
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 16:38:11

关键词:烟草 肥料 病虫害

The results of this study show that:(1) cake fertilizer,bio-organic fertilizer processing of soil pests against higher rates,and the cake fertilizer and farmyard manure handling area of soil pests endanger the low rate,(2) the occurrence of smoke Cabbageworm and fertilizers may be unrelated to treatment in the aphid Population density of smaller cases (the county breathing),cake fertilizer and farmyard manure handling area in the relatively high number of aphids and in the larger population density (Baokang breathing),dealing with different areas of fertilizer no obvious difference (3 ) Virus disease may not be dealing with the impact of fertilizers,(4) bio-organic fertilizer processing may increase the incidence of disease and tibia (5) in long-term tobacco-wang,bio-organic fertilizer handling anthrax and climate zones dot the occurrence of disease and Heavier popular in the tobacco leaves mature,cake fertilizer processing zone climate spot disease heavier; cake fertilizer,cake fertilizer and farmyard manure,farmyard manure handling brown spot disease heavier.
Key words:tobacco fertilizer plant diseases and insect pests

This findings indicated: (1) the oil cake, the biological organic fertilizer processing soil insect harm rate is high, but the oil cake and the farm manure processing area soil insect harm rate is low...


This findings indicated: (1) the oil cake, the biological organic fertilizer processing soil insect harm rate is high, but the oil cake and the farm manure processing area soil insect harm rate is low; (2) oriental tobacco budworm's occurrence possibly has nothing to do with fertilizer processing; In the ophid population density small situation (Fang County smoke area), the oil cake and in the farm manure processing area ophid quantity is relatively high; But when the population density is big (guarantees Kang Yanqu), the different fertilizer processing area does not have the obvious difference; (3) viral disease occurs possibly not the fertilizer processing influence; (4) biological organic fertilizer processing will possibly aggravate blackleg's occurrence; (5) in tobacco prosperous long-term, biological organic fertilizer processing area anthrax and climate scab's occurrence and popular heavy; In the leaf tobacco mature period, the oil cake processing area climate scab occurs seriously; The oil cake, the oil cake and the farm manure, the farm manure process the red star sickness to occur seriously.
Key word: Tobacco fertilizer plant disease


英语翻译本研究结果表明:(1)饼肥、生物有机肥处理地下害虫危害率较高,而饼肥及农家肥处理区地下害虫危害率较低;(2)烟青虫的发生可能与肥料处理无关;在蚜虫种群密度较小的情 英语翻译摘要; 本论文以采后壶瓶枣和梨枣为试材,通过对枣果皮褐变度,活性氧代谢的研究,探索采后枣果皮活性氧代谢与其褐变的关系.结果表明:采后枣果果皮褐变度显著增大,果皮活性氧清 英语翻译为获得楠竹笋最适宜的贮藏温度,本文以楠竹笋为研究对象,研究在5±1℃、10±1℃、常温贮藏条件下,随贮藏时间的增加楠竹笋各项品质指标的变化.结果表明:楠竹笋在10℃、5℃低温下 分子生物学的研究表明 研究表明,大多数生物的灭绝都是因为什么而造成 英语翻译竹叶提取物对生物代谢指标影响的研究本论文采用水蒸气蒸馏萃取法从毛竹叶中提取挥发性化合物,采用GC-MS联用技术确定主要功效组分为叶醇,对不同溶剂延迟时间对实验结果的影响 英语翻译摘 要:本文主要研究以硫酸氢纳为催化剂合成丙烯酸正丁酯.详细探讨了催化剂用量,酸醇投料比,反应时间,带水剂及阻聚剂对该酯化反应的影响.结果表明:在酸醇比为1:1.5,催化剂用 英语翻译以黑米、花生、红枣为主要原料,通过乳酸菌发酵,生产出具有营养保健功能的乳酸菌饮料.并对该饮料的生产工艺过程和工艺参数进行了研究,实验结果表明:黑米、花生、红枣发酵乳 英语翻译摘要:采用物种多样性指数和均匀度指数,对江西南昌亚热带常绿季雨林和亚热带常绿阔叶林的植物群落物种多样性进行研究.结果表明:常绿季雨林和常绿阔叶林共有6个主要群落类型 英语翻译摘要:采用宝石显微镜、偏光显微镜及常规宝石鉴定仪器,红外光谱、X荧光光谱、光栅光谱分析,对角质型珊瑚进行宝石学特征的初步研究.结果表明:角质型珊瑚几乎为纯有机质成分 英语翻译不同保鲜剂对百合切花的保鲜效果摘要 :本文综述了鲜切花产业的发展现状、发展趋势以及切花保鲜的前景,研究了不同保鲜剂对火百合(Lilium longiflorum)切花的保鲜效应,结果表明:各 英语翻译本系统为中小型企业中的项目绩效管理而设计.绩效管理是一个核心的人力资源管理过程.许多研究表明,提高人力资源管理方法的有效途径是绩效管理.随着信息技术的飞速发展,越来 求生物专业英语翻译!谢谢!重金属Ni2+胁迫对小白菜幼苗生理生化特性的影响摘要:本实验研究了不同浓度(0mg/L、0.5 mg/L、1 mg/L、5 mg/L、10 mg/L、50 mg/L)的Ni2+胁迫下,不同的胁迫时间(4d、8d、12d) (日本)江本胜的研究结果《水知道答案》有科学依据吗?为什么会这么神奇? 研究表明用英语怎么说 研究表明这个词是什么意思RT HGP 人类基因组本提问为人教生物必修2 P93 人类基因组计划及影响的讨论题 原题如下:1人类基因组全部序列的测定获得了那些数据和结果?人类基因组的研究取得了那些新进展?我国承担的1%的 英语翻译(很重要,希望有准确答案,谢谢)本实验采用乌龙茶为原料,进行滚筒微波杀青和燃气滚筒杀青的对比试验.试验结果表明,采用两种不同杀青方式所得杀青叶的含水率、叶温以及茶多