
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 00:07:16


写了很久啊 Bone clinic are Chinese medicine theory of the scope of a door-to-door.It according to the Department of Human body bone transmission system by the doctor based on location and in patients with spinal bone morphogenetic variation and changes in surrounding tissue,to determine the incidence of parts or organs,as well as the severity of illness,The length of time,and then determine the treatment approach and to speculate the extent of cure.Bone clinic treatment include:1.Correct position between the vertebrae,that is correct or incorrect suture mistake; 2.Straightened out between the upper and lower vertebrae relationship between soft tissue disorders,namely,to clear the meridians; 3.To promote self-repair and adaptation,so that the return or near natural state,restore or rebuild a new balance between interbody.
Bone clinic consider the human body mainly by the four types of pathological causes:congenital genetic,environmental pollution,caused by trauma,internal injuries caused by,but the main two reasons are final.The scope of medical treatment of bone can be used "big" and "deep" words to summarize.Large,refer to the treatment of cervical abnormalities can affect the head and upper limb disorders,treatment of thoracic and lumbar visceral impact of the disease can also be the treatment of lumbar,sacral anomaly affected caudal pelvis,lower limb and foot disease.Depth,refers to the progression of the disease at different levels,can play a role in the diagnosis and treatment and treatment results.
Bone clinic is a way the diagnosis,treatment as a means of medicine.Its features:the treatment of pure tactics,no need to take medicine injection,and rapid diagnosis,treatment,a wide range of safe,reliable,and no side effects,short course,low-cost,are pure green therapy.

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