可以帮我写一篇300字的英文短文吗?An African proverb says” if you educate a boy,you educate an individual; if you educate a girl,you educate a family and a nation”write an essay of about 300 words to state your own opinion.deadline:5,

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可以帮我写一篇300字的英文短文吗?An African proverb says” if you educate a boy,you educate an individual; if you educate a girl,you educate a family and a nation”write an essay of about 300 words to state your own opinion.deadline:5,
An African proverb says” if you educate a boy,you educate an individual; if you educate a girl,you educate a family and a nation”
write an essay of about 300 words to state your own opinion.

可以帮我写一篇300字的英文短文吗?An African proverb says” if you educate a boy,you educate an individual; if you educate a girl,you educate a family and a nation”write an essay of about 300 words to state your own opinion.deadline:5,
how about this one You can cut is short
Women's education rights, including the right to schooling, schooling, education, literacy, vocational education, adult education, and so on. Women's right to education does not depend entirely on the number of political, economic and social factors, and social and cultural traditions are closely linked. In China, the right to education is not only women how to deposit life, as the basis for the liberation of women or logo because the level of education and literacy of women representatives, as well as to fundamentally improve the lives of women. Ancient Chinese "woman is not only ethical" ethical values had been right to education for women, improve the education level of spiritual shackles. Based on the traditional Chinese culture, the Communist Party culture and business culture of the three major cultural changes investigation Analysis focused on female education and the right of existence of the problem, To understand Chinese women's status changes provide an important perspective. 1, the traditional female education is the concept of discrimination in education began in China 3,000 years ago in the Shang dynasty, but female education has lagged far behind. Western Zhou period, the feudal keep improving Confucianism Changes to the yin and yang theory, the creation of yin and yang, which overcomes out, saying, boys and girls are different grading of a series of values and ethical norms. 3,000 disciples of Confucius is not a female, and the fact that he's "the only woman and villains are difficult to support" the concept [1], Confucius show discrimination against women. To Han, China formed a patriarchal structure of the patriarchal culture, "the three obediences and the four virtues of" strengthening women's servility and dependence, "expo", "Female commandment" "Women Analects of Confucius" and "Female Fan," a monument of the "four women" as a code of conduct for women \\ name (3) {[2] , and melts in traditional Chinese culture. No independent personality of women naturally have the right to receive education. After the Opium War, Western missionaries in China began to offer girls, aimed at promoting religious teachings. After the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, headed by the reformist camp began clamoring for the right to education of female empowerment. 1898 founded the first Chinese girls school -- "is female Lovers" opened, has maintained for two years. 1907-Chinese government promulgated the statute of a woman. [3] reformers are still thinking of the deep scars of traditional Confucianism, stressing only women should receive an education, that the woman has the goal of education is to better "husband" (Liang Qichao words); They advocate, the education of girls as men, not as proficient as liberal, as long as the "text book, that token, abide by the rules, to things Participation in a number of books, paintings, textiles, cooking things "can be (Zheng Guanying language). They advocate awaken women through education is a wife, mother of the "sense of obligation" rather than emphasizing women's civil rights and equal rights between men and women. [4] The woman then government established the purpose of the school is "beneficial family education", the main courses are learning "for women, UNIFEM, mother, "Road. [5] in 1909, Chen wrote and published the interests of "female" and "female" newspaper article, Virtuous criticized the ideological education of girls. "I was female academics, not to be-mother-wife of Marxism, when the heroine heroine for the purpose. "He also advocated a clear-cut manner, "Teachers wish to patriarchal's absurdities, please take-wife and mother-to's. men and women equal educational, that is, men and women with equal rights. " [6] These statements of the community to enhance women's right to education level of concern. 1919 rise of the New Culture Movement of slogans and anti-feudal program. Chen has severely criticized the "Confucian San remark," that feudalism virtue of loyalty Lie "annoying and who has been pushing the owner's morals, for a person already slave morality." [7] He also noted that the "peoples" of the term non-exclusive men, "then half of the women are included." [8] Chen also shout : "conceit for 1916's young men and women. its struggle to break away from this status accessories to restore an independent personality. " [9] Lu Xun also involved in this initiative gender equality campaign, he said : "The private system of society, Originally, the inclusion of women as private property, as commodities, all countries, all religions, the value he has many strange rules and regulations, women are not seen as an auspicious animals and threatened her and make her slave obedience, also do higher class of toys "[10]. In this context, many progressive people strongly called for the opening of female university ban promote coeducation. Summer 1920 when the National Higher Normal School in Nanjing, Beijing University two first formal school for girls, coeducation. In October 1920 the National government in Jiangsu at the National Conference on Education for the sixth meeting adopted the "promotion of the same school to promote the education of girls case. " Since then, the Chinese public and private universities have opened woman ban. 1922 promulgated the "reform the school system" recognize the gender-neutral education system, officially and clearly the woman has the right to enjoy higher education. [11] In time people with insight concern is the elimination of gender disparities, rather than the pursuit of gender equality, its essence is male-centered measure of value -- since men can receive an education, so women should enjoy equal education. However, such views overlook the inherent characteristics of women, ignore the "sexual teaching" necessary. In