
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/07 14:03:27


I think "terrible" is the only word that can be used to describe the traffic,which is the most bothersome problem for the residents,in Beijing.In the last few years,however,the on-ground traffic problem has been moderated due to the rapid construction and expansion of subway routes.But the traffic problem still remains severe.The low fare and wide coverage of Beijing public transportation is rarely seen throughout the nation though.

I think the traffic in Beijing can use public to describe the terror of Beijing residents, is one of the biggest headache problem. But in recent years, due to the rapid build subway lines and expansio...


I think the traffic in Beijing can use public to describe the terror of Beijing residents, is one of the biggest headache problem. But in recent years, due to the rapid build subway lines and expansion, the road traffic, but some problems still quite serious. However, Beijing public transportation cheap price and wide coverage is the rare 没用机器啊 这是最佳答案了


I think the traffic in Beijing can use public to describe the terror of Beijing residents, is one of the biggest headache problem. But in recent years, due to the rapid build subway lines and expansio...


I think the traffic in Beijing can use public to describe the terror of Beijing residents, is one of the biggest headache problem. But in recent years, due to the rapid build subway lines and expansion, the road traffic, but some problems still quite serious. However, Beijing public transportation cheap price and wide coverage is the rare.


I find the public traffic in Beijing can be only labelled as terror,which is one of the biggest headache for Beijing residents . In the past few years, the road traffic became less offensive due to t...


I find the public traffic in Beijing can be only labelled as terror,which is one of the biggest headache for Beijing residents . In the past few years, the road traffic became less offensive due to the rapid construction and expansion of the subway lines ,However, it is also a pretty serious problem. what's worse, the low price and wide coverage in Beijing's public transport is few and far between in the whole country`··


英语翻译我觉得北京的公共交通只能用恐怖这个词来形容,是北京居民最头疼的问题之一.不过近几年,由于地铁线路的迅速修建与扩张,路面交通得到了一些缓和,但问题还是比较严重.不过,北京 英语翻译前面还有半句,大意是交流布拉格公共交通、城市规划等方面的进步,这句能不能译成政府资金在公共交通体系上的投入。visit 是不是修饰公共交通体系的呀? 现在.我只能用我的思绪幻想这我们的未来)用英语翻译 现在.我只能用我的思绪幻想这我们的未来用英语翻译 想写恐怖惊悚的小说,请问大家觉得生活这怎样的场景会让你觉得恐怖? Public Transport in Beijing的英语小作文,200多字就行,就是北京公共交通, 英语翻译可是,我只觉得坏处要多些. 这只传说中又恐怖的远古海洋生物叫什么? 英语翻译请先解释一下precisely的用法然后用precisely翻译:-人们也许会问公共交通有必要收费吗?-要我说,的确有必要 世界上还有比女人最恐怖的生物么?世界上还有生物能比女人最恐怖?女人,为什么恐怖?没有理由,只因为她们是女人.我虚心请教,请教比女人更恐怖的. 恐怖造句..不是一般的造句比如:手机.我们家干农活都是只能用双手,机器都买不起这样分开的...不能用谐音!大家想想..恐怖怎么造 英语翻译如果选择私家车的费用是选择公共交通费用的十倍 早上梦见快世界末日了天空上的飞机与物体相撞(不知道什么物体,大概是钢做的),没有坠毁,只觉得雷声轰轰,声音很恐怖,我和爸妈在家里很惊惧. 英语翻译我的失业 用名词怎么翻译出来?只能用名词 世界上最恐怖的生物在哪大神们帮帮忙我只想知道 《汉家寨》①主要内容 主旨②写作思路③“就这样,走近了汉家寨”这句话在文中有何作用④结合文意赏析“汉家寨,如一枚······恐怖的大自然中”这句话的含意⑤“我只觉得它与汉家寨 英语翻译把下列奥运给我们带来的挑战和问题翻译成小短文:全球外来人口对中国北京接待能力的考验 公共交通 安全 不同种族人民的和谐 全球媒体对北京的关注和对中国的关注 环境卫生 求救啊!许嵩的《毁人不倦》到底是什么意思啊?我怎么觉得这首歌曲有一种魔力在吸引我啊! 而且这首歌曲还唱的这么恐怖啊!你们觉得他这首歌曲唱的恐怖吗?他中间的 为 .. 为 .. 保