小车由自己设计,要求为:the car must roll down a 1m high ramp that is 2m in length,carrying a 0.2kg driver and a lidless dixie cup with 30ml of water.The water should still be there at the end of the slow down quickly after travelling 0.5m

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/06 23:07:33

小车由自己设计,要求为:the car must roll down a 1m high ramp that is 2m in length,carrying a 0.2kg driver and a lidless dixie cup with 30ml of water.The water should still be there at the end of the slow down quickly after travelling 0.5m
小车由自己设计,要求为:the car must roll down a 1m high ramp that is 2m in length,carrying a 0.2kg driver and a lidless dixie cup with 30ml of water.The water should still be there at the end of the slow down quickly after travelling 0.5m from the bottom of the camp.
The car will be evaluated on:
1) how fast it travels down the ramp-fater is better
2) how far it goes after travelling 0.5m on the flat-less is better
3)creativity and artistic design
The car must have a minimum length of 0.3m and a maximum length of 0/5m.The car must be between 0.15 and 0.25 wide.
Factors to consider:
-the diameter of the wheels,the width of the wheels,the centre of gravity,aerodynamics,friction of the wheels and axles,mass of the car,shock absorbers,does the car consistently travel straight?

小车由自己设计,要求为:the car must roll down a 1m high ramp that is 2m in length,carrying a 0.2kg driver and a lidless dixie cup with 30ml of water.The water should still be there at the end of the slow down quickly after travelling 0.5m
有一点,我怀疑我有一句话理解错了.(how far it goes after travelling 0.5m on the flat-less is better和at the end of the slow down quickly after travelling 0.5m from the bottom of the camp.


小车由自己设计,要求为:the car must roll down a 1m high ramp that is 2m in length,carrying a 0.2kg driver and a lidless dixie cup with 30ml of water.The water should still be there at the end of the slow down quickly after travelling 0.5m VB编程 设计一个歌曲大奖评分程序,有12为评委打分,根据比赛规则,去掉一个最高分,计算选手的平均得分(要求:选手得分由用户在程序运行时输入,程序界面由同学自己设计) 试设计一小车运行的继电器接触器控制线路,小车三相异步电动机拖动,要求如下:1,小车由原位开始前进,到终点后自动停止.2,到终点后停留5S后自动返回原位停止.3,在前进或后退途中任意位置 为自己设计一张名片.要求格式新颖,颜色,图案搭配合理 name card 英语20字左右 设计内容和要求 1、“人行交通灯”分别由红、绿两只LED发光二极管显示; 2、红、绿两灯亮控制时间比为30:设计内容和要求1、“人行交通灯”分别由红、绿两只LED发光二极管显示;2、红、 老师让你组织一场即兴演讲,题目是由方仲永所想到的你就为自己设计一 7、在测定小车平均速度的实验中,测得小车由顶端到底端的时间为t1,小车由顶端到7、在测定小车平均速度的实验中,测得小车由顶端到底端的时间为t1,小车由顶端到 中点时间为t2,整个斜面 为自己身边的物品设计广告语 我为自己设计未来 作文300 以“设计自己”为标题的作文 为自己鼓掌作文教学设计 数学研究报告1 应用数学知识为校园、教室、自己的家或者公共场所进行一项局部设计.设计要求:1要实用.或者改善周围环境,或者改进空间结构,或能改变传统知识.2 有价值.设计的效果应该 he is repairing the car outside.改为被动语态the car 为主语 北京为迎接2008奥运会,大力进行城市绿化,现要在一块矩形空地上建一花坛,征集设计方案,要求设计方案由圆和正方形组成(圆和正方形的个数不限),请画出你设计的方案!我自己画的很丑~ 帮我设计几种产品的广告语.不要电视上有的,要求自己设计的 根据实际情况设计电路的题目那种说明要求,要自己设计电路的题目 英语翻译1、该产品由自己开模、设计.2、外形美观大方、精致.3、散热设计、烟囱式的设计,散热高效.灯杯为黑色、辐射散热能力更好,比其他颜色低3到5度. 利用Catia曲面设计模块画个物体,画什么为好呢?课程结束了,大作业是通过零件设计和曲面设计版块各画一物体,自己设计,无任何要求.零件设计我准备画个书桌,但曲面设计就不知道画啥好了.呵