addition, the school accepted women often male-model and standards to the development and implementation of training objectives, teaching materials and teaching methods, education hinder women's further development. In 1932, Chinese women's illiteracy is as high as 80% enrollment rate of school-age girls only 20%. [12] The Republic of female education in the best age is in 1947, At that time, female students account for only college students to the total number of only 17.8%. [13] Second, the latter half of the 20th century leaves women the right to education : law and the reality of the situation in 1949, China has drawn up a lot of the protection of women's legal right to education, can be divided into three levels. First, the "constitution" Article 46, paragraph 1 : "The PRC citizens have the right to education and obligations"; Article 48 of the first paragraph : "The PRC women in the political, economic, cultural, social and family life with the man enjoy equal rights. " [14] Second, the State has promulgated the "law on the protection of women's rights." It protects the female children of compulsory education rights "Parents or other guardians must perform to protect women age children to receive compulsory education obligations" (No. 17 ); It has also been stipulated that "the government, the community, schools should focus on school-age children to school female of the practical difficulties, take effective measures, guarantee women age children and teenagers to complete the term of the local compulsory education "(Article 17, paragraph 3). "Women's Rights and Interests Protection Act" to protect women's access to education and the right to education, "Schools and departments should implement relevant provisions to protect women in the school, school, graduation distribution, degree-granting, sent to study other aspects enjoy equal rights as men "(No. 15). It also stipulates that "people's governments at all levels should be removed in accordance with the provision for the women were illiterate or semi-literate. in literacy and post-literacy education to planning, consistent with the nature of women's organization and methods of work, organization, supervising the implementation of specific departments "(No. 19). The law also provided for the protection of women to receive vocational education, technical training and health education. "People's governments at all levels and relevant departments should take measures women's access to vocational education and technical training "(No. 19); and that "schools should be based on the characteristics of young women in the education, management, facilities and so on to take measures the protection of women's physical and psychological development of young people "(No. 16). In addition, the law also stipulates that the "state organs, social groups, enterprises, and institutions should implement the relevant state regulations, protection of women in science, technology, literature, art and other cultural activities. enjoy equal rights as men "(No. 20). [15] Third, the special education law more specific provisions. For example, "Education Law" stipulates : "All children aged 6 years of age, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, Admission should accept the compulsory education period. conditions are not favorable, may be deferred to the school seven years "(Article 5); "Parents or other guardians have school-age children or guardians were on time to school, accept years of compulsory education "; "school-age children, Junior because of illness or other special circumstances need to postpone enrollment or from school, by children, juvenile's parents or other guardians application by the local government for approval "(No. 11); "Local governments at all levels must create the conditions for school-age children, receive compulsory education. Apart from the illness or special circumstances, as approved by the local governments, school-age children, Teenagers do not accept the compulsory school by the local government of his parents or other guardians criticism and education, and take effective measures, ordered them to send their children to school or are guardians "(Article 15, paragraph 1). [16] In addition, in 1986 promulgated the "Compulsory Education Law" Article 5 states : "Anyone aged 6 years of age, children regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, it should be provided to school with years of compulsory education. " 1993 amendments to the "eradication of illiteracy in the" two states : "People aged above 15 years of age were illiterate or semi-literate citizens, in addition to loss of ability to learn, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, literacy education have received the rights and obligations. " [17] From the above we can see that China's protection and the protection of women's legal right to education is quite comprehensive, it is a historical progress. But in reality, after the traditional culture based men, the political culture of the Chinese Communists and commodity-based money-orientated culture. Chinese women enjoy the right to education has failed to progress but in many areas suffer a serious setback. Discrimination against women in a cultural atmosphere under existing laws appeared to be very pale and weak. First, the educational level of women generally lower than men's. Although the 1999 college girls account for 40% The proportion of female students from 10% in 1978, rising to 32%[18]. But according to enrollment of school-age girls look at the proportion of women, female enrollment rate is still low. The beginning of 1990 men and women in secondary gross enrollment rate of 11% variance of [19], and the girls high school enrollment rate of school-age females accounted for only 15% of the total. University of female enrollment rate of female peers only 2% of the total. [20] Obviously, the higher the level of education institutions, the number of women studying less, which is frustrating phenomenon. Overall, women generally low education level. The 1990 census showed that 15 general practitioners over the age of the population with secondary female, only a high school education is 4.2%, well below the national average of 11%. [21] According to the 1993 statistics, 15 to 54-year-old female population, university or higher education level is only 2.33%, and 11% of high school education, junior middle school or below accounted for 86%. [22] "Nanfang Daily," made in 2002 poll, women's average years of education than men 1.5 years, the 30-year-old population of women than men 0.3 years. [23] In the Mao Zedong era, China has, or claims to be the eradication of illiteracy, rural Private Education practiced free education Despite