
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 08:49:18


There exist some loopholes in internal controls within corporations nationally,such as discard of controlling-environment,disorder of internal accounting systems and inefficiency of controlling procedures,which result from the distortion of internal controls,irrationality of corporational management structure,inefficiency of internal assessing systems and lack of the awareness for internal risks.Thus ,the enterprises are supposed to reinforce the staff awareness ,establish internal control system ,consummate corporational management structure and improve the cooperations between the inside audit and the outside as well .Morever the enterprises should free their information within itself and others for the sake of rising the validation of internal controls.

Currently there are our internal control environment control out of control, chaotic system of internal accounting control procedures and failure of other issues, the main reason is th...


Currently there are our internal control environment control out of control, chaotic system of internal accounting control procedures and failure of other issues, the main reason is there is a deviation understanding of internal control, corporate governance structure is unreasonable, the failure of internal assessment and internal control mechanisms result of risk awareness is not strong, therefore, enterprises should strengthen internal controls to improve the full awareness, establish a sound internal control system, improve corporate governance, strengthen coordination within and outside the control of the trial and the smooth flow of communication channels to improve internal control effectiveness. Do not direct translation of oh translation system


Currently there are our internal control environment control out of control, chaotic system of internal accounting control procedures and failure of other issues, the main rea...


Currently there are our internal control environment control out of control, chaotic system of internal accounting control procedures and failure of other issues, the main reason is there is a deviation understanding of internal control, corporate governance structure is unreasonable, the failure of internal assessment and internal control mechanisms result of risk awareness is not strong, therefore, enterprises should strengthen internal controls to improve the full awareness, establish a sound internal control system, improve corporate governance, strengthen coordination within and outside the control of the trial and the smooth flow of communication channels to improve internal control effectiveness....


英语翻译目前我国企业内部控制存在着控制环境失控、内部会计系统混乱及控制程序失效等问题,其原因主要是对内控的认识存在偏差、企业治理结构的不合理、内部考核机制的失效及企业内 英语翻译目前我国企业内部控制存在着控制环境失控、内部会计系统混乱及控制程序失效等问题,其原因主要是对内控的认识存在偏差、企业治理结构的不合理、内部考核机制的失效及企业内 企业内部控制的作用 英语翻译开展企业内部控制评审的实践探索内容摘要:如同“人无完人”一样,企业内部控制同样存在缺陷之处.如何弥补内控缺陷、完善内控执行系统,正是本文要探讨的内容.本文首先明确了 ”中小企业内部控制存在的问题及对策“用英文怎么翻译?英文论文咋搜啊? 英语翻译加强企业内部控制,对于完善企业内部管理,减少成本费用,防范舞弊,减少损失,提高经济效益,具有重要意义.因此本文研究的主要内容包括:首先,从企业内部控制的概念、企业内部控制 如何加强企业内部控制的措施? 企业内部控制基本规范实施的意义 企业内部控制有效性研究 英文怎么说 英语翻译“但现阶段,我国企业内部控制制度实施的情况参差不一”这一句. 英语翻译完善有效的企业内部控制是保证现代企业正常运行的基础,如果企业的内部控制不能实现对经营和财务活动的有效控制,那内部控制就失去了存在的价值.本文首先阐述了内部控制的 谁能将“我国房地产企业内部控制存在的问题及对策”翻译成英文,这是个论文题目.急 英语翻译摘要:实施 网络 会计 给 企业 带来利益的同时也给企业内部控制带来新 ,建立适应互联网环境的内部控制,其措施应基于企业内部网络和外部网络两大方面来进行.关键词:互联网; 企业内部控制的基本规范的要素和作用 会计电算化条件下加强企业内部控制的意义 浅谈信息化环境下如何加强企业内部控制 英语翻译本文认为,为了切实增强企业内部会计控制,必须强化企业内部牵制制度;科学合理地建立健全企业内部会计控制制度;提高管理层内部控制意识;提高人员素;切实加强计算机管理 英语翻译求翻译成英语论企业内部控制摘要:《企业会计准则—基本准则》和38项具体准则的发布实施,标志着我国以《会计法》为核心、以会计准则和会计制度为主体的会计法规体系基本建