How about swimming in the river.改为同义句 the river?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/21 07:08:51

How about swimming in the river.改为同义句 the river?
How about swimming in the river.改为同义句 the river?

How about swimming in the river.改为同义句 the river?
How about swimming in the river.改为同义句
. . . in the river?
What about swimming

What about swimming

What about swimming in the river?
What do you think of swimming in the river?
How do you like swimming in the river/

What about swimming in the river?

I didn'tlike swimming.How about going out for a walk?为什么选going? How about going going swimming对吗 how about going swimming改写同义句 How about going swimming(同义句) How about going swimming.的中文意思是什么? how about going swimming why not go swimming 这两句话有没有错 英语 单选 1题----Bob,how about going swimming this weekend?----Go swimming in this weather?_______.A.Not likely.B.Have a good trip.C.OKD.I'm fond of it. 写片英语作文[How I Have Learned(Swimming/Cooking.)] 写一篇关于how i have learned swimming 解决下10道英语选择题...11 I really enjoy going to parties.How about you?______________________________________.选项:a、I like watching TV.b、No,he won’t go with us.c、Let’s go swimming.d、So do I------------------------------------ 英语(不全对话,一空一词)准确啊A:How about going swimming _____me?B:_______love to,_____I'm afriad I have no time.I have to____water.A:What____you?C.I'd like_____,thanks. How about swimming的同义句和He showed me his new books的同义句 How about swimming in the river.改为同义句 the river? How about going swimming after school?这个句子正确吗?错在哪? how about going swimming?这个句子的主谓宾是哪些 How ofyen do you go swimming?-About twice a week.对还是错 Some of the students in the school want to go swimming,how about you?中的宾语 英语一道排序题【急】1.Yes,I like roller skating.2.Ha ha!We both like skating.3.I like skateboarding.4.I like swimming and I am good at it.5.Do you like skating?6.Are you good at swimming?7.No,I’m not.How about you?正确顺序号:______