
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/14 15:49:26


Translation you, 本人利用翻译网
I love a laugh girl, long hair, I like
我是一个爱笑的女孩子,长长的头发,Ma Weibian bar, I do not wear glasses,
spectacles not, I like to wear a high
collar clothes, jeans and I like the
animals Bear, and sheep,

I am a girl who a love smiles,(我是一个爱笑的女孩子) the long hair,(长长的头发) I like gripping the horse's tail pigtail, (我喜欢扎马尾辫)I do not wear the eyeglasses,( 我不戴眼镜)the eyeglasses am not big,( 眼镜并不大)I like puttin...


I am a girl who a love smiles,(我是一个爱笑的女孩子) the long hair,(长长的头发) I like gripping the horse's tail pigtail, (我喜欢扎马尾辫)I do not wear the eyeglasses,( 我不戴眼镜)the eyeglasses am not big,( 眼镜并不大)I like putting on hich collar's clothes,(我喜欢穿高领的衣服) with the jeans,(和牛仔裤) the animal which I like is the bear, with sheep.(我喜欢的动物是熊,和羊)


i`m a girl who always laughing,with long hair, but most of time I like tie it as a tail. I don't wear glass, moreover my eye is not big.My favorite clothes are those which with turtle neck, and jean of course. i like bear and sheep most.

I'm a girl who always have sweet smile on face.I have long hair and
usually make the ponytail.My eyes are not very big and I don't have to wear a pair of glasses.I like to wear the cloth which collars are very high,and jeans.And my favourite animals are bear and sheep.

I am an always ready to smile girl's son, long long of hair, I like firm horsetail plait, I don't wear glasses, glasses not big, I like to wear Gao Ling3's clothes, with jeans, I like of the animal be a bear, with sheep,

i am a risible girl with long long ponytail. Small eyed and i don't like to wear glasses. I like to wear clothes with high neck, jean is my favourite!
I love bear and sheep, they are so cute! lol
绝对是完全贴切的翻译 任何外国人都看得懂

英语翻译我是一个爱笑的女孩子,长长的头发,我喜欢扎马尾辫,我不戴眼镜,眼镜并不大,我喜欢穿高领的衣服,和牛仔裤,我喜欢的动物是熊,和羊, 用一个词语来形容女孩子的头发她头发长长的披散开,平刘海 “头发怎么能快长长”的英语翻译 爱笑用英语怎么说?可以用一句话来表达,比如我是一个爱笑的女孩 我是一个爱笑的人 作文 (700)字 我是一个大眼睛爱笑的女孩英文怎么翻译? (我是一个爱笑的人) 命题作文怎么写? 英语翻译请用定语从句,尽量简单一点,因为要背TVT1.他是个懂礼貌的男孩子2.她是一个爱穿白色连衣裙的女孩子3.她是一个非常爱笑的女孩子 爱笑的女孩子运气不会太差用英语怎么说 为什么爱笑的女孩子,运气不会太差. 一个活泼阳光爱笑的女孩子和一个有气质的淑女,你觉得你会喜欢上哪一个?. 英语翻译1、自我介绍各位老师同学,我的名字叫做李茜欣,来自中国贵州.我性格开朗活泼,爱好非常广泛.我热爱唱歌、跳舞、看电影等等.我是一个爱笑的女孩儿,我相信爱笑的人运气不会太差. 一个豆芽铺的对联上联:长长长长长长长下联:长长长长长长长横批长长长长,咋么读? 我是活泼开朗的女孩 爱笑爱闹 谁能帮我起一个英语名字? 我是一个有长头发的女孩用英语翻译大神们帮帮忙 一个爱笑的同学作文怎么写 东莞东华初级中学怎么不见有一个长头发的女孩子? 她有长长的黑色头发用英语怎么说