请帮我回答几道高三的语法题28.Computers,_______have many uses,cannot completely take the place of humans.A.that B.though C.which D.as我选B31.Ladies and gentlemen,please remain_______until the plane has come the a complete stop.A.seated

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/10 08:30:40

请帮我回答几道高三的语法题28.Computers,_______have many uses,cannot completely take the place of humans.A.that B.though C.which D.as我选B31.Ladies and gentlemen,please remain_______until the plane has come the a complete stop.A.seated
28.Computers,_______have many uses,cannot completely take the place of humans.
A.that B.though C.which D.as
31.Ladies and gentlemen,please remain_______until the plane has come the a complete stop.
A.seated B.seating C.to seat D.seat
33._______to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of skills.
A.Brave enough students B.Enough brave students C.Students enough brave D.Students brave enough
35.The job will be offered to_______is capable of performing it well.
who B.whoever C.no matter who D.anyone
36.Who should be responsible for the accident?
The boss,not the workers.They just carride out the order_______.
A.as are told B.as told C.as telling D.as they told
38.At an Expo-themed forum in Shanghai`s Yangpu District,Governments were also urged_______a good job in protecting local old buildings and culture while pursuing social and economic development.
A.doing B.having done C.to be done D.to do
40.With Internet use_______in the world,companies like Yahoo and Google are hunting harder for deals.
A.exploded B.having exploded C.being exploded D.exploding

请帮我回答几道高三的语法题28.Computers,_______have many uses,cannot completely take the place of humans.A.that B.though C.which D.as我选B31.Ladies and gentlemen,please remain_______until the plane has come the a complete stop.A.seated
28.这个一开始我也想错了.因为中间这句是插入语,然而插入语没有though+句子的情况,而which 指代很明确 正确
31.remain是联系动词,要加表示状态的词.而seat oneself 是固定搭配,这些加反身代词的动词在表示状态时一般用ed,如dress,a beggar dressed in tatters 这里不用dressing,因为我们有个固定搭配 dress oneself.
33.形容词+enough是常用搭配,如果是名词,则既可以放前面也可以放后面,如money enough,enough money.但是形容词一定要放前面,如 difficult enough
35.这题我尝试解释啊.首先排除no matter who,因为no matter who/ what/ where 这类型的短语只能引导状语从句,e:no matter who you are,you should not violate the law.本题这里缺一个主语,是名词性从句,C不能引导,所以C错.另外,who/ what/ where 除可以引导状语从句外,也可以引导名词性从句(具体请百度一下No matter who就有讲解),所以这里的主语可以用whoever 代替.who一般连接定语从句,但是这里没有先行词(名词)所以不用.anyone是代词,用的话后面应该+that 构成定语从句才通.
36.as are told 是省略句,省略了主语.但是在正确的情况下只有当主句与从句的主语一致的时候才能省略主语.好了,现在把主语补充出来,就是 they(因为用了are) 但是这个they指代的应该是order,此时应该用 it 所以A错了.至于B怎样对了,我很难解释,反正很顺口.C主动表达不清,很混乱,错.D,they指代不明 错.
38.urge sb to do sth 固定搭配 主被动都一样to do
40.随着因特网使用的增长(这里的“爆炸”可理解为快速增长),.增长是主动的,无需用被动,有什么是被爆炸的?被增长的?而且是一种持续增长的状态,用v+ing 很合适

28.先找到主谓,很明显computers 是主语,后面有can not +动词原形,所以可以确定两个逗号间的成分不是句子主干,只是修饰computers ,据语义可知是非限制定语从句,先行词是物,用which。
31. seated 表状态,我们坐在椅子上,椅子当然是被坐了。前面有remain系动词,提示你这是表状态。seating这个词几乎没出现过。


28.先找到主谓,很明显computers 是主语,后面有can not +动词原形,所以可以确定两个逗号间的成分不是句子主干,只是修饰computers ,据语义可知是非限制定语从句,先行词是物,用which。
31. seated 表状态,我们坐在椅子上,椅子当然是被坐了。前面有remain系动词,提示你这是表状态。seating这个词几乎没出现过。
35.如果只是the job is offered to __,毫无疑问填anyone,但后面加了一个定语从句is capable of performing it well就只能用whoever,没有定语从句,就只缺宾语,名词、代词就都可以,加上定语从句,括号内的词不仅充当宾语,还在定语从句中充当主语,这一双重身份只有whoever才能胜任。
36.这里可以有两个答案as told /which are told ,选a就把as 改成which ,当做一个定语从句
38.urge to do 固定搭配


语法检查自从学了GMAT以后,都不敢写英文了...今天写一个句子想了半天,请帮我看看怎么写才是对的~还是全都是对的~A.The company remained some wages payable did not pay to its workers at the end of 2012.B.The comp 请帮我介绍一下现代汉语的语法 请英语好的帮我看看语法 请帮我回答第3题, 请帮我回答一下第五题 请帮我回答几道高三的语法题28.Computers,_______have many uses,cannot completely take the place of humans.A.that B.though C.which D.as我选B31.Ladies and gentlemen,please remain_______until the plane has come the a complete stop.A.seated 关于人教版初中英语初一至初三所有所学语法请帮我列举出人教版初中英语初一至初三所有所学语法.如:某某语态,语态构成就没人能给我个满意的回答吗? AE:一个Comp里能放带有摄像机的Comp吗?我建了一个综合成Comp,里面装了一个带着摄像机的Comp,自从我把这个Comp放在这个综合成Comp里以后,这个Comp就改变了.怎么回事啊?我只想切镜头,所以才建了 如图物理第二题,请帮我看一下我的回答对不对 请帮我回答第4题,我会给采纳的, 请会英文的帮我修改我的句子语法 紧急> 请帮我回答下音乐一词的解释, 中国共产党思想路线的核心和实质?请帮我回答! 什么是幸福?请从哲学的角度帮我回答! 请帮我把下面的补充回答了, 请帮我把下面的补充回答了, 请帮我分析下这句的语法i will make no such promise.没明白这句的语法 请大家帮我推荐一本比较全面的英语语法书.许国璋语法和张道真语法好吗?