请帮忙看句子这样写对吗?Please pass this samples on to SB.Such is usually the case with the sample.想表达的意思是请把样品转交个某人,样品通常是这样(指的是通常样品都是给某人)句子这样写有没有问

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/14 08:04:53

请帮忙看句子这样写对吗?Please pass this samples on to SB.Such is usually the case with the sample.想表达的意思是请把样品转交个某人,样品通常是这样(指的是通常样品都是给某人)句子这样写有没有问
Please pass this samples on to SB.
Such is usually the case with the sample.

请帮忙看句子这样写对吗?Please pass this samples on to SB.Such is usually the case with the sample.想表达的意思是请把样品转交个某人,样品通常是这样(指的是通常样品都是给某人)句子这样写有没有问
We usually pass the case with sample to SB.


请帮忙看句子这样写对吗?Please pass this samples on to SB.Such is usually the case with the sample.想表达的意思是请把样品转交个某人,样品通常是这样(指的是通常样品都是给某人)句子这样写有没有问 请帮忙看下这样做对吗 如果不对 请详解 请帮忙看一下我这句英文写得对吗?Could you please move the meeting to the morning,may be 10:00-11:00?中文背景:你能否将会议移到早上,或许10点-11点? 英语句子.我这样写对吗? Could you please confirm your choice?这样写对吗? 这样写对吗 不对请改正 请帮忙看一下这个法语地址这样写对吗?谢谢M Claude Trousslere 9 Rue Georges Doublet06100 NICE 请问词与词的中间用不用加点呢,这又是法国的哪个地方的地址呢?谢谢 请帮忙看一下第三题我做的对吗? 请帮忙看下第三题做的对吗? 请帮我看一下我这句英文这样说对吗?谢谢Please refer to the following mail and confirm your attendance and location 这个英语句子我写的对吗?中文内容是:“张先生告诉我,请你们为我们预留15张最好的门票,我们付钱”Mr Zhang told me please help us reserved 15 tickets ,We Have To Pay.thanks .这样写对吗? 这样选择对吗?请支教,只要看灯笼和高粱, 麻烦能否看一下这样写通知格式对吗? 请帮我看看我这句英文这样写对吗?Please find updated file as below.中文是:请见如下更新后的文件. 照样子写句子请帮忙一下 帮忙看一下这道题please! 请大家帮忙看个英语句子,它的语法对吗?RTOn his/her/the shy face is full of entirely false smiles. 定语从句to后面可以接who吗?比如以下句子对吗?Please forward this e-mail to who needs it!还是一定要这样写?Please forward this e-mail to those who needs it!