英语翻译Shrubs/GroundcoversAgapanthus afficanusAzalea spp杜鹃花属植物Acacia redolensAloe spp芦荟属Agave spp龙舌兰属Arbutus unedo ‘compacta’ Baccharis pilularis ‘twin peaks’ Bougainvillea spp叶子花属Buxus spp黄杨木Car

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/03 23:21:44

英语翻译Shrubs/GroundcoversAgapanthus afficanusAzalea spp杜鹃花属植物Acacia redolensAloe spp芦荟属Agave spp龙舌兰属Arbutus unedo ‘compacta’ Baccharis pilularis ‘twin peaks’ Bougainvillea spp叶子花属Buxus spp黄杨木Car
Agapanthus afficanus
Azalea spp杜鹃花属植物
Acacia redolens
Aloe spp芦荟属
Agave spp龙舌兰属
Arbutus unedo ‘compacta’
Baccharis pilularis ‘twin peaks’
Bougainvillea spp叶子花属
Buxus spp黄杨木
Carissa grandiflora
Camellia sasanqua油茶油茶
Cistus spp
Cocculus laurifolius木防樟
Coprosma kirkii
Cuphea hyssopifolia
Dietes vegeta
Echium fastuosum
Elaeagnus pungens胡颓子
Encelia californica
Erythrina humeana
Escallonia rubra
Euonymus japonica spp日本卫矛属
Feijoa sellowiana
Gardenia jasminoides栀子
Hemerocallis spp萱草属
Common Name通用名称
Shell Ginger壳牌生姜
Lily Of The Nile百合尼罗河
Prostrate Acacia俯卧相思
Compact Strawberry Bush布什契约草莓
Dwarf Coyote Brush矮狼刷
Natal Palm纳塔尔棕榈
Orchid Rock Rose兰花岩玫瑰
Laurel Leaf Snailseed
African Iris非洲鸢尾
Pride of Madeira马德拉的骄傲
California Encelia
Natal Coral Tree纳塔尔珊瑚树
Red Or Crimson Escallonia
Evergreen Euonymus长荣大叶黄杨
Pineapple Guava菠萝番石榴
Day Lily金针菜
Botanical Name植物名称
Heteromeles arbutifolia Heteromeles柳
Hibiscus rosa - sinensis芙蓉罗莎-中华
Kniphofia uvaria Kniphofia盘
Lantana montevldensls马montevldensls
Lavandula angustifolia狭叶薰衣草
Lavandula dentata薰衣草树
Laurus nobilis Laurus婆
Ligustrum texanum女贞texanum
Limonium perezii补血perezii
Liriope gigantea湖北巨
Liriope muscari山葡萄
Melaleuca nesophila千层nesophila
Myoporum laetum苦laetum
Myoporum pacificum苦pacificum
Myrtus communis桃金娘群落
Nephrolepis exaltata肾exaltata
Pelargonium peltatum ‘balcomb’ 天竺葵菜' balcomb '
Philodendron selloum蔓羽
Phoenix Robeline Robeline凤凰
Phormium tenax spp Phormium蝇属
Photinia fraseri红叶石楠
Pittosporum tobira ‘variegata’ 海桐'紫荆'
Pittosporum tobira海桐
Pittosporum tobira ‘wheelers’ 海桐'两轮车'
Plumbago capensis白花兔
Podocarpus macrophylla大叶罗汉松
Polygonum capitatum蓼杜鹃
Prunus caroliniana梅花草
Common Name通用名称
Trailing Lantana尾马
English Lavender英国熏衣草
French Lavender法国薰衣草
Sweet Bay甜湾
Texas Privet德州女贞
Giant Lily Turf巨百合草坪
Lily Turf百合草坪
Pink Melaleuca粉红千层
My Porum我国孢
Prostrate My Porum俯卧我孢
True Myrtle真默特尔
Boston Sword Fern蕨类植物波士顿剑
Bal comb Ivy Geranium平衡梳常青藤鹳
Split Leaf Philodendron斯普利特叶蔓
Pigmy Date侏儒日期
Fraser's Photinia弗雷泽的石楠
Variegated Mock Orange杂色模拟橙色
Mock Orange莫克橙
Dwarf Mock Orange矮模拟橙色
Cape Honeysuckle佛得角金银花
Yew Pine松内阁资政李光耀
Carolina Laurel Cherry北卡罗来纳州劳雷尔樱桃
D.6.5 Palms,Perennials and Vine.Like Groundcover—Plant Palette
Botanical Name
Rhaphiolepis spp
Rhamnus alaternus
Rhamnus californica
Rhus integrifolia
Rhus laurina
Rhus ovata
Romneya coulteri
Rosa X flower carpet
Strelitzia reginae
Tecomaria capensis
Ternstroemia japonica
Tibouchina urvilleana
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Trichostema lanatum
Viburnum spp
Vinca major
Xylosma congestum & ‘compacta’ 柞congestum & '致密'
Common Name
India Hawthorn印度山楂
Italian Buckthorn意大利沙棘
Lemonade Berry柠檬水贝瑞
Laurel Sumac劳雷尔黄栌
Sugar Bush布什糖
Matilija Poppy Matilija罂粟
Carpet Rose地毯玫瑰
Bird Of Paradise天堂鸟
Cape Honeysuckle佛得角金银花
Princess Flower公主花
Star jasinine明星jasinine
Woolly Blue Curls毛蓝的卷发
Marathon II Sod And Seed (Or Equal) 马拉松赛和第二号种子超氧化物歧化酶(或等于)

