of Railway and Mines (1899-1902) in Nanjing.In 1902 went to Japan where he studied Japanese language and then medicine at Sendai Provincial Medical School.In 1906 he dropped out of the school to devote himself entirely to writing.He studied privately and returned in 1909 to China.In 1910-11 he was a teacher in Shaoxing.From 1912 to 1926 he held a post in the ministry of education in Beijing.He was Chinese literature instructor at National Beijing University (1920-26),and also taught at Xiamen (Amoy) University (1926) and University of Canton (1927).
He is a short-story writer,essayist,critic,and literary theorist who is considered one of the greatest figures in the 20th-century Chinese literature.In the West Lu Xun is chiefly known for his stories,which have been translated into more than a dozen languages.Lu Xun's acclaimed short stories appeared in three collections between the years 1923 and 1935.He also produced sixteen volumes of essays,reminiscences,prose poetry,historical tales,some sixty classical-style poems,and a dozen volumes of scholarly research,and numerous translations.
The collected works of Lu Xun in twenty volumes was first published in 1938.Lu Xun's work is still widely read in China.In his lifetime Lu Xun managed to maintain his status as an independent but leftist artist,but since his death political factions have been slightly nervous about his legacy


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要考英语六级,有没有大仙可以给几篇比较好的优秀作文,背下来可以掌握很多高级句型,对考六级比较有用的 我想考英语六级,有没有大仙可以给几篇比较好的作文,背下来之后可以掌握很多高级句型和格式的那种, 有没有考英语六级的方法 我想考英语六级,有谁可以帮我制定一下复习计划. 大学英语六级可以随便考几次么~英语四级过了425分就不能再考了,那么英语六级有没有分数限制呢~ 有没有快速提高英语水平的办法?我想考英语六级和考研,但是现在我的英语水平很一般,有没有什么方法能快速提高英语水平,我只有一年的时间可以学了. 1、英语六级刷分,那原来的成绩会作废吗?2、过了英语六级后,还可以考哪些比较有含金量的英语证书? 我想知道自己英语六级是否报了名有没有哪里可以查得到 我想知道自己英语六级是否报了名,有没有哪里可以查得到 我正在备考英语六级,我想买本书练听力,新概念英语几比较合适听说新概念英语挺好的 也可以给我介绍其他的英语听力书 如果要考英语六级,有没有什么需要注意的~ 英语六级考429能过吗?有没有证书啊? 有没有考英语六级的好方法啊? 大专可以考英语六级吗 我要去参加2008年上海市闵行区初中数学竞赛试题,请问有没有考过的人给我写经验,比如考那些大致内容,是整个初中的马?题型?获奖机率大吗?最好有人可以给我几道历届的题目! 剑桥商务英语BEC好过吗?我是05年考的英语六级,当时还是老题型,因此分数比较理想,515,现在我想考一个对于职业有帮助一些的英语,BEC怎么样?我这水平可以直接报高级吗?听说就高级还稍微有用 关于英语六级和BEC啊~50分求回答~我的英语六级考了493,还需要再考一次吗?如果可以不考了,我想考BEC,请问现在想考12月份的还来得及准备吗?希望考过的有经验的传授一下如何准备啊? 英语的级数我之前没有考过任何级数,但现在假设我有考英语四级的能力,那我可以直接就报考英语四级吗?还有如果我想当导游,英语六级够吗?我不是英语专业的,但我可以考八级英语吗?