第1题 (2.0) 分 In the old days my grandpa was made 12 or 13 hours a day.A、work B

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/08 02:06:38

第1题 (2.0) 分 In the old days my grandpa was made 12 or 13 hours a day.A、work B
第1题 (2.0) 分 In the old days my grandpa was made 12 or 13 hours a day.A、work B

第1题 (2.0) 分 In the old days my grandpa was made 12 or 13 hours a day.A、work B
made to work

to work



大学英语 请高手帮忙解答第1题 (2.0) 分 We were so late getting to the theatre that we missed most of() . A、the act first B、act one C、act first D、first act第2题 (2.0) 分 In Hangzhou Mr. Green was so struck by() beauty o 那位读大学英语的高手请指教:How much rice ( ) there in the jar?第1题 (2.0) 分 How much rice( ) there in the jar?A、isB、areC、haveD、has第2题 (2.0) 分 There are ( ) books in our school library than in yours.A、so 第1题 (2.0) 分 In the old days my grandpa was made 12 or 13 hours a day.A、work B 第一个回答正确的给10000分!It is n___ o'clock in the m___.The c___ are h___ a M___ lesson in the c___.All of them are l___ at their t___ and listening to him carefully. 英语作业(4)第31题 (2.0) 分 Will you please( )the word in the dictionary?A、look at B、look out C、look for D、 look up 第32题 (2.0) 分 Please give( )a cup of tea.A、me B、my C、I D、mine 第33题 (2.0) 分 I told Mary( ) 第1题 (4) 分 The first realistic writer in English literature was _______.A、Charles Dickens B、Chaucer C、Milton D、Shakespeare 第2题 (4) 分 The chapter about Yahoos and horses of wisdom is in the story of ____.A、Lilliput B、Brobdinag C what about running in the ⊙ o ⊙ +30分 we have at four o'clock in the afternoonwe have __o___(6个字母) at four o'clock in the afternoono是第三个字母 第35题 (2.0) 分 English is spoken by( ) people.第35题 (2.0) 分 English is spoken by( ) people.A、million B、millions C、millions of D、many millions 第36题 (2.0) 分 The foreign friends( )in Wuxi yesterday.A、arrived B、got to C 大学英语单选题4第46题 (2.0) 分 (),it was finished in time.A、As the work was difficult B、Difficult as the work was C、Difficult as was the work D、As was the work difficult 第47题 (2.0) 分 “Can I help you?” “Well,I’m afr 第21题 (2.0) 分 She () me the teacher wanted to () with me the next day.A、said,tell B、told,talk C、spoke,say D、talked,speak 第22题 (2.0) 分 I like to white shirts in summer.A、dress B、wear C、put on D、take off 第23题 (2.0 nine o clock in the 第1题 (2.5) 分 The difference was ________ cross the river.A、where to B、how to C、what to D、which to 第2题 (2.5) 分 — Let’s have a party in our department.— _________ .A、All right B、Good idea C、Very good D、I like 第3题 (2 大学英语 请帮小弟解答第19题 (2.0) 分 English teachers are() needed in remote areas.A、badlyB、nearlyC、scarcelyD、rarely第20题 (2.0) 分 The British people and the American people not only speak the same language but() a lo 我就不写了,知情者回答第1大题(最好2也答),不知情的看:第2大题:What's the weather like in spring?What colour are the leaves in summer?What can people do in winter?全回答这家5分(上面不写,浪费) 第1题怎么做=-O 英语作业(3),懂得就来帮忙做下第21题 (2.0) 分 He usually his hair cut once a month.A、takes B、lets C、has D、does 第22题 (2.0) 分 This is ______ second largest city in China.A、a B、/ C、the D、one 第23题 (2.0) 分 My uncle 第12题!^O^