
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 16:48:56


Many types of parents live in this world. There are different types of parents. There are easy going parents and also extremely strict parents. I think good parents should let the kids explore by themselves and also care about what they are doing.
If parents let their kids use the internet, it is a good thing because this way, kids can be informed about the news and also work at the same time. Facebook, Windows Live Messenger and all those instant messaging and chatting websites and programs are actually helping the kids because usually the kids go on to ask for help on homework from their friends.
Let the kids hang out with friends. Parents should let kids have more freedom, if the kids are happy with their socializing, it will let the kid stay happy. Happiness is good for people’s health. If parents let the kid socialize more, then the kid will be happy and not be all depressed and stressed out. Friends can give support, encouragement or just cheer the kid up.
Money and cell phones will be a big part of a kid’s life. Parents should give at least some money to a kid each month. Some of it is for the phone money and some for whatever he/she wants to buy. Kids always want a cool cell phone to text their friends when they’re bored or just to have it because it is a handy tool. Parents should definitely give money to the kids, not a lot, some is enough.
The biggest problem is most parents are always saying, kids should use more time to study! Kids don’t need money and cell phones! And talking to your friends on the internet is wasting time! All of those things are kind of true, but if the parents don’t give the kids what they want, then the kids will always be angry and depressed. That’s not going to help their education. Kids need to be happy and good in school at the same time, so parents should give them freedom.
Lastly, I would like to say, it’s up to the parents to tell the kids what to do, but I think parents should give kids more freedom and independency. It will help the kids be more cheerful as a person and good in school work. One last thing, kids, if your parents give you this amount of independency, take it and don’t take more, then next time they will give you a bit more. Just take the right amount, it is all about trust.

英语翻译主要涉及内容:感谢父母这些年来的养育之恩;向父母汇报一下自己现在的学习情况以及在校生活情况(这两方面都写好的);以后要怎样孝敬父母……翻译出的汉字作文大约800字. 培根的人生哲学主要涉及什么内容 中国共产党十八届一中、二中、三中……各中全会主要涉及商讨的内容有哪些,烦请懂的人回答,感谢! 《论语》主要涉及学习中哪俩个方面的内容? 高中化学全国联赛内容涉及哪些方面?据说很难很难,主要想知道内容涉及哪些方面并且大概的难易程度. 英语翻译1.尊重父母是中华民族的传统美德之一.2.大多数同学都是独生子女,只看重自己不顾及父母.3.开展尊重父母的活动4.要记住父母生日.父母进门要和他们打招呼.主要就这些, 英语翻译(初三年来最要感谢陪伴我的人,初三年来最感谢那些考场相遇人.假如我有一天突然消失,你们是否会发现) 这些年来感谢有你的陪伴,用英语怎么说 大学物理主要涉及哪些内容?难不难? 太史公自序主要涉及哪些内容? 英语翻译:这些年来我简直不知所谓 感谢父母的作文 感谢父母的作文 我要感谢我的父母 用英语翻译 包括函数、相似这些主要的内容. 量子力学涉及的物理学内容? 经济环境涉及很多因素,与企业内部控制工作相关的内容主要包括哪些 “朝秦暮楚”发生在什么时期,涉及什么人物,主要的内容/含义?