
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/20 16:32:17


“History is the memory of things said and done.”
—Carl Becker Carl
What is history?An echo of the past in the future; a reflex from the future on the past.
——Victor Hugo
(I must add,)that history is not only a valuable part of knowledge,but opens the door to many other parts,and affords materials to most of the sciences.
--------------[Of The Study Of History] by David Hume
History always serves us in life by providing precedents,offering judgements on the past,and locating the present in generation and evolution.

History is said and done things to memory
History is what: is the echo of the past to the future, is the future of past reflect
History is not only knowledge in j part of great value, but al...


History is said and done things to memory
History is what: is the echo of the past to the future, is the future of past reflect
History is not only knowledge in j part of great value, but also opened to many other parts of the gates, and for many fields of science offers materials
History always for life service, it provides an example, evaluate past, or put the present moment to add to generate - evolution


1. History is said and done things to memory.
-- Carl beck (beauty) "everyone is his own historians"
2. History is what: is the echo of the past to the future, is the future of past reflection...


1. History is said and done things to memory.
-- Carl beck (beauty) "everyone is his own historians"
2. History is what: is the echo of the past to the future, is the future of past reflection.
Hugo (law) - the smile dough
3. History is not only knowledge in part of great value, but also opened to many other parts of the gates, and for many fields of science offers materials.
Hume (English) --
4. History always for life service, it provides an example, evaluate past, or put the present moment to add to generate - evolution.
- Raymond aron (law), the historical philosophy"


英语翻译1.历史是说过和做过事情的记忆.——卡尔•贝克(美)《人人都是他自己的历史学家》2.历史是什么:是过去传到将来的回声,是将来对过去的反映.——雨果(法)《笑面人3.历史 我妈妈今天突然忘记自己做过的事情和说过的话我妈妈今天中午送了我女儿去读书后下午没有接我女儿就回来了,然后就有点反常了,突然忘记自己做过的事情和说过的话,一会又在问现在几点 记忆和思考哪个更难?我上学时厌恶历史政治的死记硬背,感觉记忆是件可怕的事情.但是很喜欢思考,比如政治中的哲学部分,没怎么学过就能懂得.同学也评价我是善于思考的.但是我感觉思考不 英语翻译爱上你是我做过最骄傲的一件事情,生日快乐,你一定会幸福的,我爱你。 没有什么事情是做不到的 的英语翻译 英语翻译1.在我看来,创意就是做了别人没做过的东西,想了别人没想过的事情,是超越传统和打破常规的智慧,包含着人们的方方面面2.创意起源于人类的创造力,来源于生活,改变人们生活,给人 我有时会做一些完全没有映像的事情,这是为什么?有时候我会忘记自己做过的事情,经常不见东西,以前很少会出现这种情况.完全没有映像,有时别人跟我说过的话,我也会忘记,而且,我根本不记 英语翻译翻译成英语:吐痰,扔垃圾,或者是当交通指示灯是红色的时候过马路.因此是我们该做一些事情来保持这个城市的干净和整洁了 这段话用英文和西班牙文怎么说重要的不是你想过和说过什么,而是你做过和没做过什么. 我们需要对做过的事情负责 英语翻译用take的短语 河北省保定市雄县开口村发生过的事情历史 我想知道我们国家到底像现在的人隐瞒了多少历史真相我听人说过中国曾经XX过越南,还有朝鲜人为什么那么恨我们,我们是不是有做过对不起他们的事,XX风波是怎么一回事?太多历史我都不清 英语翻译意思是做事情不能投机取巧 似曾相识的轮回般记忆人类的记忆是否有有被封印这样的事情?虽然不是很多,但是有时候有些场景让我感觉这似乎我曾经经历过,但是在真实世界里的记忆是没有这样的事情发生过的.这段记忆 英语翻译 你昨天6点正在做过什么事情 一位哲人说过 ;无论做什么事情,你的态度决定你的高度.你是怎样理解这位哲人的话的呢RT 快速记忆是帮我们及历史和政治吗? 怎样记忆政治和历史?