英语翻译Shrubs/GroundcoversAgapanthus afficanusAzalea spp杜鹃花属植物Acacia redolensAloe spp芦荟属Agave spp龙舌兰属Arbutus unedo ‘compacta’ Baccharis pilularis ‘twin peaks’ Bougainvillea spp叶子花属Buxus spp黄杨木Car
Avocado varieties 鳄梨
Acacia baileyana 银叶相思树
Beaucarnea recurvata 酒瓶兰
Brachychiton populneus 异叶瓶木
Callistemon viminalis 串钱柳
Calodendrum capense 好望角美树
Cassia leptophylla决薄
Cinnamomum camphora香樟
Citrus species柑桔
Cordyline species朱蕉
Cupaniopsis anacardiodides
Cupressus sempervirens地中海柏木
Elaeocarpus decipiens杜英

英语翻译Shrubs/GroundcoversAgapanthus afficanusAzalea spp杜鹃花属植物Acacia redolensAloe spp芦荟属Agave spp龙舌兰属Arbutus unedo ‘compacta’ Baccharis pilularis ‘twin peaks’ Bougainvillea spp叶子花属Buxus spp黄杨木Car 英语翻译句子如下:the town has been browsed bare of vegetation except where gardens and shrubs are protected by high fences.这里的browsed翻译成浏览呢,还是吃草呢?我试着对译一下:那个乡镇已经被浏览 光秃秃的 英语翻译Climbing plantsAn enormous number of fine plants,especially shrubs,can be considered climbers because they are trained against calls and fences to give them protection.But in the race for light in the wild woodland of their origins,true c 英语翻译Being an apartment dweller shouldn't keep you from having a garden.Many types of gardens can be created on balconies.With the addition of floral color,a balcony becomes an entertainment center just right for relaxing.Turf,small shrubs,and prune trees and shrubs back from windows翻译这句话谢谢 蓝精灵 37级 harvest 3 shrubs of cherries 怎么完成啊 add a magic shrub to the villagesh.shrubs count towards you garden limit Magnolia are among the most ancient of all shrubs.这句话对嘛 还是把among改成in China,the Homeland of Tea Of the three major beverages of the world-- tea,coffee and cocoa-- tea is consumed by the largest number of people.China is the homeland of tea.It is believed that China has tea-shrubs as early as five to six thousand years 1.It is usually a It is usually a buidding.People collet things there,and show the things to people.It is a ( ).2.A( )is usually a piece of land.People use it for growing flowers,trees,shrubs,and other plants.building,打错了。 with sth.doing和with sth.done都存在么?1.Wide-open grass land,with red rocks and sweet-smelling shrubs scattered about2.The Big Horn were incredible,with pine trees clinging to the steep,rocky walls请解释一下为什么有的用ing有的用ed? 1.Four evergreen shrubs stood at each corner,where they struggled to survive the dust and fumes from a busy main road.后半句意思是他们经受着从繁忙的大街上传来的尘烟,挣扎的生存着.我认为they struggled to survive,与后 英语句子求大神们帮忙看下,谢谢!Located in tropical areas at low altitudes,savannas are stable ecosystems,some wet and some dry consisting of vast grasslands with scattered trees or shrubs.这句话里面为什么要用consisting of这样 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译