我想问的是,下面这句话里为什么用raising而不用raise?Even after having their grandchildren live with them for ten years,the couple felt that raising children these days was the most difficult of all family matters.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/17 08:00:23

我想问的是,下面这句话里为什么用raising而不用raise?Even after having their grandchildren live with them for ten years,the couple felt that raising children these days was the most difficult of all family matters.
Even after having their grandchildren live with them for ten years,the couple felt that raising children these days was the most difficult of all family matters.

我想问的是,下面这句话里为什么用raising而不用raise?Even after having their grandchildren live with them for ten years,the couple felt that raising children these days was the most difficult of all family matters.
raising children these days 做主语,当然要了,要用动名词
请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )
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i always watch cartoons.我想问的是这句话里有哪些语法知识 i always watch cartoons.我想问的是这句话里有哪些语法知识 我想问的是,下面这句话里为什么用raising而不用raise?Even after having their grandchildren live with them for ten years,the couple felt that raising children these days was the most difficult of all family matters. You probably wouldn't believe me,anyway.这句话里的wouldn't句子是对话里的,大概意思是A问B怎么了,B说他不想说,说了也不可能相信.我想问,为什么要用WOULDN'T,而不是WILL NOT~ 我想问下下面这句话是什么意思(肖申克的救赎)里面的希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝 Now they have had special cages made to protect them from these monsters.这是一篇文章中的一句话,我想问的是这句话里为什么要用使役动词,这句话写成这样不行吗?now they make special special cages to protect them from 在相等的时间里,用电器中的电流越大,电流做功就越多?这句话对吗,为什么不这句话是错的,我想知道为什么 Could you hang around until I finish to wait?请问这句话该怎么翻译.下面好像有个问题也有这句话.我在这把它放大来问一下.finish to wait为什么finish 后面要接to呢?(这是我想问的关键问题)如果您觉得还 水压机里有的地方密封垫用的是紫铜垫,我想问紫铜垫能不能用别的密封垫代替,为什么? 若线段AB与线段CD关于某条直线对称,则AB=CD这句话对吗这句话是错的,我想问为什么错 英语翻译我在书上看的翻译是“这句话怎么多说也不会过分.”我想问为什么不是翻译为“这句话不可以被经常说?” 标沉淀符号把Na2CO3和NaHCO3放进装有蒸馏水的烧杯里,过一会NaHCO3析出,问为什么要标↓符号。我看下面两位没理解问题的实质,我想知道的是它为什么要标↓这是重点。还有就是我想知道的 我想问下面那道题是为什么 将下面这句话改成一般疑问句Amy's got a new dress.还有就是为什么句子里的“Amy’s”里有“is”,为什么要这样用? (a-1)x+5=0 是关于一元一次方程.我想问.我想问的是(关于一元一次方程)这句话是什么意思?我想问的是(关于一元一次方程)这句话是什么意思?我不是想问一元一次是什么意思我是想问一 下面abcd四处中属于背斜的是?我知道是D 可我想问,为什么A不是背斜 我想问这句话意思! 这句话里的like为什么不用三单形式likes呢?“我想他会很喜欢它们.”下面这么翻译对吧?“I think he will like them very much.” like为什么不用三单形式likes呢?I