
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/08 23:27:18


"alright guys"
"Rehearsals are over that contestant are put the line 10 pretend to form to the judges before they even start Robert is
thinking giving up"
"Robert not my partner of and this is go home cos i am gonna go home anyway"
"why do you say that Robert"
"no no no i be honest"
"seriously just quit"
"Robert you want come up on stage please"
"Robert what happening coz i been formed you want to quit"
"I'm just not very comfortable doing it and i don't want to like bring partner down i don't want get someone
"i can't believe that you have been taken this far that you would want quit I mean their too many other people ready to
tell you you are not good enough in this life but you decide turn around yourself say i am not good enough afraid bring
someone else down you are a extremely talented person and for you not to show Debbi who i dont think as you are( )
your solo is crazy so i would like ask you right now,if you do your solo and then let's just see if we gonna find you
are not so would you mind doing your solo for us"
"you go Robert's music we go your music all right and cure music"
"Robert you have amazing technique you have amazing control of you body you are amazing so what you afrid of"
"I am really good what I do"
" That what I am saying"
"everything else I have no experiences and whatoverver"
"that the whole beauty of this whole competition"
"I never done choreography in my life"
"look the experience you just have this morning"
"that's horrible"
"don't be quit man you are cure you know what you never understand the responsibility even give a gift don't put on it"
"I have no more time to waste are you gonna stay or gonna to go"
"I'm gonna go"
"thank you very much thanks for show us your talent"
".the opportunity and the stuff"
"so on the () look forward to it"
"so one of the earily favourite is ready out during the competition"
"let's move on let's go"

我听出的大概意思:robert在课程结束之后,甚至是马上就要比赛之前决定推出比赛,评委知道后,让他到台上谈谈,并且如果他愿意的话让他表演一下他的show love,据说是很crazy的。他表演了,之后评委还是劝他留下了参加比赛,但是他还是决定退出。


我听出的大概意思:robert在课程结束之后,甚至是马上就要比赛之前决定推出比赛,评委知道后,让他到台上谈谈,并且如果他愿意的话让他表演一下他的show love,据说是很crazy的。他表演了,之后评委还是劝他留下了参加比赛,但是他还是决定退出。


Aside: Rehearsals are over, and the contestants are put into lines of ten to perform to the judges. But before they even start, Robert, is thinking of given up.
Robert: Rath...


Aside: Rehearsals are over, and the contestants are put into lines of ten to perform to the judges. But before they even start, Robert, is thinking of given up.
Robert: Rather not (BEEP)my partner, and just go home, cuz I’m gonna go home anyway…No, no, no, I’m being honest.
Woman: No, seriously. Just try it.
Judge: Robert, you wanna come up on stage to say, please.
Robert: Yes.
Judge: Robert, what’s happening cause I’ve been informed that you wanna quit.
Robert: I’m just not very __ of doing it. And I don’t wanna let bring a partner down and I don’t wanna give somebody a limit nitid.
Judge: I can’t believe that having been taken this far that you wanna to quit, I mean that too many people ready to tell you that you “you are not good enough in this life.” For you to turn around to yourself and say “I’ m not good enough. I’m afraid of bringing someone down ”, you are not extremely a talented person. And for you not to show Debbie who ________ showing your solo. It’s crazy. So I would like to ask you right now if you would do your solo? And then let’s just see if we could find for you or not. So would you mind doing your solo for us? If I got …
Robert: Absolutely.
Judge: You got Robert’s music? We’ve got your music. All right.
Female Judge: Oh Robert you have an amazing technique. You have an amazing control of your body. You are amazing. So what are you afraid of ?
Robert: I’m really good at what I do.
Female Judge: That’s what I’m saying so you …
Robert: but I mean everything else I’ve known is experience and what __
Female Judge: But that’s the whole beauty of this whole competition.
Robert: I’ve never done __ of my life.
Judge: Look at the experience you’ve just had this morning.
Robert: It was horrible!
Female Judge: Don’ t __ man. You are too… You know what, you have a responsibility even give a gift. Don’t (BEEP) it.
Judge: I have no more time to waste. Are you gonna stay or you gonna go.
Robert: I’m gonna go.
Judge: OK. Thank you very much. Thank you for showing us you talent.
Robert: thank you very much for the opportunity and staff.
Judge: See you on the __ . Look forward to it.
Aside: So one of the early favorites is already out of the competition.



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