
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/07 16:55:31


AC power smart sensor can accurately test concentration of the characteristic parameters and the power performance of the AC power output directly,and through communication interface test results can be used instead of the traditional analog voltage / current or power signal and information processing and communication,self-correction,self-compensation,self-diagnostic function and so on.

AC power smart sensor can accurately, concentration measurement AC power parameters and power performance, and through communication interface for direct output available test results instead of tradi...


AC power smart sensor can accurately, concentration measurement AC power parameters and power performance, and through communication interface for direct output available test results instead of traditional analog voltage / current or power signal, and the information processing and communication, self correction, self compensation, self diagnosis function


"AC power smart sensors to precise, focused test characteristic parameters of AC power and power performance and output test results available directly through the communication interface instead of t...


"AC power smart sensors to precise, focused test characteristic parameters of AC power and power performance and output test results available directly through the communication interface instead of the traditional analog voltage/current signal or power, and have the information processing and communication, correction, compensation, self-diagnosis function. ”


英语翻译“交流电力智能传感器能精确、集中地测试出交流电力的特征参数及功率性能,且通过通讯接口直接输出可用测试结果而非传统的模拟电压/电流或功率信号,并具有信息处理与通讯、 电力预防性试验车用于变电站、发电站等供电部门的集中试验、断电抢修等具有特殊要求的场合,并且采用数字监控和网络通讯的智能集约型电力试验车,需要一些具体介绍和参数 电力电容器 包括 交流电容器 谁能精确控制液压缸任意停留的位置.用位移传感器加比例阀.急 有什么高度传感器可以很精确,1MM以下误差能测出来 英语翻译随着社会经济的不断发展,智能微机的控制在社会生活中起着越来越重要的作用.本文在对国内外电开水炉的智能控制研究的基础上,针对水位控制将智能传感器和单片机控制相结合,提 低压智能电力电容器为什么要用在低压中 DPSC621智能低压电力电容器中H2C20C20“是什么意思?、 电力高手来回答下 380交流电压,150千瓦功率能承受多大的电流通过?有急事 英语翻译《智能健身洗衣机》 电力能储存吗? 哪种传感器能够精确检测压力? “智能传感器系统设计”这句话的英文翻译 能直接在220v交流电路中测量交流电流大小的霍尔传感器型号有哪些? 英语翻译精确 现在的智能机有没有距离传感器,罗盘,温度感应器,指南针,声纳,振动传感器? 英语翻译电气行业英语句子翻译:--(中文)审核依据:电力测试设备(谐振试验装置,0.1Hz光控超低频交流高压发生器,试验变压器,电阻柜,电抗器,CTP互感器综合测试仪,电力测试仪器仪表)的 英语翻译电力电子类的