the limited quality of teaching. After entering the Deng Xiaoping era, the spread of illiteracy, especially female illiteracy is a significant pickup rural girls large number of drop-outs and drop-out. 1993, the National Women's illiteracy rate of 30% every three over the age of 12 women who have an illiterate, illiterate rural population 69.5% are women. [24] At present, China's annual 100 million out-of-school children, 70% of them are girls. [25] Guangdong in a suburb of the implementation status of girls out of school surveys, out-of-school children are minors (6-18 years) 5% of the total, which represents 92% of girls. [26] 2002 French "Liberation" Beijing correspondent Pierre Aids (Shi Han Chinese name) published in Paris a highly publicized "Diary of Ma Yan," France quickly boarded the annual best-selling book list. It is the author Xihaigu in Ningxia region interview accidental discovery of a school girl's diary, documented a western village of female students in the daily lives of her desire to go to school, they may drop out of the fear, Mama would not let her go to school through the pain of learning and the determination to change the destiny. Ma Yan May 2, 2000 diary reads : "This time we took a week-long leave, my mother said to me : 'children mom wanted to tell you that one thing '. Mom said you afraid this is the last time the school. I looked at my mother looking on, how would you say such a thing? Mom went on to say that your sister and brother 3 school, your father a person working in the field. Koo is (LAB) But the ah! you are a mother, It seems that I must go home. Mom said to be ah! those of us (2) a brother? Their mother says you (2) a brother also must study. I asked my mother why the boy to school, girls can not study? Mom said you were small, understand this, you are grown up they will understand. This year, I go to school, I came back to farm, public (for) support my brother to school. I think of the entertainment for the campus, Just as in the same school studies. I want to study ah! But my family money. I want to go to school. Mama, I do not want to go home. I would like to stay on campus has been that nice ah! "[27] of female illiteracy and the evil to occur on a large scale and demonstrates not only the women were deprived of the right to education, and shows the social status of women was a fatal blow. The right to education, poverty and economic deprivation are closely linked. In contemporary China, no culture can not exist, can not survive it is difficult to receive education; Without access to education, survival more difficult. This no culture -- poverty -- no more culture -- even the vicious circle of poverty, lead to many poor and illiterate women into catastrophe Minute million in a miserable state. One of the 10 provinces of illiteracy of the survey showed that female illiteracy, 40% because of family financial difficulties, and then go back to school. 22.7% because of the family and children, do not attend school; After the loss of school students, girls accounted for 80%. [28] More alarming is that the level of education is the inter-generational genetic characteristics of future generations of illiteracy are often illiterate, because their parents directly affect the education of their children education. According to the Central Education Science Research Institute, 2,644 pairs of female illiteracy survey, 43.8% of people with their parents for illiteracy, semiliterate, 8.3% of people's parents, spouses are illiterate or semi-literate. [29] Hunan, south of a county survey, 8,600 households in the county have six poor households, 800 households are illiterate or semi-literate. [30] The lower the level of education, employment levels are lower, pay less. 1990, a study showed that the level of education and production, the economic benefits are closely linked. A high school educational level of farmers per capita income families to 31.71 yuan. and illiteracy is only 4.72 yuan, a difference of 6.7 times. [31] As the agricultural technology in the increase, the gap between receipts will become grown geometrically. In the Mao Zedong era, the vast majority of farmers trapped in the villages Lane. 20 Since the 1990s, a large number of farmers leaving the city. 2000 Fifth census results indicated that the floating population reached 120 million. which migrant children is estimated at 12 million, while women accounted for 50% of the floating population around. The existing education system, the implementation of compulsory education stage "grade school", "classification management" -- that is, basic education county, Rural financial management burden. Living in the cities of migrant children failing to account inflows, thus able to enjoy the city and the same age children equal access to education; They stay with her parents in the city, also inaccessible location of the origin rural education system, has become the "marginalization" of a large group. [32] The resulting flow of the rural population, especially in rural compulsory education of female citizens enjoy the right to be deprived of the phenomenon. March 2000 to May, and the Beijing municipal government Dudaoshi education in the district education department supervisors, in the form of the questionnaire within the city in the census of mobile children, adolescents in the study of Beijing found that "alien children, Junior majority chose to enter full-time temporary public schools, primary schools in the county have reached 69,283 217,000 number, But there are also a considerable number of affordability for poor or fear in the public schools of discrimination, and other reasons unable or unwilling to public schools Reading choose people from outside running the schools of the children of migrant workers or attending school point. Such schools or teaching point the city has more than 100 , the students who reached 16,000. "[33] The same survey indicates that floating population of girls mainly concentrated in the "alien population in running the schools", but these schools are "illegal operators" "School Management chaos", "low and teacher", "poor school conditions," "Student safety and health protection impossible." Among the floating population in the capital of the fate of girls like this, other developed areas it is even more bad. [34] "Rules for the Implementation of the Compulsory Education Law" Section 8 clearly states : "the implementation of compulsory education, should have the following basic criteria : (a) school-age children, Junior amount equivalent to the applicable premises and other basic facilities. "However, in reality no one is responsible for overseeing the implementation o

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