
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/09 03:15:44


In short,the uniform and the men belong to different systems,there exist two frequent and extensive influence,and military factors in the development of men's culture plays an important role.Although the uniform and men in different periods of specific shapes and sizes,but always maintain the same basic features.Men in military uniform power draw also from the spiritual level,the battlefield is to develop and demonstrate the best place to masculinity,and men are directly related to the ideal image.However,due to different political,economic,and background.By uniformed men in the West there is a big difference in the degree of influence.

In short, military uniforms and the men's clothing belong to different systems, which frequently and extensively influenced each other, and military factors have played an important role in the develo...


In short, military uniforms and the men's clothing belong to different systems, which frequently and extensively influenced each other, and military factors have played an important role in the development of men's clothing culture. military uniforms and men's clothing are quite different in particular patterns, however, they always keep some same basic features. Men's clothing drew lessons from military uniforms in the spiritual level. The battlefield is the best place to develop and demonstrate the masculinity, and directly related to the ideal image of men. However, due to different political and economic background, there exists a big difference between China and Western countries on the degree of men's clothing being influenced by military uniforms.


Anyhow, uniform and men's clothing, belong to the different system between exist frequent and widespread influence, military factors in the process of the development of the men's clothing culture pla...


Anyhow, uniform and men's clothing, belong to the different system between exist frequent and widespread influence, military factors in the process of the development of the men's clothing culture plays an important role. Although different period with the concrete forms of military men's different, but always keep some of the same basic characteristics. Men's military power is also from reference spiritual level, the battlefield is to train and proof macho best location, and male ideal image have direct correlation. But based on different political, economic, background. By western military uniform of men's clothing the effects of the differences.


英语翻译总之,军装与男装分属不同系统,二者间存在着频繁而广泛的影响,军事因素在男装文化发展过程中扮演了重要角色.虽然不同时期军装与男装的具体形态各异,但始终保持一些相同的基 二战时,解放军军装,国民党军装,日本军装,德国军装,美国军装 大家觉得哪个最帅气?给一次排个序 英语翻译“穿上军装,做一名军人”谢谢 男装语言和符号系统为什么产生于欧洲文明 主族元素WXYZ的院子序数依次增大W的院子最外层电子数是此外层的3倍XY和Z分属不同周期他们的原子序数之和是W原子序数的5倍,在由元素WYXZ组成的所有可能的二组分化合物中,由元素W与Y形成的 图中MN为晨昏线,阴影与空白区域分属不同的日期,读图回答问题,如果上图表示南半球,北京时间为 英语翻译总之就是快, 神舟六号与嫦娥2号分属什么航天器 与.不同 英语翻译 当东10区是6月22日4点时。全球以什么和什么为界分属两个不同日期 与北京处于同一日期的范围占全球的多少。 “格物致知”与“实践出真知”的区别我要的是“区别”!学过历史和哲学的人都知道,“格物致知”是宋明理学的,是唯心主义,“实践出真知”是马哲,是唯物主义。它们分属不同的流 当板块运动时,地球表面分属不同板块的大陆,便出现什么景象简略 英语翻译中国股市波动的非常剧烈,风险与机会并存,总之一言难尽! 内分泌与外分泌系统在电镜下有什么不同 英语翻译女性民族服  泰国女性都是下身穿方面裹裙,上衣有几种不同的搭配。正式服装一共有5种。第一种就是跟男装上衣一样的马褂搭配,叫做巴罗皮曼(Barumpimarn/Boromphiman)(如左图 英语翻译我喜欢服装这个充满竞争力的行业,虽然说他的竞争有些残酷,我更喜欢男装,二位座位一个男人,我应该知道男人需要什么 雨淋灭火系统与湿式喷水灭火系统有哪些不同? 建筑湿式喷水灭火系统与雨林灭火系统有哪些不同?