
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 04:03:45


The financial crisis and spread from several aspects,for our foreign trade import and export produces serious influence.The international economic and environmental degradation,further influence our external demand,the developed countries could increase according to our protectionist measures.Since 2008,Chinese exports,including external multiple pressures overall remain stable growth,has shown strong endurance,good in most other economies.But on the other hand,also should see actual export far below the global financial crisis,the name of exports to China's export upgrade the risks facing substantially,and will also affect consumption and investment,endanger national economic stability.While China will import of crisis.International cargo mostly in dollars to settle accounts.While China is on expanding domestic demand,improving the people's livelihood,strengthen infrastructure.These goods are imported,"a weak dollar" will increase the cost of our imports.Finally,the response to the crisis,should choose the basis of stimulating domestic demand and the direction,adjusting and optimizing the structure of foreign investment,promote economic development demand entities of financial reform and financial innovation,so as to support and guide the entity economy development.
Key words:the financial crisis,the foreign trade import and export,dependence,and policy recommendations

【Abstract】 financial crisis and the spread of the outbreak, from several aspects of our country's imports and exports had a serious impact. Deterioration of the international economic environment and ...


【Abstract】 financial crisis and the spread of the outbreak, from several aspects of our country's imports and exports had a serious impact. Deterioration of the international economic environment and further impact on our country in external demand, the developed countries will probably increase our country's trade against protectionist measures. Since 2008, China's exports, including multiple external pressure, the overall still maintained a momentum of steady growth, showing more tolerance, better than most other economies. But on the other hand we should also see that the name of the actual exports far less than exports, the global escalation of the financial crisis facing our country exports a significant downside risks, and will have further impact on consumption and investment, endangering the stability of the national economy. At the same time, the crisis will have an impact on China's imports. Most of the settlement of international goods are denominated in U.S. dollars. And our country is currently in the expansion of domestic demand, improving people's livelihood and time when the basic construction. This will undoubtedly have to import large quantities of goods, a "weak dollar" will increase our cost of imports. Finally, responding to the crisis, stimulating domestic demand should be better selection of the point and direction, adjust and optimize the investment structure, closer to the needs of economic development entities to promote financial reform and financial innovation, so as to support and lead economic development entity.
Keywords: financial crisis, dependence on foreign trade, foreign trade import and export, the impact of policy proposals



英语翻译【摘要】金融危机的爆发与蔓延,从多个方面对我国外贸进出口产生了严重影响.国际经济环境恶化,进一步影响我国外部需求,发达国家可能会加大针对我国的贸易保护主义措施.2008年 我写的论文啊 谁帮助我用英语翻译下 急 谢谢 人工翻译啊 哈【摘要】金融危机的爆发与蔓延,从多个方面对我国外贸进出口产生了严重影响.国际经济环境恶化,进一步影响我国外部需求,发达 英语翻译《东亚危机金融与美国金融危机的比较及启示》【摘要】本文通过对2008年美国金融危机和1997年东亚金融危机的比较,着重论述了两次危机的爆发原因、演变过程、造成的影响及应对 英语翻译2007年美国爆发次贷危机,政府的许多救援措施并没能遏制危机的蔓延,从而逐渐转变为世界范围内的金融危机,并且影响到世界各国的实体经济.中国作为世界经济发展中的一支重要力 金融危机爆发的原因请尽可能详细与通俗点 金融危机爆发的原因有哪些? 美国金融危机蔓延至全世界的整个过程是怎样的? 蔓延的英语翻译是什么 论文摘要中翻英2008年全球金融危机的爆发使得目前全球经济运行的不确定性增大,国内经济增长的速度放缓,国内经济增长中的结构性矛盾也随之突出.在全球金融危机这个大背景下,经济增长 金融危机爆发 英语怎么说 英语翻译在美国金融危机蔓延、全球经济动荡的背景下,我国出口企业不可避免地受到了金融危机带来的一系列负面效应,如何抵御风险,度过难关是当前出口企业面临的重大课题.本文以消费市 英语翻译随着全球金融危机的爆发,如何加强目前商业银行资本充足率监管措施,约束银行风险行为是一个极具现实意义的重要课题.为此巴塞尔委员会出台了《巴塞尔协议Ⅲ》,从提高资本质量 英语翻译国际金融危机是指一国所发生的金融危机通过各种渠道传递到其他国家从而引起国际范围内金融危机爆发的一种经济现象,一般指一国金融领域中出现的异常剧烈动荡和混乱,并对经 求摘要英文翻译 人工翻译的请进满意有追加标题:金融危机给我国银行信贷风险管理带来的思考摘要:2007年美国爆发的次贷危机最终引爆了全球金融危机,它破坏了全球的经济秩序.我国的银 求摘要英文翻译 人工翻译的请进满意有追加标题:金融危机给我国银行信贷风险管理带来的思考摘要:2007年美国爆发的次贷危机最终引爆了全球金融危机,它破坏了全球的经济秩序.我国的 08年9月金融危机爆发的原因 英语翻译从“摘要”开始翻译. 修改病句:面对蔓延全球的金融危机,让各国领导人进一步意识到了合作的重要性